Important Action You Must Take In The Morning

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by CoolRandomDesiDude, May 18, 2020.

  1. CoolRandomDesiDude

    CoolRandomDesiDude Fapstronaut

    Guys I cannot stress this enough. SET A STRICT TIME TO WAKE UP AND ABIDE BY IT. I have basically programmed myself to wake up at 0600 every morning which means that I must go to bed at 2200 the night before. My body clock is on board with these times and their calculations. If I do not wake up at this time, my entire day is thrown off. Outside of this set time, my body clock is absolute s**t at managing these calculations. I am more prone to oversleeping. When I undersleep, those hours lost come back to claw at my productivity. On the point of oversleeping, that is when urges start hitting at you. Those hormones that cause morning wood and the hyperactive libido after wake-up will manifest the more you lie in bed. During your sleep you must make sure to maintain a good position by sleeping on your back with a proper arch, not on your stomach where you will be susceptible to prone masturbation. Sleeping on your side is fine as long as you keep your body perpendicular to the bed. Sinking your hips to rub your genitals against the bed will do damage on your lower back, especially if you are somebody like me who does deadlifts for violent sports like Canadian football and rugby. You start losing this discipline to maintain your sleeping form when you oversleep and these hormones start hitting you. You may be getting quite arousing dreams by dint of this and may feel like sleeping more to "further experience" the dream. When you wake up way later in the morning, you lose more productive hours. If you look at your day with meals being your markers, you can see the relationship. Breakfast is the most energizing because you are literally breaking a fast and that aids your productivity by giving your engine a spark. However lunch and dinner are your energy sappers short term. Carbs are often recommended with lunch which will power you in the evening but the metabolic processes when that is happening saps you of energy and productivity throughout the afternoon. Dinner is the heaviest according to the progressive heaviness of your meals through the day and there is not much to do afterwards than to enjoy leisure and go to sleep. DON'T SHOOT YOURSELF IN THE FOOT BY UNDERCUTTING YOUR BEST HOURS OF PRODUCTIVITY. WHEN THE SUN HITS ITS HIGHEST, YOU NEED TO HAVE TAKEN OUT YOUR TOP TARGETS. YOU ONLY DESERVE TO COME HOME TO YOUR BED ONCE ALL BUSINESS HAS BEEN TAKEN CARE OF FOR THE DAY.
  2. lolos

    lolos Fapstronaut

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  3. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    I am an early riser now, and it has had huge benefits to my productivity, energy levels, etc. I wake at 5am sharp during the week. At weekends I allow myself a lie-in - until 5.30am :p

    I like to do something relaxing enjoyable and edifying first thing in the morning. I am following a Bible study guide to read the whole Bible in a year, starting 1st Jan. Reading about 2-4 chapters a morning according to the guide, takes me about 20 minutes. Then I do my morning yoga - an excellent time of the day to exercise, free from distractions - make myself a coffee, and start planning for the day.

    I am studying at the moment, so that takes precedence, but generally speaking - plan to do the HARDEST tasks in the morning, allow for a 'slump' after lunch (I find this is a good opportunity to get through some low effort tasks, such as tidying up or sorting my email), and another good couple hours before dinner. Personally I like to keep my evenings free, spend them with my wife and child. But some people have another spike of productivity in the evenings too.
    CoolRandomDesiDude likes this.
  4. CoolRandomDesiDude

    CoolRandomDesiDude Fapstronaut

    Well there was a reason why Sun Tzu said to attack your opponent in the evening when they are all tired than in the morning where they are all fresh. I mainly find it with me that I become very sluggish in the afternoon due to the metabolic processes at time during the day. But I end up getting another spike throughout the evening when those nutrients are processed. However this spike loses quite a bit of efficiency if I use it to repeat things done with my morning and if I am still putting in high effort during the sluggish state. If I have 16 hours for my day, 6 hours go to the morning spike, 4 to the transitional period, and 6 hours to the evening spike. As of quarantine, I dedicate all my schoolwork to the morning spike, ease up off the pedal for the 4 hours of lethargy with less intense schoolwork and leisure, and then place all measures of self-improvement in the evening spike. I exercise, pray, and groom in the early morning to get me going and prepare my schedule for tomorrow before bed to cool down for the day. The sluggish 4 hours are a big threat to my streak because willpower and drive is low at that time and I have fell during those times the most and if I wake up late, the rest of the morning is doused out. If you have a plan and execute it consistently and cohesively, you won't even have those damning thoughts infiltrate your mind by dint of your direction.
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