Everything you need to know about women attraction - 5 years experience with life hacks

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by sephhh, Mar 16, 2018.

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  1. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    Great post. I agree with most of what you have described here. I can see some negativity towards NoFap and female attraction. Sadly, it seems like 80% of these people are the ones who either hadnt pass the 60 days mark, or have edged, used P subs, or fantasized for the whole reboot process.

    Heres my grain of salt. I've always has my luck with women. It all "stopped" when I started to fap every single day. I got fat, unmotivated and deppresed. You can say "well, it is obvious you lost it after you got fat". It was not because of fat, in my very first streak, I was still fat(skinny fat its a more fitting description, like a twig with a pregnant woman's belly and bitch tits, seriously, I looked horrible), but suddenly, the female attraction came back and hit me like a train. Women of all ages, social and financial statuses, looks, etc, it seemed that ALL OF THEM wanted a piece of me. Looks from them, calls, talk initiations, nice comments, etc.

    Now, Im not a friendly looking dude, and that makes me almost not approachable, but man, even un that case, girls walking with their boyfriends gave me that "fuck me" look. It was insane.

    I simply cannot explain it, and theres why I differ with some explanations around here. "Energy", "aura", "chakras", etc, while they are cool theories, are just things that cannot be proven. But oh boy they are real.

    I like to take note of female attraction on my journal, and its not because I like to brag, it is because when women are interested in you, its because you look and act like a healthy guy. I recommend to all of you to take notes of that for future references.
  2. sephhh

    sephhh Fapstronaut

    I never had a wetdream before so I cannot relate to the correlation between nofap and IF. Food is very important, I do believe that maybe your metabolism working throughout the day may have an influence on your little guy; especially when you explain your story and experience.

    IF is a great tool to help through nofap. Period.

    Thank you for your comment on here brother. I hope you update me in the future.

    PMO is the reason why i lose motivation and somehow forget every goal that I have? It's strange I understand completely what you're saying.
  3. sephhh

    sephhh Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry I have no experience with wet dreams. I would assume any loss of energy takes a toll. But, I was able to maintain strong energy with sex in the past. It's just not nearly as strong as pure nofap.
    Hank Pym likes this.
  4. sephhh

    sephhh Fapstronaut

    I am not alone in this women attraction just solidifies the truth in this all. It is scientifically proven that we are all made of of the same, "energy," but we don't know how the energy permeates and effects other energy; we do know it does but not the level or limit.

    Thank you for your comment i really enjoyed reading what you said because i can relate to it so easily.
    ronkumar likes this.
  5. sephhh

    sephhh Fapstronaut

    My gentlemen and potentially ladies,

    Thank you for reading and being apart of my journal and I hope you can take some of my wisdom and apply it to your lives in a way that works the most efficient for you.

    Today is 112 days since PMO and 11 days since O. I'll be honest with you i haven't been able to push very long without some form of ejaculation which I believe has slowed my progression in a large way (Around once a week average). With that said, I want to say that even with Oing; simply removing porn from my life I have seen a HUGE transition. I no longer think about porn at all and don't find it necessary to think about it in the least degree. My hair is growing incredibly thick when before it was very thin, i have become wayyy more muscular and with a six pack (i've been hitting the gym super hard), I feel generally good and have less and less down days. I'm on a medium to high energy range right now. I no longer get the lows and wake up and go about my day without fog or hold back. I have to say that I have become much more attractive in the last 100 days. I'm very comfortable with myself and I feel ontop of he world. I have a business I'm taking over, I have women who love me and want me even though i make them friends, I do not pursue sex and don't allow myself to be a slave to it. Don't get me wrong, I am not perfect but I am a MUCH BETTER version of myself. I'm thoughtful, I communicate masterfully, my intuition is on point and I just want to feel love, gratitude and peace.

    We all have skills that makes us good in many things. Use your energy wisely and become the best version of yourself. EVEN if it takes 10 years. Work everyday. Those little things turn into big things. If i would've given up on myself the last 5 times i failed nofap and fell into the PMO cycle for years i'd be nowhere right now.

    Here is a poem I love and memorized. I grew up with it in my mothers home framed on the wall:
    “Believe in yourself and in your dream,
    Though impossible things may seem
    Someday, somehow you’ll get through
    To the goal you have in view.
    Mountains fall and seas divide,
    Before the one who in his stride
    Takes a hard road day by day
    Sweeping all obstacles away
    Believe in yourself and in your plan
    Say not – I cannot – but say I can
    The prizes of life we fail to win
    Because we doubt the power within…”
    – anon

    Stay classy fellas. Be a man. No need to touch yourself like a perv. Be real.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2018
    Axesteel, ronkumar, RealMe and 3 others like this.
  6. Decoder™

    Decoder™ Fapstronaut

    Indeed, the way you express how you go about your day really keeps me hooked on what you have to say on the next line.
  7. sephhh

    sephhh Fapstronaut


    I hope you have discovered by now, that nofap is simply the beginning of change. What I mean by that is, there isn't just one life hack, one thing, one diet or pill that will save you. There isn't anything out there that will deliver you success. Success is a CAMPAIGN of discipline and hard work. Everyday you have to trick your mind and work for what you really desire. Nofap will help, diet will help, meditation will help.. but those things aren't the things that bring you success. YOU are the thing that brings YOU success. You are the defining factor. Now it doesn't take a doctor to tell you that your sperm is powerful and it is your essence and energy of you. Wasting it is obviously a detriment to your inner self and your inner being. You have to take full responsibility for everyting you do. You must take responsibility and know that you are the master of your own kingdom. Nofap will give you an edge on many different levels for many different things. People will like you more and you will do things unknowingly and subconsciously that people will like while on nofap.

    If you don't program your mind you will become programmed. This is why we have to try so hard to campaign towards success. Be grateful for every good day you have and know that not every day is going to be a good day. But as soon as the enemy starts creeping into your mind on those bad days you have to get up and change your atmosphere, change your mind, change whta you are doing, clean your room, organize your life and do EVERYTHING in your power to change the direction of your mentality. Because it is what comes from within that delivers you to the top. It is inside you. No matter the pressure no matter the outside force, your actions are birthed from within. It's whats inside that matters.

    So many things have changed on this journey of mine. I am a CEO right now. I am communicating with million dollar investors and I have a team built and ready for the future. I would not be here if I had given up on myself. I would not be here if it wasn't for my daily effort every day no matter the pain no matter the difficulty no matter how much i hated myself i pushed through. And if it wasn't for this constant campaign to change and my constant desire to follow my dreams, I would be no where right now. I am somebody because i decided to be someone. And nofap was just the beginning for me. I will achieve my dreams and I will do everything in my power to acheive my greatness. My greatness isn't a defining moment it isn't something that just happens to me. It is a lot of small decisions, done well, that has brought me here. I sought after courage, i sought after success. In order for you to fully attract a good mate you have to love yourself first and foremost. If you can't love yourself you cannot have that woman you want. Nofap allows yourself to begin that journey of self love. Self energy. Self respect. Love. Gratitude. Wisdom. Foresight. Program your own mind and don't allow it to be prgrammed by the world, it will use you and destroy you.

    I love you, reader, even though I don't know you. I want the very best for you. I wish I could look you into your own eyes and tell you, "You can do it." because you can. You can do this. You're not alone. And it is possible.

    Stay classy.
  8. Thank you, @sephhh. This thread is my bookmarked link for the forums, so I always enjoy seeing it updated. I understand that it's a rare thing given where you are, and honestly, I think none of us wants to be here. We're he because we've identified something we dislike (our PMO) and we're here to overcome that. As we do, we need to be here less, so I am glad to see anyone no longer need to come here.

    There is a small A4-sized poster on the front door of the dieticians office at my gym. It's for physio or somesuch, and has the line 'Love yourself enough to move'. Love isn't what drives me, and probably hasn't driven me since my mid- to late-teens - it's the other thing. I've been tempted to take a black marker to it, cross it out and replace it with 'hate', but the cameras would see me doing it, and my trainer would twig on pretty quickly who it was regardless.

    Thank your for your kind thoughts. Today hasn't been one of the 'bad' days from an urge perspective, but last week was rough, more from a 'life sucks, and what I used to use to get by (masturbation and drinking myself to unconsciousness) aren't an option' than anything else.

    Fight the good fight, precious.
    sephhh likes this.
  9. Shiva44poison

    Shiva44poison Fapstronaut

    Very nice are you married
    sephhh likes this.
  10. Mistakesweremade

    Mistakesweremade Fapstronaut

    I doubt this had anything to do with his relapse. It's true after a relapse you may lose some or all of that chick magnet powers. But women treating him like dirt all of sudden? That sounds more like backlash from women who were fed up with him. (Bad karma I say...)

    If you pay attention in his posts, he mentions how he gets arrogant/cocky whenever he's on 60+ day streaks. (Ex even confirms he is full of himself.)

    I admit he has some interesting posts on women attraction, but the way he seems to get an ego boost by mentioning how numerous women want to bed him & they're like tools who act irrationally to his semen retention makes me wander whether he's really doing this for spiritual self-improvement or if he just wants to be a player.

    It's also rather disappointing for those more interested in the women attraction part of nofap. In his journal, he mentions he is a very good looking white male. 6'1, with blue eyes, brown hair, fit body. Has slept with 20+ women before the age of 22? (I think that was before he even knew about nofap.)

    Not hating or anything but he doesn't sound like the best candidate to listen too on the subject.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2018
  11. Interesting, given that I'm coming to realise that I myself have a perceptibly dark aura around me. People are seeing me as less 'dark', and while I don't see it, I do admit to being my own toughest critic. It's too early to say whether my depression or my ASD have been affected (either positively or negatively) by my abstinence, but I have had to confront some issues that have long guided my place in the world. While the issue that brought them up is largely resolved, the underlying matters have not yet been, and I'll be intrigued as to what eventuates further.
    IzzyIt’sMe and sephhh like this.
  12. sephhh

    sephhh Fapstronaut

    Lol, no i am not married. 100 % of my essence is dedicated to my dream which is the vision of glory changing the world for the better. Women have only been a distraction for me and I will not fail nofap due to women drama.

    Very valid points. You're right, there is a fine line between confidence and cockiness and I crossed it intermittently. I am not a perfect person and yes I am a good looking man. But there is a definite clear difference between nofap 60+ and a lifestyle of pmo. Most all the girls i slept with were practically one night stands and in no way could i ever hold onto any one of those women.

    Bottom line is; I was doing it wrong for the wrong reasons.

    The good thing about nofap is it allows you to dissect your essence, your being and your mind. The point I would like to suggest to watch this youtube video once a day. Re-evaluate yourself and seriously listen to this once a day every single day. Download the mp3 and put in your phone, ipod or computer. Listen and know that as a man thinketh, so is he.

    Love you guys, change your mind and you change your world.
  13. Shiva44poison

    Shiva44poison Fapstronaut

    According to you No any married guy can change the world or make it better
  14. sephhh

    sephhh Fapstronaut

    I believe that there is a girl that can assist me with my success; I would love to come across this.

    My goal is centered on my success. I am physically and mentally exhausted of poor relationships that I give no space for them until I have accomplished that which I desire more than anything in the world; my financial success, my spiritual success, my physical success and when I have everything I want. Then, maybe, I can allow a woman involved. I live in breathe these desires every single day and NOTHING can stop me.
    Shiva44poison likes this.
  15. Shiva44poison

    Shiva44poison Fapstronaut

    So If I want to achieve all that what you said.... I also has to choose hard mode???
  16. sephhh

    sephhh Fapstronaut

    Everyone has their own journey, my friend. Success is a campaign of discipline and hard work. Study success, learn success, follow people that have achieved what you seek to do. Re-evaluate your mind, re-evaluate your circumstance and simply changing the way you think about things changes your entire being.

    You are linked into a paradox of life where your mind is an operating node that consciously attracts and repels people, physical things, circumstances and more. The laws of the universe such as the law of polarity and what I call the laws of conscious intention (my version of law of attraction) will bring you whatever you seek.

    Your mind is all you need to win. Therefore, tricking your mind is the key to change. Write down your goals and view them everyday. Seek people better than you and who you want to aspire to be. Look at positivity in ALL things. Success is relative to what you seek. We are all self made, it's only the wealthy that are willing to admit it.

    Wake up and fight for your motivation, fight for conquering your mind and maintain it everyday. FORCE yourself at all costs to win. Your mind is the battle ground; the devil doesn't have to tie you up for you to be bound, he only has to tie up your head... with stress, with worry, with low self-esteem, with pettiness with selfishness. And the devil can make you physically sick because your mind is sick. THEREFORE your mind is the answer you seek and the battleground you must face day in and day out. You have to reach deep within your gut to pull out this fire in your belly to force yourself to change. It takes time and a lot of work. nofap is only the beginning and not at all the solution. You are the solution.
    ronkumar and Shiva44poison like this.
  17. Shiva44poison

    Shiva44poison Fapstronaut

    You are great...
    sephhh likes this.
  18. Shiva44poison

    Shiva44poison Fapstronaut

    I want to do hardmode bro .... But I am married.... How to do... Plzzzz suggest
  19. sephhh

    sephhh Fapstronaut

    You are great!!!

    I am simply attempting to be the best version of myself because I believe I deserve the best version of myself; along with my family, my friends, my partners and everyone that I come across.

    You are capable of amazing great things. There have been BILLIONS of people that have lived on this earth but there has never been another YOU! You have talents, gifts and abilities that you can't even see within you. We have to believe that there is something more to this and that you are capable of great things, because you are.
    ronkumar likes this.
  20. sephhh

    sephhh Fapstronaut


    Just do it.

    It helps to have your spouse support you by being open about it with her.

    I would study sacred sexuality if I were you. You can practice separating your orgasm from ejaculation (yes these are two different mechanisms) Buddhist monks have practiced having sex without ejaculation. This is an art and takes time, practice and can be done in a healthy way.

    This is a good one on sacred sexuality. May need to look into other sources for sperm retention.
    Deleted Account likes this.