It takes 35.6 weeks of abstinence to cure your brain

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Fenix Rising, May 24, 2019.

  1. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    I finally found some reliable science study how long does it take to regrowth your grey matter volume to base line or above after being addicted for long time.

    It takes 35.6 weeks of abstinence on average (range 26.4–44.9, sd 6.2). With 26.4 weeks in the best case scenario on 44.9 weeks in the worst cases.

    Study was done on alcohol, cocaine and heroin groups but according to authors almost the same brain's grey matter changes where observed with people who have compulsive behavior addictions (sex, porn, gambling, overeating disorders)

    So we have a timeline guys 250 days on average (185-314 days). We should be aiming for 314 just to be sure.

    The very, very good news is that the study shows that we can grow grey matter volume way above baseline (giving us even more self control than control group) if we continue with abstention past these dates.


    Weeks of abstinence.
    Table 2) were observed to show positive correlations with weeks of abstinence, that is grey matter volume in these regions increased with abstinence. These included left insula, left and right cingulate gyri, the left cuneus, left and right superior frontal gyri, left culmen of the cerebellum, and the right middle temporal gyrus. As can be seen in Figures 1 and 2, in each of these regions, those CD users with shorter periods of abstinence show less GM than controls. Those who were abstinent longer show greater GM volumes than controls. The cross-over point from relatively smaller to relatively greater volumes was quite consistent across all regions, averaging 35.6 weeks of abstinence (range 26.4–44.9, sd 6.2). Three regions (see Table 2) were observed to display negative correlations with length of abstinence. These included regions in bilateral cuneus and one in the left precuneus. In these regions, on average 24.2 weeks of abstinence (range 18.5–27.6, sd 5.0) passed before the level of GM equaled that of controls and then declined further with increased periods of abstinence.


    Here's URL to full study:

    It makes you wonder where 90 days reboot timeline came from. Probably from habit forming timeline (66 day +-14 days) trials but applying habit breaking/forming timeline to addicted brain is complete bullshit.
    Last edited: May 24, 2019
  2. ZenAF

    ZenAF Fapstronaut

    Thanks for posting. I have to differentiate a bit though. The study is focused on grey matter volume. But just because you've regrown the grey matter doesn't necessarily mean that you've cured yourself of your addiction.
    But it's a nice encouragement to know we can mend the damage that we've done.
  3. stoneyman22

    stoneyman22 Fapstronaut

    interesting it decreases grey matter in some areas to abstain
    ForceMaster likes this.
  4. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    Mine took (is taking) way way longer than that.
  5. Fist, thank you for sharing it. Second, some bullshit. This period is too long. Which is good for us. I think recovery is way shorter. As far as actual sex addiction goes, it is a different animal.
    ForceMaster and stoneyman22 like this.
  6. Heyah lad! Thanks for this.
  7. stoneyman22

    stoneyman22 Fapstronaut

  8. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    The study is mainly focused in grey matter volume growth in prefrontal cortex (cortex praefrontalis) associated with executive functions (cognitive control of behavior), self-control, if you will and parts associated with self awareness and self control.

    Insulae are believed to be involved in consciousness and play a role in diverse functions usually linked to emotion or the regulation of the body's homeostasis. These functions include compassion and empathy, perception, motor control, self-awareness, cognitive functioning, and interpersonal experience.

    Anterior cingulate cortex - The ACC is involved in error and conflict detection processes.
    Last edited: May 24, 2019
  9. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    I have to disagree on that. All brain scan evidence suggest that compulsive addictive behaviors leave very similar brain changes as substance abuses. Because from physiological viewpoint addiction is nothing else as deep learned behavior. If you repeat any dopamine/serotonine related behavior long enough your will brain will rationalize and shift this behavior from prefrontal cortex to your lizard part of the brain (automate it). It's the way for your body to save body energy. Less grey matter in PFC means less energy consumption. Your brain is suddenly getting all the dopamine/serotonine it needs from PMO sessions and brain associates this with all your fundamental needs (food, sex, safety) has been suddenly covered with this "jackpot behavior", so it doesn't need big rational part of the brain that much anymore so it reduce it to save on energy consumption. It sound's FU, I know, but this is how our body functions. It's incredible rational survival machine. But it wasn't build on premise that any highly dopamine rewarding but in reality harmul behaviour could be only one click, glass, sniff or needle away.
    Last edited: May 24, 2019
  10. Your counter says 143 days. Tell me you are still an addict after that period and imma go crazy.
    ForceMaster likes this.
  11. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    I'm still recovering addict, there's no doubt about it. I'm doing much better than 5 months ago, but still experience addiction related symptoms. As you can see time heals but it's a slow painful process. You have to embrace it.
  12. Like what?
    ForceMaster and stoneyman22 like this.
  13. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    Typical PAWS, insomnia, mood swings, depression/anxiety, irritability, fatigue, occasional brain fog (though less and less) to name a few.
  14. stoneyman22

    stoneyman22 Fapstronaut

    real talk, brain changes take time to change back or correct dawg.:emoji_dog::emoji_dog2::emoji_dolphin:
  15. Targaryenn

    Targaryenn Fapstronaut

    @Fenix Rising after how much days you feel better, more healthy, more self-contained?
    I mean, after how many days you can say you have no problems and it's easier to win fantasies and temptation to watch p and m.
    ForceMaster and (deleted member) like this.
  16. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    I was in flatline most of my current recovery, so I had only occasional problems with porn craving. By cravings I mean that I found myself on P related torrent sites without thinking. It was like acting on autopilot mode. This stopped to happen around 3-4 months into my recovery. I don't know exactly, I'd have to look back in my journal.
    Right now I'm at the stage where P or M just don't attract me anymore and my interest in searching for real life relationship is growing. But I'm still not OK. I feel like I removed a blister (PMO) from wounds to see what's wrong with me, but still need much work on healing the wounds part to fully recover.
  17. In my experience the 90-day period is a huge boost, especially for younger folks who have not been addicted for most of their adult lives. Long-term addicts (like myself) seem to require more like 3-5 years to fully recover. Even after these periods, though, no matter how long you have been abstinent, PMO, if once alluring to you very well will be again, and it is something that can easily suck you back in. After an 18-month period of no P, I went right back to it during a really stressful period in my life. We must remain ever vigilant.

    I just hit 250 days of no PM (although there were P-subs in there), and I can say that the draw of P is much less now than it has been. However, I know that it would come roaring back to life if I let it. So I plan not to do that. :) And 14 days of no P-subs at all feels really good!
  18. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    That's very true unfortunately. From what I've read there is scientific debate if addiction neuropathway once deeply enrooted in brain can be ever completely erased and most of the evidence suggest neuroplacticity can do only so much, if you've been long term addict. Meaning that you can abandon your neurological pathway (look at it as a highway if in long use) through abstention and develop new neuropath (alternate behavior) absent of compulsive behavior, which too will grow from narrow path to highway over the years if alternative behavior is repeated consistently, BUT still your old highway although weakened and abandoned will still stay fully funcional. If you chose to repeat PMO behavior years later, you're in grave danger of reopening it in an instant. That's why we'll have to stay vigillant for the rest of our lives. It's the same reason as to why long term alcoholic can't become social drinker or drug addict recreational user. That's not 100 % true, as some people are exceptions to this findings, but these are extremely rare cases.
    Last edited: May 24, 2019
  19. Yep, I'm in it for the lang haul. Really glad to have knowledgeable folks like you on the journey with me, Thanks for sharing your discoveries with all of us. I found the OP and related research really informative!
  20. BigOne79

    BigOne79 Fapstronaut

    Very well done Fenix! I agree with you on this information because it’s been twenty seven weeks and only the beginning of this last week has my brain not even wanted to veer towards porn or other sexual thoughts which means the pathway in me is finally starting to weaken. The flatline symptom is weird because it’s there but then it’s not. I wonder if now I’ll go into a big flatline until normal libido returns. It will probably take close to a year like you stated on the average of 314 days. I’m shooting for a year. Every month there are changes especially the end of last month with morning wood finally coming back. I would have occasional nocturnal wood up until then ... I have been addict for over 15-20 years but not heavy, maybe once every few days ...