The Lord of the Rings Challenge

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by RiseToGreatness, Sep 22, 2019.

Should the Thread Title be extended?

Poll closed Jun 21, 2020.
  1. No, leave like that: "The Lord of the Rings Challenge"

    18 vote(s)
  2. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Fellowship of Nofap"

    15 vote(s)
  3. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: Rising Fellowship of Eärendil"

    0 vote(s)
  4. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Journey to Mount Doom"

    5 vote(s)
  5. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Quest of the Ring-bearer"

    6 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    483 days high king
    552 days no PMO, semen retention
  2. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Wake up before 4am
    2 months already waking up before 4am I have to say this sleep schedule is amazing I didn't lose time with girls or doing stupid things at night at least I kept my sleep sacred and my early mornings too.

    I've been able to be in a relationship and having little talk with the girl during the day because she's working and when she is free I'm already asleep. So we usually just send two or three short text during the day and interact mostly face to face.

    But I'm not afraid of not interacting enough with her. Because sleep, my mind is more important than her. She can leave at any moment even do she looks in love.

    But me, my discipline my mind are always there for me no matter what. Even my mundane success in life is bigger than a girl, spirituality is bigger than anything the world can offer me.

    And giving up the night and less interaction with the world to go to bed early has giving me nothing more than joy and a lot of confidence.
  3. Ready to Stop

    Ready to Stop Fapstronaut

    Day 250 no PMO. I’m halfway home for this challenge and it feels good! This challenge, and your posts every day, have been so helpful to me. I just come here every morning to read all you guys have shared and you give me the wisdom and strength to go another day. I’m starting to feel like I will make it to 500 but also fear “what’s next?” after I make it could be a problem.
  4. Zapy97

    Zapy97 Fapstronaut

  5. EpsilonDelta

    EpsilonDelta Fapstronaut

    Checking in. Went to dinner with a friend after work yesterday. We ended up drinking quite a lot of alcohol and then we went out to a night club afterwards. Approached some girls and made out with a girl I didn't find that attractive. Not my proudest moment perhaps, but life can be goofy sometimes and I don't always need to take things so seriously. Tonight I'm going to a Halloween party, it's nice that I can be social and have fun even though I've been struggling lately with PMO binging.

    Cool that you're also doing it. I just started so I'm a complete beginner but I hope to be able to build a habit of practicing it often for many years to come. I'm taking IRL classes from a very experienced lady in my city who has dedicated her life to qigong and taiji. It's good for me to take IRL classes so someone can correct the subtle mistakes I'm constantly making when doing the movements. Please let us know how things progress for you in this area :)
    rotten_tomato, Toni7, Bucketo and 9 others like this.
  6. OttarrTheVendelCrow

    OttarrTheVendelCrow Fapstronaut

    Day 6. Feeling good today. My urges have actually not been that bad. I am happy with my progress so far and looking forward to making some more. I am realizing more and more that this very well could take a many years for me to over come this addiction. It has been a year since I have watched porn and the desire is still there, although in a much less extreme form than a year ago. I have been struggling with this addiction for 6 years now and I feel like I am finally starting to pull it out by its roots. I am so grateful for this community and the support that I have found on here.
  7. Diderik

    Diderik Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Stay vigilant and carefully work your action plan (as I call it) especially for the next couple weeks.
  8. Diderik

    Diderik Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    My counter indicates days free of m and psubs. 359 days p-free. The free porn is illegal. Actually, I am not saying that my psubs were as well, but I will remind myself if they were not, which will help.
  9. Redemptionisrequired

    Redemptionisrequired Fapstronaut

    That's awesome! I absolutely agree, there are certain things that just cannot be tweaked without a proper live instructor. Perhaps in the months to come I will follow your path and look for someone to teach me directly. Real life interaction is always better as well. My aspiration for Qi Gong is to simply add the full 8 brocade to my morning stretch warm up, the rest of my training is weight lifting , cardio and more mobility work at the end of the day. I will keep you posted as I go and please do the same, I'm very curious. this is the website of the person I learn from.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2021
  10. Redemptionisrequired

    Redemptionisrequired Fapstronaut

    Checking in Fellowship!

    Day 354 days free of Porn and 282 days free of MO.

    I've been doing well, regular day to day to chores, workout and meditation.

    As our dear brother @RiseToGreatness does, I would like to also share part of a post that may assist along your journeys. The topic is applied to addiction as a whole. Full post is here :

    "Rationalisation is the most insidious trick that addiction pulls on addicts. You create a story in your mind and you justify the behaviour. On some level you know the story you’ve told yourself is bullshit, but on another level you want to believe this story.

    Rationalisation occurs with all addictive supernormal stimuli: Pornography, video games and eating sugary foods. Each of these modern addictive products have one thing in common: they all mimic our evolutionary desires. Because your brain believes engaging in these habits is evolutionarily beneficial, it will create a story that encourages you to do so.

    The rationalisation will carry with it a logic that seems to make sense: It’s ok to eat Mcdonalds twice a week. Lots of people do it, it’s normal. I’ll burn off the calories later at the gym. Cooking is time-consuming and I’m a busy person. These rationalisations appear to be logical, but in reality these are stories your brain creates because it wants the sugar and fat inside the burger.

    Porn addicts have their own set of stories that lead to a relapse: Watching porn is a normal thing to do. I’m just going to browse and not masturbate. I’m exploring my sexuality by watching lots of different genres. I’m single right now, so what am I supposed to do. I’ll watch one more time, then stop for good.

    Learn to watch for rationalisations. Once the pattern of rationalisation beings, you can hit the off switch and break the cycle. Say “NOPE” out loud to yourself, or immediately leave your room and go outside (pulling up your trousers first if necessary)."

    Stay strong!
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2021
  11. Chi405

    Chi405 Fapstronaut

  12. Diderik

    Diderik Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I didn't click the link, so I can't advocate for or against it, but I wanted to say this: It is excellent that you folks are working on your bodies. I think it's a great part of recovering from anything addictive or compulsive. As for me, I just want to start by getting into the simple habit of doing some type of exercise at least 5 days a week for half an hour at a time.
  13. Diderik

    Diderik Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    To combat rationalizations, dispute them. Get out a sheet of paper and write down the false belief or irrational thought. Then write down your rebuttal, or perhaps more than one. Like this for example:

    Irrational Belief: I just want this for now. One time won't hurt.

    Disputing: Every time I have tried "just one for now" I have lapsed more and/or relapsed. One time does hurt, every time. [I can list types of people it hurts, ways it hurts,... .] The whole point of quitting was, well, to quit, not to prolong the torment.

    Et cetera.

    I hope this helps. Peace!
  14. BloomWasTaken

    BloomWasTaken Fapstronaut

    Day 2 - Relapsed

    I think I'm in a rut. I'm just really struggling to deal with urges lately. I'm relapsing to urges that are maybe medium intensity at most which usually I'd be able to deal with by just using distractions, which is also the issue because I'm not even trying to distract myself, if anything I'm thinking of what I'll relapse to instead of even trying to be introspective. I don't know what's up with me lately, I feel like I'm not even trying. My effort seems to be a gradual increase overtime, the longer the streak the more effort I put in, hence why I'm much more likely to relapse early on because I'm just not really putting up a fight when I get urges, I'm just giving into it really quickly with very little if any effort to distract myself or process the urge in a healthy manner.

    I went out shopping with my Mum after I relapsed to get myself out of that negative headspace. I'm obviously still upset but I have to pick myself up otherwise this will just keep happening.
  15. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    Congratulations on reaching half the challenge bro :). Well, don´t worry about "what´s next?", still a long way to go, so let that come in due time.

    You´ll not be the same guy anyway, so it´s pointless to figure out. Keep following your strategy, developing coping skills, learning, and trust the process :). When the time comes you´ll know.
  16. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    Checking in Fellowship!!

    And voila, back with the cold showers, back with the energy eheheh :D, it´s really a great antidote against withdrawal sympthoms :).

    I´m keeping my day light and exciting, lot´s of stuff done in the morning. Now in the afternoon i´m gonna keep practicing my handwritting, meditate, watch soccer, and later on maybe see a movie or hear some new music ;).

    Checking out. Have a great day brotherhood!! :) Love you all.

    Here´s a nice newsletter from Universal Man.

    "The top regrets of porn addicts

    After 10 years in the game, I've heard every single thing you can imagine (and a lot you'd be shocked by), from men in every age group, across all timezones, rich, poor, single, married, divorced...

    ...and there is one thing that comes up over and over.

    "I wish I'd have quit sooner."

    "I wish I'd have known the harm I was doing to myself, before it was too late."

    "I wish I could go back in time and warn my younger self NOT to ignore the warning signs."

    I don't say this to scare you (because if you read this carefully, you have nothing to be afraid of).

    I'm saying this to let you know...

    ...DON'T ignore those red flags in the back of your mind...

    ...that little voice you keep ignoring, saying "hey do you think we should stop watching porn?"

    Every addict knows this little voice.

    And every addict knows a whole host of of "mental tricks" they play on themselves, that lets them justify "just one more day..."


    You'll quit tomorrow.

    You'll quit after this stressful period at work.

    You'd LOVE to quit now... but you're not getting laid right now... so if you could JUST find a girlfriend, then it'd all just sort itself out.

    You've TRIED to quit before, but as soon as you relapsed, it all came crumbling down (and you didn't want to try again.)

    Maybe you'll just "grow out of it".

    I could probably write a 300 page book of every rationalization, justification, and self-deception I've heard from coaching clients, read in their forum posts, and even said myself.

    I'll let you in on a secret:

    There's ALWAYS going to be be a reason to relapse.

    You're going to have another stressful day at work, and want to flip that laptop open at the end of a hard day.

    Some member of the opposite sex WILL do something to make you feel inadequate, ashamed, or not-enough...

    ...and you'll feel that black hole of craving and desire that makes you want to escape into a rabbit hole of incognito browsers.

    Porn will continue to evolve into more addictive, alluring, and seductive forms.

    Next year, there'll be some new thing to watch. New smut to pay for with your hard earned coins.

    Some new ultra-niche fetish that "scratches an itch" you never knew you had.

    This. Will. Never. Stop. Unless. YOU. Do. Something. To. Stop. It.

    No one can quit porn for you (and even if they could, they'd be robbing you of one of the most transformational experiences a man can go through).

    At some point you're going to have to make a decision: This ends today. And I'm going to be the one to put a stop to it.

    That day is a beautiful in a man's life.

    One of the most fulfilling aspects of my jobs, is that I get to meet the men who have hit rock bottom, hit their breaking point, and have finally made the decision to dig themselves out of the deep, dark hole that they've been in (sometimes for decades).

    I get to watch the transformations of "boy men" with ZERO self control, a thousand-and-one lame excuses... full-grown, emotionally mature, self-disciplined men, who don't allow "screen smut" to take control of their right hands, and their browser tabs.

    In my last email, I said that I didn't always want to be the porn-guy.

    Well now, I'd never give it up.

    The life-changing transformation of character that I get to witness, every day of my life, is truly inspiring.

    And to think that it all started with a single decision:
    to quit, no matter WHAT it takes.

    That's why I built (and RE-built) the Reforged Man Cohort course.

    Because when you finally make that decision to quit, you can't do this alone.

    Maybe if you'd quit 5 or 10 years ago... you MIGHT be able to white knuckle your way through to the other side.

    But now? I doubt it.

    Those shiny screens that we all know and love, and the infinite access to every possible sexual "niche", is a freight train that cannot be tackled by one man alone.

    However, that doesn't mean it can't be done.

    The Reforged Man Cohort course reverse engineers the ultimate ONLINE porn-quitting experience - complete with strategies, principles, tactics AND a rock-solid private community of men, who are there to support and enhance the process of quitting.

    The early-bird for the Reforged Man Cohort course ends TONIGHT (and doors will be open at full-price for another 5 days ONLY.)

    Get in while you can, because this is going to be one of the most impactful porn-quitting programs I've ever run.

    As hard as it is to admit when you need help (and believe me, I would MUCH rather do most things on my own), the moment you take the leap, there is a group of highly experienced, knowledgeable, and supportive men to help you on the journey.

    UYAP! (Unleash Your Apex Potential)
    Mark Queppet"
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2021
  17. hakihitoro

    hakihitoro Fapstronaut

    Day 88 !

    This streak is a blessing, however temptations are glooming, I must remain on track !
  18. MyGodandMyAll27

    MyGodandMyAll27 Fapstronaut

  19. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Water fast
    Day 5/7

    Almost finishing day 5 and starting day 6. I did some running and calisthenics. Also I'm starting to add weights again to keep good quality muscle. Since I started the fast I lost 6cm of my waist which is mostly where I lost weight.

    Now I feel my mind is more clear and sharp like the fasting has improve my mental capacity, the mind is more fast than before the fast and more clear.

    The body now feels very loose and relaxed. Still no desire to eat. Energy levels are high compare to yesterday.
  20. LuckyMan

    LuckyMan Fapstronaut

    Saturday check in. Good so far.