I need help, I need serious help

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by a_man_who_wants_his_life_back, Jul 13, 2022.

  1. I've been trying to figure out how to write about this for an hour now, the simple version is, I think I have AGP fetish.
    I've had it for a long time now but never actually thought about it.
    I knew it was just a fetish and once I finished it was forgotten, but a couple of days ago I thought to myself what if it wasn't just a fetish, what if I was trans. And this thought destroyed me and made those last days a living hell, I don't actually want to be a girl in real life, I'm ok with who I am, when I'm daydreaming, I always think about stuff that would considered masculine and dominant, I'm also only attracted to women and seeing a guys butt in a video would ruin it for me.
    I thought well maybe it's just the porn I've been watching for ages affecting me and making me fantasize about weird stuff to get me off cause the normal dose wasn't enough anymore, and that thought calmed me a bit but I then realized I've been doing stuff like this since I was a child when I first discovered masturbating.
    So the thing is back then I would watch erotic scenes on YouTube and then go to the bathroom and kind of re-enact them by myself by touching myself the same way the woman was being touched and I remember this went for a long time before It just stopped and I just started masturbating to the normal thoughts, it disappeared when I was 13 I guess and never came back until I was 19 or 20,
    I'm 21 now.
    But this time it was not touches or foreplay, It was me imagining myself the girl in the video or the hot celebrity I like, I didn't think much of it cause it was just a thought during masturbating.
    Also I was to say that its not the only thing that got me off, I also got into cuckolding fetish, but like AGP it was just before finishing and it never included a member of my family, I thought about distant relatives yes or girls I know from college, but if my mind tried to imagine someone from my family I got turned off immediately.
    And of course it's not just weird disgusting fetishes, there's the "normal" stuff, but as time passed these fetishes get worse and stronger.
    I don't want to be like that, I want to be a man, I don't like the thought of me being actually a woman in real life, this should mean that I'm not trans right?
    So my question is,
    Can nofap help me get rid of these thoughts and fetishes?
    Also I need to understand how these AGP fantasies got to me at a very young age, note that I was never girly back then in any way, I was vulgar and I got into fights, I was very attracted to girls and even felt aroused when I saw hot women on TV when I was 6.
    Sorry if it was so long, and thanks in advance if you got here and if you can help, please help me.
    Lassquwuquwuw and ThinkSmarter like this.
  2. Yuvi@fz&$5

    Yuvi@fz&$5 Fapstronaut

    Stay strong and stay focused
  3. Thanks for your support, but if it's not bothering you, could you weigh in on some of this and try to give me some answers? Thanks again
    ThinkSmarter likes this.
  4. solon77

    solon77 Fapstronaut

    P is the worst thing. Because of pornography, our brains no longer function properly.

    What can you do? You need to regain your freedom step by step. The most important thing is to give up P. Pornography does not allow you to think and live normally. And I am in a struggle to have full control of my life. P was about to ruin my relationship with my wife. And that's why I decided to give up P.

    Stop thinking about the things that shame you and give up everything that has to do with it. After a period of abstinence and without P, your body, created by God, will know what to do.

    In the absence of a stable relationship with a girl (which would help you a lot) it is not uncommon for you to practice M from time to time.

    If this relaxes you and makes you stop thinking about sexual fetishes so much then it is the least harm that can happen. In any case, M is much closer to normal than it is P. Of course, you must be careful not to get controlled by M and not to practice this habit too often.

    It is normal to feel sexual desire, but you must be careful not to pervert these natural human feelings. If you abandon fetishes and MANDATORY pornography then you will take good steps towards the normalcy you want.

    It's not easy, but step by step you will get where you want.

    Good luck and I expect good news from you!

    P. S. Sorry if I wasn't always clear on what I said, but I used Google Translate because English is not my native language.
  5. Thank you brother, I feel your words and I'm trying to give it up, this is my first day, pray for me, I hope to get back to normal.
    And thanks for your supporting words and English isn't my native language either, if it's not too much, could I ask where you from?
    Thanks again.
    ThinkSmarter likes this.
  6. ThinkSmarter

    ThinkSmarter Fapstronaut

    Welcome! Congrats for taking the first step! I have experienced some of what you mention above, but first of all if you have some time I suggest you to read my introduction to see who I used to be even a few days ago that I relapsed after almost a month pmo free, but I found out that I got free of my fetishes and I even had one ever since I remember myself (not exaggerating), so p didn't create it, it just made it stronger. So as @solon77 I also recommend to abstain for some period from p COMPLETELY and m if possible, else do it with caution only when you REALLY need it, because it is very easy to get addicted.

    My introduction: Decided to improve my life | NoFap®
    My last relapse: https://forum.nofap.com/index.php?threads/my-journal.332206/page-4#post-3368308

    Apart from that, I can give you a few advices that work for me.
    I recommend starting a journal (to do that from forums, find reboot logs, go to ages 20-24 and create a new thread there) because it will make you feel you are not alone in this journey, making you more accountable of your decisions and you can help/inspire other nofap members too!

    Another thing that helped me a lot is finding out the benefits of a pmo free life, learn those truths and remember them when you have an urge, also they will help you to quit mentally and I believe this is the most important and difficult step!

    Find your triggers and try to recall why you started pmo in the first place, so you can stop repeating past mistakes.

    Use that opportunity to not only quit pmo, but become a BETTER person overall. Stay busy doing your everyday tasks and things you enjoy both mentally and physically, such as your hobbies (if you don't have any, find one that you can stick with), exercise etc.

    Give time to what's really going to be WORTH in the LONG RUN! Good luck on your journey!
    The Conqueror 414 likes this.
  7. The Conqueror 414

    The Conqueror 414 Fapstronaut

    1. Your still very young I understand were your comming from your 21 quit funny. your watching sisy porn the term for it is feminization. Those things are fetish let me tell you your mind is still weak. Am 23 but am Soo matured sorry to say is not pride me and my mates don't think the same. I roll quit well with people 25yrs and above all those things we saw them too. It's even anoying a woman wearing a guy heels putting wig on his head, rubbing lipstick on his lips. Giving jerk off instruction most of this mistress are even young some are not even that beautiful and some are trully beautiful. I don't no why people subscribe to listening and believing this things. Imagine I also read a guy saying he listens to those mistress video and follow their instructions putting things in his but hole for just someone talking in porn video. See let me tell you we also saw those things I never for once take it seriouse it's true there are weak men you are not getting any younger you have to decide your part either your a weak man or a real man. start first with hundred days. I was 17 when I first did hundred days without masturbation. 18/19 I did 200plus days.so start So you can think properly this videos will prove to you that a woman can only make you a woman. those weak funny men in those videos summit themselves willingly to those mistress to whip them and do whatever they like. But a woman can only make you a woman if you don't challenge yourself you will be a woman in a man clothing and a burden to many people set big goals your bigger than those things as at now let me tell you I have gone over 400+days I can watch porn and not masturbate infact my penis will be stone dead. There is what we call sight sensation and feeling sensation you can watch porn without feeling on the strength of this there was a time I watched 110plus porn videos withing a period of four days yet I did not masturbate. So masturbation itself is a choice you must be deciplined and you must live porn. we that can watch porn without masturbating and without having any underlying challenges chooses to live porn because porn itself can be addictive how much more about you. if that's not certain what you want to achieve or the dangers of porn you don't even no that porn is already a threat to your masculinity. I will be Soo soo sad if anyone I mean any one go through all this my comment and it did not trigger a fire in you. stand up for that big goal be happy time is running out you must take chances and make things work to no more about the benefits of quiting porn you can DM me and thanks for reading stay motivated.