Story of my painful Addiction to now FREE & in CONTROL

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by PleasureToPain, Dec 30, 2022.

Who is going to end urges in 2023??

Poll closed Mar 13, 2023.
  1. ME!!!!

  2. idk if I can…..

  1. PleasureToPain

    PleasureToPain Fapstronaut

    I want to start off by saying hello to everyone in here and to just say THANK YOU to NoFap for this powerful platform to really help people. I know people are struggling and it legit hurts me because I’ve been through it all with my addiction and really know all the drowning emotions that comes with it. With that said I’m here to tell anyone reading this that feels suffering/pain/guilt/disgust/loss/weakness/problems to absolutely know there is another side of you, that you WILL reach when you are no longer OUT OF CONTROL………YOU’LL FEEL AT PEACE AND IN CONTROL. Okay here’s my story…..

    I started watching porn/masturbate when I was around 12 but I didn’t know I was addicted for years until there was a list of things that I ended up taking notice of. One of my earliest memories of noticing the problem was the random urges to want to watch porn and masturbate because I wanted to “feel” normal because I was stressed out. From there I had the ignorance of thinking it was totally normal (especially how society/media makes porn seem good for the body)……..let me tell you right now, i was on a damn hamster wheel. I would feel stressed and wanted to feel “normal” and “relaxed” but funny thing is, I’d watch the porn and masturbate to then feel absolutely terrible and the cycle would just be reoccurring. It had full control of me. The wild thing was I knew that it would make me feel horrible so I would try NOFAP to feel better……..wasn’t able to go even 1 day! When I tell you I think I tried NOFAP around 1000 times I’m not even joking you. It got to a point where I did the porn blockers/would have alarms on my phone/would lie to partners and family/would even set stuff up to make sure I wouldn’t even have the chance to masturbate or watch porn……..somehow I always found a way! I have dealt with PIED and that I believe was the pure gasoline to my Porn Addiction. It spiraled me and created a part of me that just felt so down and so unmanly and that to me, that was the worst feeling I’ve ever had. There was so many times I would question myself “am I ever going to be able to stop?” “Am I going to be married and be still addicted to porn” and to me that felt so defeating. From having PIED with many partners that led to me feeling a certain way about myself and having to never be present and never going after what I really wanted to do and the feeling of the grip of porn addiction had on me for PAINFUL YEARS…. I’m here to tell you I have found myself that put me in complete freedom and complete control. It’s been about a whole year without watching Porn or Even masturbating. Before that, my best NOFAP streak was 27 days I have gotten my confidence back, I’m in an amazing relationship, I feel connected, I’m present, I’m Calm, I can’t even believe to say that I have no urges at all to even want to watch porn and masturbate which to me is wild because there were times where I didn’t want to at all and would tell myself “don’t do it! and I would almost wake up form a daze knowing I just did it and would get so down on myself. There were times I would be doing and it and during I would tell myself I can stop right now but the voice in my head would say “it’s fine, just do it today and then you’ll start tomorrow”…….the scary part of it was I did the same thing yesterday! I’m completely free from Porn and Masturbation and it seriously feel like you have your life back. I want to help as many people as possible so I’m Looking to start some media where people can find motivation in it that really helped me understand everything. I know how much some videos helped me by someone talking about there situation so I actually feel compelled to want to do this for the people I truly want to help that are struggling. You can do it, I will be updating a lot on this website and for anyone that wants more info on where I’ll be posting some motivation nofap content just message me and I’d love to be someone who has helped someone. Thank you again NOFAP and thank you to everyone who read this I appreciate every single one of you! Be strong, know your possibilities, and be FREE!!

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2023
  2. 0xADi90

    0xADi90 Fapstronaut

  3. Gabriel Knight

    Gabriel Knight Fapstronaut

    First of all thank you for sharing your intimate story with us, and i am glad that there are people who are successful solving this issue. This is what our community needs, people who are willing to share and help using their experience, because to be honest, you can read bunch of books, nothing can beat the personal experience, it is the most quality information we can have. Yes, we are all different, but by comparing the info we get, we can make the modules for ourselves from different sources and find the win combo. Of course some would eliminate only some parts from their lives, some modify it, but it is what's good about this online resource, you choose what you think is best for you, and apply certain strategies.
    Robbiebob and PleasureToPain like this.
  4. PleasureToPain

    PleasureToPain Fapstronaut

    100% agree! Personal stories that somehow have some relatability to it can really help guide us to understand the possibilities! And that’s something I got really interested in! I’m very eager to start planning up a ton of ideas to create some amazing media for my fellow fapstronauts to give a good motivation where they can find peace in knowing there was somebody just how they felt and that there is light at the end of the tunnel! Thank you my friend for your kind words!!!
    add eddie and Interface like this.
  5. Wow very motivating. Your story mirrors mine. I'm in the process of removing porn from my life for good. Started again 9 days ago and I'm not going to look back. Thanks for sharing your story and I'm looking forward to the light. I've been in the dark for too long.
    Edwin1010, Roady, Shockley and 3 others like this.
  6. PleasureToPain

    PleasureToPain Fapstronaut

    I’m sorry to hear that my friend!! I promise you’ll get there! Trust me when I say that I know how down and dead inside it can make you feel alone with all the strong emotions! I’m just happy you’re on the journey and 9 days in!! I fully believe you can make it happen! I’ll friend you and hopefully you can keep me updated! I’m here for you and with you!
    Robbiebob, add eddie and M_H like this.
  7. Babson

    Babson Fapstronaut

    Congratulations brother. So happy for you. I want to ask you a question. You mention in your note that you’ve experienced “PIED” before. But now you’re in a relationship. Does that mean that your pied is gone, if so then how long does it take you to be cured?.
    Robbiebob likes this.
  8. Neverfeelingdownagain

    Neverfeelingdownagain Fapstronaut

    Hey dude thank you for that post. It is so relatable. Especially the part about the hoards of short streaks and the feeling of hopelessness. The novelty of NoFap leaves and you’re stuck in cycles of failure feeling like it’s just who you are (the short streak guy). I have had week to 10 day to 1 month streaks, but not a year.

    I don’t wanna be the guy that asks for the same old tips and tricks. How do you get the itch out completely?
    Babson and Robbiebob like this.
  9. Redemptionisrequired

    Redemptionisrequired Fapstronaut

  10. agentrs11

    agentrs11 Fapstronaut

    It's definitely a long addiction from a young age.. Can you write a little about your reboot? First of all - how long did it take you to be completely healthy again? What are the things that bothered you? what did you feel Have the symptoms made your daily life difficult? What helped you during rehab? On which day did you feel a significant change?
  11. ClarityofClearWater

    ClarityofClearWater Fapstronaut

    Inspirational! Interesting to hear that you don't get urges to watch porn after 1 year of rebooting. I went on semen retention for 1 year but eventually relapsed because I was watching porn and fantasising/edging a lot. now struggling to get to the 1-week mark again. But your posy gives me hope. I long for the day I don't get strong urges to watch porn.
    muhammmadalli likes this.
  12. GuardianDelPack

    GuardianDelPack New Fapstronaut

    Hola guerrero, buenas noches, quisiera saber que es PIED, no lo he encontrado en google; aparte, también te quería felicitar y decirte que gracias a que compartiste tu experiencia de vida con nosotros, me alegra y me da muchas esperanzas para seguir adelante, sigue así campeón.
    Lumian likes this.
  13. Imperfect

    Imperfect New Fapstronaut

    Congratulations! Your story is very relatable.
    Yes, please share something about your final attempt. Did you use some specific strategies?
  14. Imperfect

    Imperfect New Fapstronaut

    Es si tu amigo de abajo no quiere despertarse, cuando intentas de tener sexo.
    Lumian likes this.
  15. Samvise95

    Samvise95 New Fapstronaut

    Tanks you for your story.
  16. muhammmadalli

    muhammmadalli Fapstronaut

  17. Man786

    Man786 Fapstronaut

    I got this from a book I read:

    Final Instructions If you follow these instructions, you cannot fail:

    Make a solemn vow that you’ll never, ever, go online to visit pornographic content again and stick to it. Remind yourself: There’s absolutely nothing to give up. You will be better off away from porn. There is no rational reason to even watch porn. And there’s no genuine pleasure or crutch in porn either. It’s just an illusion, a false belief. A lot like banging your head against a wall in order to feel the relief when you stop. Porn creates the void. There is nothing special about you. Like countless others, you too can quit. There is nothing so tragic in your life that you cannot quit this.

    Don’t try not to think about porn, or worry when you’re thinking about it constantly. Whenever you do think about it, just tell yourself “wow! I’m so glad that is behind me! I’m happy and free from that poison!” You don’t need to block these. That’s using the willpower method. Instead, affirm the true belief in face of these images. Practice meditation to realize these images have no power to control you.

    Do not use any form of distractions (cold showers, exercise, etc) or substitutes (softcore images, provocative social media images, TV shows, etc). Be mindful of the power of media and social situations at first. Do not give yourself a reward for quitting. Within a few days or weeks, you might (or might not) have a ‘moment of insight’. Don’t be hung up waiting for ‘moment of insight’ to come. Just get on with your life, enjoying the highs and coping with the lows. You’ll find in no time at all the moment will arrive. For some it is a big moment, for some it is barely noticeable. In either case, the moment of insight tells them that “Yes, it really all was just a lie. I did not need porn after all.”

    Go to to download the 1 page cheat sheet as a reminder of these lessons. You will also get a 5 day email course that will serve as reinforcement about these ideas. More false beliefs will be uncovered.

    You will find subtle things keeping you trapped. Be honest and look at them and deal with them. Journal about them, talk to a friend about them, or reach out to me so I can coach you through it. Don’t wait until you’ve uncovered all of them. Quit now.

    Continuously remind yourself to counter the lifetime of false beliefs that: ◦ Porn doesn’t fill the void in my life, it creates it. ◦ I am free! Free! Free! ◦ It feels so good to let the poison out of my system! Without contemplation of these ideas, this will not work. A lifetime of false programming requires some thinking on your part so that it can be reversed!
    BND128, Robbiebob and muhammmadalli like this.
  18. Robbiebob

    Robbiebob Fapstronaut

    I like the word poison for porn & indeed it is....
    This is a curse on our modern society.
    I'm right with you my friend, this is a curse that must be broken and live healthy sexual lives.
    Edwin1010, Vicit_fidem and Babson like this.
  19. iceb4

    iceb4 Fapstronaut

    Congratulations man ... I did not tap three times this time is 4 ... the last one I reached 29 days .. but I relapsed .. the main lesson is not to give up . Keep trying...
    Thanks man
    Robbiebob likes this.
  20. durotan30

    durotan30 New Fapstronaut

    Buena historia de superación me inspiró mucho. Aunque algo me llama mucho la atención, que significa PIED?
    Robbiebob likes this.