I Struggling With This Problem For 3 Months. Please Help Me....

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by trevormicheal, Nov 27, 2023.

  1. trevormicheal

    trevormicheal Fapstronaut

    Today Intentionally I Having Sexual Thoughts About Old P Videos,Flashback Memories And Moaning My Self. Then I Stopped. I Want To Stop This Problem. This is Considered as Relapse? Or Continue My Journey? Give Me Some Advice And Tips Please?
  2. Andy1517

    Andy1517 Fapstronaut

    This happens to me too it’s part of abstaining from everything so ya brain /dopamine is craving all the stuff your not giving it , it’s not really considered A relapse if you haven’t watch P or M so I’d say continue
    trevormicheal likes this.
  3. Xandi

    Xandi Fapstronaut

    It is difficult to assess what relapse is. Your goal is to heal, healing is very complex, it can only occur spontaneously over time, not through ignoring relapses, counting days, verifying whether you have relapsed now or not, your main goal is to avoid obvious stimulants by itself, just without overthinking what is a relapse and what is not.In the end, you can feel whether you should have done it, whether you feel good or bad about it, if it feels bad, then you know it's relapse, and you shouldn't stress about it, just decide not to do it in the future . Healing from something is never the goal of succeeding perfectly in everything, and if you make a mistake in some small thing, it all goes down the drain, no, healing is an improvement that is made day by day continuously, and it comes very unplanned. Learn to hear yourself, to go with feeling.
    Lassquwuquwuw and trevormicheal like this.
  4. trevormicheal

    trevormicheal Fapstronaut

    I Didn't PMO. Thanks. I Am Not Relapsed
  5. trevormicheal

    trevormicheal Fapstronaut

    Yesss correct