I’m going to lose my virginity

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Itsuki, Apr 9, 2024.

  1. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    My last relapse I did everything right. I used my imagination, imagined only the most pure scenarios, and didn’t use my hand (lol), but I still ended up with the same nasty insecurities like I have gotten before. This is why I am going to see a prostitute.

    Woman was made for man and this is why seeing a prostitute is better than onanism. I truly believe that after having been with a real woman resisting porn and masturbation will be much easier, and being a good man will also be much easier.

    My main hang up about this was the thought that the act of being with a woman I am not married to be a Faustian bargain. This actually quite scared me, but I soon thought how porn and masturbation are also Faustian bargains, if not lesser more perverted ones. I had this thought around the time people were saying that the eclipse was going to be the rapture, and, even though I knew this wasn’t true, I felt a great fear in my heart that I could be a making a grave mistake. While the eclipse was happening, however, my fear did not diminish but neither did my resolve to see a prostitute. I feel, if my death were to arrive, I would be able to stand upright in front of my judge and sincerely say that I made as good a decision as was available to me.

    Seeing a prostitute is surely better than porn and masturbation. I have yet to experience the former, but I do not doubt this.

    For reference:
    In another thread I asked the question of what to do when you are burning alive with passion, https://forum.nofap.com/index.php?threads/i-need-sex-so-badly-i-cannot-control-it.358317/. There were many interesting responses, and the conversation is still going on.

    Of the people who said to not see a prostitute, they could not give an answer that did not imply masturbation, porn use, or, worse (dub, dun, DUN). Because I know that porn and masturbation are wholly evil, I do not want to commit them anymore, hence the decision to see a prostitute, in part.

    The decision to see prostitute and not a one night stand or girlfriend is simple. I’ve watched my sister become a vile wench after getting a boyfriend and then breaking up with him. I don’t want to live among prostitutes so I will not treat my neighbor or my brothers sisters like one (though in many places this is already the case).
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2024
  2. HenryforwardV2

    HenryforwardV2 Fapstronaut

    Wouldn't you be better actually just getting a girlfriend? Go on tinder or something. I don't think seeing a prostitute is going to solve anything. If your looking at it from a religious perspective. The apostle Paul said “The two will become one body.” So you should know that anyone who joins with a prostitute becomes one body with the prostitute. 17 But the one who joins with the Lord is one spirit with the Lord. 18 So run away from sexual sin. 1 Corinthians 6:16.
    Dude I've seen prostitutes and it does not satisfy it's awkward and just not right.
    Your virginity should be a badge of honor. If I could go back in time I would have not lost mine. Wait till it's special.
  3. HenryforwardV2

    HenryforwardV2 Fapstronaut

    Heres what the internet said about said passage.

    1 Corinthians 6:16 in the Bible states: “Do you not know that whoever is united to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For it is said, ‘The two shall be one flesh’” 123. This passage emphasizes the spiritual and physical consequences of such unions.

    In other words, when someone engages in sexual relations with a prostitute, they are not merely engaging in a physical act; they are also becoming intertwined with that person on a deeper level. The imagery of becoming “one flesh” underscores the gravity of this union.

    However, the passage also contrasts this with the idea of being joined with the Lord, where the union is spiritual rather than physical. It encourages believers to flee from sexual immorality and seek a higher connection with God 2.

    So, the message is clear: avoid such relationships and seek spiritual alignment instead.
  4. I_Am_Strong_54

    I_Am_Strong_54 Fapstronaut

    Sorry for the length of this post, but I realized I have a lot to say.

    It's your life and you do what you feel is best but I personally think seeing a prostitute to lose your virginity is one of the worst things you can do. I think I was around 27 when I lost my virginity. When I was younger I was painfully shy around women and never had a girlfriend through high school or college. I was the last of my friends to lose my virginity and I was okay with it. I had friends wanting me to visit a prostitute to lose my virginity but i refused to do it. I'm old, so when my friends were trying to convince me to see a prostitute, it would have been old school, drive to the bad part of town, and look for one standing on a corner. My assumption is you're probably looking online. Ask yourself this, if you had to drive to the bad part of town, and had to find someone standing on the corner, would you even be considering it?

    I've seen many posts on here with people that thought the same thing as you, going to a prostitute to lose their virginity. What is one thing all those posts had in common? They all regretted it afterwards. Either the girl did not look anything like the picture, the picture was 10 years old and 50 pounds ago, or it was a completely different person in the picture. They thought they were going to go into the hotel, have this long make out session and then get into it, but they all ended up with either a quick blowjob or trouble finishing and left in a hurry feeling worse then before they went into that hotel room.

    I'm willing to bet that this will not help your porn addiction, but make it worse. I have to think there are 2 scenarios:
    1. You find that unicorn prostitute and have an enjoyable time with a beautiful woman. You'll be thinking about it a lot, and that will lead you to watching more porn. And then without a girlfriend, you'll think going back to a prostitute is a good idea, so now you're spending significant amount of money on prostitutes.
    2. And this is the much more likely scenario, you have an awful time. She looks nothing like the pictures, she just lays there and does nothing, and you have trouble having an orgasm but finally do finish. In your mind you'll be rationalizing it that it was your first time and you just need more experience to make it better. So you go back to a prostitute and the same thing happens. And you try a 3rd time. Now you're in that cycle of seeing prostitutes regularly and spending lots of money. What does it cost $500 - $1000 for an hour?
    It seems like you think this is all positive and no negatives, but let me ask you some questions:
    1. What happens if you get caught by a police sting operation and get arrested? How will you explain that to your family and friends? Also you might now have a criminal record which would have to be disclosed to potential employers and possibly be registered as a sex offender.
    2. You catch an STD from the prostitute. I have to think STDs amount prostitutes is a fairly common thing.
    3. It's a set up and when you arrive there, you get mugged and robbed. It's a burner phone, the girl in the picture was not there, and you have no way to know who mugged and robbed you.
    4. You arrive at the hotel, you're walking to the hotel room, and you see a guy come out of a room and you walk by him not thinking anything about it. But then when you get to her door, you realize that guy just came out of that room. How much do you want to go have sex with her at that moment?
  5. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    Let me preface this by saying I am a traditional Catholic in the sense that I believe that scripture is not for the congregation to interpret. I’m reading 1 Corinthians and I am seeing/looking for what I believe already. But of course, you are right. All of this should be avoided. Of course I shouldn’t see a prostitute! It is wrong. I just don’t know what to believe anymore.
    HenryforwardV2 likes this.
  6. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    Thank you brother
  7. HenryforwardV2

    HenryforwardV2 Fapstronaut

    Just keep your head up. There's nothing wrong with abstaining till the time is right.
  8. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    I explained why I think getting a girlfriend isn’t the right choice here, if an innocent girl is not someone I want to have babies with, then sleeping with her like she was my wife is wrong to do in my opinion.
  9. HenryforwardV2

    HenryforwardV2 Fapstronaut

    Well I don't think you want babies with a prostitute either. I hope you'll think about this seriously before throwing away something that is special.
    Itsuki likes this.
  10. All these men so fucking embarrassed about their virginity but not embarrassed they're willing to use other people like fuck toys instead of practice self-control.

    Where is the ideal that a man, regardless of his own personal benefit, will do what's right?

    You know what to believe, you just don't like that your faith requires you to do what's difficult.
  11. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    Confess with the same stupor all that you have done in the name of idealistic self-control. I dare you.
  12. I have turned down relationships and hook-ups. I left a relationship with someone I loved more than life itself because it would have been morally wrong to stay. I have left close friends in order to do what was morally right. Have turned down lucrative opportunities that were unethical. I'm fucking doing this damn recovery regardless of any superpowers or other so-called benefits, because it is the right thing to do.

    I will continue to live according to what's right, even if it means I die penniless, sexless, and alone.

    I dare you to do the same.
  13. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    Alright. I see your flaming passion for this. Good for you.
  14. I hope it becomes yours. I know you think seeing a prostitute is going to quench some fire inside you but it’s not. It’s going to start little smaller fires in other areas, and instead of focusing on one, you’re going to now have to focus on a shit load more. In the years of my life practicing self-indulgence I’ve found that only love satisfies and brings joy, while anything other than that doesn't; like drinking seawater if you’re thirsty.

    Prostitute is 100% anti-love. Porn is 100% anti-love. Masturbation is 100% anti-love. Casual sex and hook-ups are 100% anti-love.

    I don’t care if other guys call it unrealistic or idealistic. Do I really want to spend my life and end it knowing I did the opposite of what was loving?

    Talk about a truly wasted life.
  15. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    Correct. What I am trying to do now is make the best of the certainty that I will always fall short of the glory of God. Do you get that?
    HenryforwardV2 likes this.
  16. Falling short of the glory of God doesn’t equal wallowing in sin. Do you get that?
  17. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    Yes, I think so.
    HenryforwardV2 and Ghost️ like this.
  18. HealingBodyandMind

    HealingBodyandMind Fapstronaut

    I see your perspective... and I think you have some proper justification for considering what you are considering...

    However, I do think there is another path... the path of complete celibacy/abstinence... basically, stop desiring women. This whole obsession with sex and sexual relationships has been forced on us since we were little kids. We would watch movies of men and women falling in love, with a lot of scenes of them laying in bed together after sex, and images of them looking very comfortable, happy, and satisfied. This was branded like a scorching hot branding iron into our minds. Then our peers talked about sex and we also discovered the extremely pleasurable feeling of orgasm. All of this combined has made us think that having sex is like the ultimate fulfillment in life. It is like a trap that was slowly set for us as we were growing up, in our most innocent and formative years.

    But I would recommend going the path of health maintenance and eradicating porn and masturbation from your life 100%. I think you will be much more satisfied from a full year of not doing PMO or MO even once than you would from seeing a prostitute. Knowing you have conquered this part of yourself and have nothing to be ashamed of when interacting with the other men and women on this planet can be a great source of achievement and confidence for your life.

    There is no need to relapse again or see a prostitute once you truly and fully understand that this pressure to have sex and experience sexual pleasure is a trap set to make you fall.

    These are my thoughts right now. As you can see, I have not yet conquered porn and masturbation addiction. However, I know in the past when I would have a good streak going, that it was this false view of desiring a woman and sex that led me to relapse. When I am mentally content not having sex, then I don't relapse. But if I begin to despair, then I relapse. Society wants me to believe I am a loser or not cool if I'm not having sex with some hot chick. But if I can 100% ignore society's attempts to condition me, then I am free from it.
  19. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    With all due prudence, consuming many drugs on a daily basis so to erase your sexual desire is not a lifestyle more respectable than that of a porn addict. My sexual desires were informed by my sexualized upbringing, yes, but my sexual desire itself is innate, it is how I was made. In any case, I sincerely appreciate your input.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2024
    HenryforwardV2 likes this.
  20. HealingBodyandMind

    HealingBodyandMind Fapstronaut

    I never said to take drugs to erase your sexuality, and yes, I agree that at our core we have a sexual side. However, just because we have a sexual side to ourselves, doesn't mean we always have to be having sexual thoughts.

    Anyways, good luck to you, with whatever path you decide to take!
    onceaking and HenryforwardV2 like this.