90 day streak

  1. AModernMiroku

    810 Days of No PMO

    Friends, peace, This is the 9th consecutive 90 day streak, & for this, I am grateful. I am, however, late in the posting. I have been busy--but I have profited much from my own writings. Even if my writings end up poor & bare, it has been useful to revisit the last 90 days' time. As usual...
  2. F

    90 days free of PM after 18 years! Some thanks and encouragement

    Hi everyone, Today marks the 90th day of no porn and masturbation reboot! I am so excited and thankful! I am 31 years old and my addiction to both has been something I have been dealing with for about 18 or so years. (Its been so long I cant remember when I started exactly). During my reboot I...
  3. AModernMiroku

    90 Days of No PMO

    Friends, Peace. As the title implies, I made it to 90 days of no PMO. I simply wanted to share my experience and hopefully reveal that healing is possible. But first, some context: I first became addicted to the PMO cycle around 12. Early on, I also slowly became intrenched in a serious fetish...
  4. P

    PIED still not cured

    Hi guys, I'm a 24yold male currently doing nofap for 3 months. Yes, today is my 3 month anniversary of no PMO. I've been in a relationship for the past 2 months but I still have problems. The biggest problem is that I can rarely get an erection. In 2 months i've managed to have sex 3 times...
  5. Rebooter S

    Can't Stop Looking

    So today is day 90 for me of no PMO and 155 days no P although I did slip up and make mistakes but I never went to look at real P. Obviously it's been tough along the way and its all been a process of learning. I do still get urges but they're no where near as strong now and I'm able to deny the...
  6. D

    90 Days NOPMO - 3 Keys for success

    Yow everyone I made it to day 90! I didn't have any struggles and it I feel pretty good. Here 3 things that have helped me: Focus on what you want: In the past I found myself struggeling a lot with the urge, now days it is still there but passing the urge goes without any fight or struggle...
  7. F

    Bloody 90th day

    Hey everyone, Reached my initial goal of 90 days Hard Mode. This took more than 90 days though and a couple of smaller streaks, binge MO after every streak, mood swings, depression, anxiety (which is still there..i guess some of it should be there),restlessness, physical pain, flatlines...