
  1. D

    60 plus.......

    I am getting close. So close I can smell it. So even though I know that when it happens. I am going to start thinking about my new decade and what it will bring. Sadly, it will be more of the same. Someone said if you dont like the curcumstances you are in, change them. We know, however, that is...
  2. from2003

    just one vedio

    My mind always say to me that just watch one any erotic vedio like tik tok or shorts and when i search i cant control myself to get drown in the useless world but i cant resist that no matter how hard i try and i plan to be practical like never watch useless stuff again , i have to accept that...
  3. K

    Overthinking about future sexlife.

    I can restrain myself from PMO. But i have a habit of imagining about my future sex life. Is it harmful? How can i stop this overthinking.
  4. YoungMedic

    Domination Porn: Bad For My View Of Women

    Hey boys, I just had a realization, albeit not a particularly unique or special realization. I have been gettin into exceedingly abusive porn recently, where the man slaps, spits on, and all around says extremely abusive things to the woman. The worst part is that I enjoy the thought of being...
  5. FreeAdventurer

    About porn addiction in society and future generations.

    About porn addiction in society and future generations. I was thinking about this: If today pornography generates so much addiction and problems, what will happen in the future, when vr porn and vr porn video games become more prevalent (when more people get access to that technology) and also...
  6. M

    Finding Peace In A Technological Dystopia

    The world around him was breaking apart. As for his friends, his loved ones, they were all separated in their own information bubbles, in a world of alternative facts and narratives to his own. The streets were mostly desolate and empty, people stayed in the darkness of their homes with a...
  7. 2080Future

    Where am I going?

    I haven't gotten past a week of no PMO in the last 2 months. I couldn't figure out why until my relapse today. You see most of my strategy to beat this addiction, apart from the healthier habits i've been picking up, was thinking about why i started in the first place. It has always been about...
  8. callousedfinger

    What are Common Pitfalls on this Journey?

    I’m about four weeks in myself and I imagine I ought to keep preparing for future sticking points. As of now, involving myself in community, having faith, and meditation have helped me overcome my own cravings. For those who have relapsed, what did you learn from those moments? What is it...
  9. FezMan76

    Need to cut out the P-Subs and the crap

    I've noticed that while I returned to p0rn for a little while and have since stayed off from it, my instincts keep bringing me back to P-Subs even in the most bizarre of place. While I have since deleted and blocked Insta, FB, and p0rn sites on my pc and phone, my brain still wants to those...
  10. T

    Premature Ejaculation

    Hi.Iam 16 years old and i started masturbating when i was 12 . When i turned 15 I realized i have PME . I know the reason for my pme is quick masturbation habit . Due to this habit my semen has become watery also.I dont want to dissapoint my future wife.So please help me. IAM sick of listening...
  11. F

    My first serious relationship — need help

    Hi, I have had modest success with NoFap till March 30, 2020. I was sober for 178 days, I was single but physically, mentally and intellectually fully engaged. After the pandemic hit I was not able to bring myself to practice with same vigor and was not able to stay sober for more than 7 days...
  12. the lord man

    Porn addict since 2017

    I've stopped for 2 monthes after i did it I think because i still alone I have stopped the gym and I was not social I did not have clear and monthly goals to follow. I did a big mistake when I have done it When I did it in the holy month of our religion Imagine I did it even on the last exam...
  13. Fellowman

    Looking to Quit

    Hiya guys, I actually found this site while looking for porn and it really looked great so I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm a 23 year old who's been partaking in porn and masturbation for many many years. I got hooked on porn at a young age when I was honestly just curious about it, then it...
  14. Clever_sailor

    Regaining good years challenge

    I lost to porn 3 years ago . It began with simple curusity to know the adult stuff that us (kids & teens) were banned from. Since then , my life hasnt got anybetter than that point as I can remember. What made things worse is that this storm was accompanied with me enrolling in university for...
  15. W

    Masturbation is bad for my relationship

    I have been in a happy long-distance relationship for 4 months. This, of course, means that we don't get to see each other very often. Before the relationship had started, I frequently masturbated, about 5 times a week. However, now that I'm in this relationship, she doesn't want me to do it any...
  16. Might Guy

    Help me change my life

    Hey Guys, I've been a member of this site for quite a while now. However I always kept telling myself that i can get rid of my addiction to masturbate by myself and found the idea of asking for help "weak" or "stupid". Im in a tight spot right now. I'm young, im about to write the most...
  17. realsawyer

    I don't know if I can really love any more

    Hello guys. Please let me tell you my short story: I am 25, and have been an addict for 15 years. At the beginning I would watch just some very basic porn. But curiosity led me further and further. Later curiosity turned into a need. When wanking 3 times a day, basic lesbian stuff wasn't...
  18. H

    Introducing Myself

    Hey Yall, I won’t say my name. Im a teen and from Canada. I like beauty fashion and one day I wanna go vegan and just live freely. I have been watching porn and masturbating from a very young age and I want to stop! It doesn’t make me feel good. But I feel Ill a lot of motivation
  19. S


    hello guys i am 18 and i think i am addicted to porn due it i cannot able to work and always watch porn and don not do anything useful so this habit is destroying my future.
  20. A

    Hey there, fellas!

    Hi everyone... Its not just "I wanna quit PMO" thing that has made me land on this platform, but the most importantly its about "I wanna be like the one I used to be". I have been addicted to it since 11 years and the last 4 years were like a nightmare. I used to ace in various fields during my...
  21. HereAndThere

    need to change direction, cant do it

    Hi. Relapsed again, i feel like i dont have control over myself. Its depressing. Ive been struggling for years, trying to make peace with myself. I havent been here before, talking with people, but i did tried rebooting before, many times. Most tries lasted a week, usually until sunday when i...