
  1. lemosiii

    What do you think about er*tic literature / stories?

    Is er*tic literature as bad as video or photo p*rnography? Do you avoid these stories personally? What do you recommend others do?
  2. you_can_UK


    I like to write short stories.They may be not good for everyone but I do because I like it.It's better than watching porn..far better. So ,it will be like: I will post two sentences which begin a story and then we wait. Some other most lovely person in the world will read it and continue the...
  3. modern milarepa

    What is your favorite literature book?

    Mine is The complete tales of Edgar Allan Poe. It was the first serious book I read about literature, I was 7 years old at the time. My father had to buy me a dictionary because I didn't understand many words in the book and every 5 minutes I was asking him for the meaning of the words.
  4. Batty Belfry

    Prose Before...

    I have been reading and writing poetry of late and thought the 18th century poem, "Silent, Silent Night" by William Blake, spoke to this community's recovery process. "Silent, Silent Night" by William Blake Silent Silent Night Quench the holy light Of thy torches bright For possess’d of Day...
  5. S

    Addicted to Incest Porn and then Incest Literature/stories

    Hi. I hope this post is not triggering to anyone. I tried to tone down the language as much as possible. I'm writing this because I really need to get it off my chest and I'm looking for people who have had similar experiences and have successfully overcome it. I would like to state that I am...
  6. N

    Literature and Philosophy Books - Reviews/ Recomendations

    Good morning everyone! I don't know if any of you are interested in philosophy and literature. I have been reading a lot recently (so much free time due to NOFAP) and I must say I like it a lot. What I like the most is that philosophy books are much deeper than blog posts for example. I read...
  7. Aiyoshi

    52 weeks 52+ books

    Jeff Price at his TED Talk shares his experience about how reading a book a week gave him a new insight at life. Let's do the same, in this 2017 let's enjoy at least 1 book for every week of the year and share our thoughts and experiences with it. Since it's the start of the first week of the...