
  1. I

    Youtuber Fapped Sex talking with girls and getting emotional attachment.

    Hi guys, I'm a YouTuber and I make good videos on YouTube. For God's sake, I have so much potential and everything in my life is going well. I earn a good amount too (touchwood). However, I've been struggling with PMO (porn, masturbation, and orgasm) addiction for the last 11 years. I went to...
  2. C

    (P)MO causes significant increases blood plasma's prolactin and catecholamine concentration

    Hi, I'm a college student whose goal, beyond graduation, is to maximize productivity and material comprehension skills. I recently came across a scientific article, where tests are carried out on subjects in sexual abstinence for a period of 3 weeks, and I would like to share the information...
  3. A

    My Introduction as a Newbie Fapstronaut & Desire for a Change!

    Hey there! I am a Teenager is my 20s. I am an undergraduate student in a North Asian country living with 6 members family of mine. Its been roughly 2 years since i started masturbating watching youtube videos and then switching to Porn videos afterwards. My friend introduced me to the new...
  4. L

    does excessive masturbating affect the sex quality?

    hi everyone, I'm new here , i joined this site after long journey of searching for solution for my problem and i hope to find what i want here with help of u guys before i tell u my story i want to apologize for my bad and weak language , I'm arabian man so I'm not very good in English now i...
  5. P

    I’m addicted to porn

    Hello everyone, I believe that I’m addicted to porn and masturbating. The thing is that back when I used to live with my parents I used to watch so much porn and I used to masturbate a lot too. I had so much free time because I was just in school and every night of every day for hours I would...
  6. Negan©


    Hello everyone.. I have a disorder or atleast i think i have one.. I feel extremely fatigued everytime, every damn time.. Im not able to do anything.. Not a single damn thing..all i do everyday is watch netflix and eat.. My fatigue is extreme.. Every stride i take feels like a burden, sitting...
  7. RevengeForceX

    Big Addiction

    Hello my story is the following from a very young very long time so far I have a problem with Fappping especially after I broke up with my girlfriend and I was quite hurt and depressed and that was the only thing I did and I think it makes me relax and helps me but for some time I realized a lot...
  8. N

    Getting to 90 days with many questions

    Hello everyone, Im Nelas and I started PM in October of 2020 ,we may call it PMO as I was pretty sure I wasnt gonna get laid with Covid and quarantines in these 3 months. A friend pointed out to me that I may have had a porn addiction (which he was correct about). And Im proud to say that I...
  9. D

    How to stop masturbating

    Hi, I'm 19 and I often can't stay focused while doing things. My mind often think some wild stuffs which I don't want to, but I feel like I just can't control it. I rarely watch pornography, but I still masturbate through fantasising, which is horrible. Sometimes I feel lonely because I just...
  10. J

    new me

    hey i was the guy who listen to a one music all time or doing same things everyday now after 2 weeks of nofap nopmo im feel CHANGE so id like to share this .i think only marriage is the only right way for us...
  11. B

    Need Help

    Hey everyone, I'm 19 years old and I'm having a over-masturbation problem. Every morning I wake up like:"I'm not going to do it today, I better be clean" but sooner or later I'm finding myself while I'm doing it with some thoughts that I really don't want to think. I feel like I will be guilty...
  12. N

    New here, need advice

    I'm nana, n I'm 21years I started masturbating when i was around 14. I've been telling myself i want to stop porn and masturbation but it keeps getting worse as i grow I masturbate at least once every day,,, I'm seriously addicted and i need help I'm new here on nofap I couldn't afford joining...
  13. D

    New low. Problem not getting better..

    Doing a post this morning before any edging. Had a new low as I watched gay P*** the other day. I edged on which I know isn't good, but afternoons are kind of a weak point for me right now.. It was a g**gb*ng video. I got curious and got harder with it then looking at Woman which is troubling...
  14. Aboodhi


    As the topic says "JUST QUITTING IS NOT ENOUGH" We have to take the necessary steps to not fall back into this pit. Sometimes we feel like quitting the moment we masturbate, but after some period of time we relapse again. This is because of the factors that led you again and again to relapse...
  15. M

    Masturbation and Shy Bladder

    This dilemma is what really motivated me to start this reboot and join this website. I don't have social anxiety in the sense of talking to people/strangers face-to-face, but I do have something else that really sucks: shy bladder. I've had it since I was 14, and thought it would go away...
  16. M

    Hi everybody!

    Hello. I just joined Nofap today. I started my rebooting on August 24th, so today is my third day. My goal is to stop, or at least cut down immensely, masturbating. I am excited to see how far I can get, and also to connect with like minded people like you guys. I started masturbating when I...
  17. tom2927

    How can i Masturbate/Orgasm without Porn

    how can i masturbate/orgasm without Porn, for me NoFap is really Hard ive done 7 days... i used to masturbate multibale times a day... but know i wanna start with the basics and kinda getting used to it, so its easyer :) so what are my Options to masturbate/Orgasm without Porn, (i dont have an...
  18. D

    Masturbation and Bodybuilding?

    Hey everyone. This is a topic for anyone that does weight lifting or bodybuilding. But I'd just like to start off that I've been lifting ever since late August of 2018. I got myself a personal trainer and started going to the gym, I am usually lifting at least twice a week or three times a week...
  19. Liam_here

    Day 1

    So ever since i was a kid ive been doing prone masturbation and I found out about that from here and I overcome that by masturbating with hands now I wanna quit masturbation for once and for all and really focus on my self it has actually done more harm to me than any other thing I havnet slept...
  20. SuckMyKiss

    Its been 10 days of NoFap but...

    Hi Guys! I decided to quite masturbating. Everything is ok but I search pornhub's pornstar list and watching some of the videos of pornstars. Its just like watching a video on youtube. Is it harmful for my process?
  21. D


    Hey guys my name is Jordan. I've had a hard time with Insomnia ever since I was little. Along with sleep paralysis as well which is no way fun to any matter. But to get straight to the point. I am having trouble right now with PMO before going to bed. Yes I do take some pretty strong sleeping...
  22. 2

    Addicted to masturbation

    Hey guys, just wanting some advise really. I've been addicted to masturbating ever since I was probably about 12, I don't feel I do it for the sake of it, I just can't get enough of the feeling when you blow and haven't been able to get enough of it since. Since starting a full time job, I...
  23. F

    Could masturbation be the cause of my neurosis?

    I have fought too much with my partner, he acted like a neurotic, I have been masturbating for several years every day, I am very thin. Could it be because of masturbation? I really do not want to lose my wife or my family, I need help!
  24. qasim0047

    My Loneliness , Depression is killing me from inside

    I believe it ( PORN + MB) has ruined my life...I have no friends...NO Job.. Its been 2 years I am graduated from my university (also faced great great difficulty in completing my studies)..and unable to secure job. Got scare because of the interviews \ insults... unable to focus on anything...
  25. N

    really really need help

    I get used to masturbating since childhood. actually, I am a victim of my parent's sex times. I saw how my father rubs my mother clit. and I did not what I am doing but I start to do it for myself. it was a secret till now. I can not tell nobody my parents ruined my life. i am addicted to...
  26. adish5678

    Tools to recover from Porn Addiction

    Hi All, I don't know whether this type of post is previously there or not , but i want to share my contribution to this community. So Today I want to Share some of the tools by which i am able to block/remove/avoid the porn from my life and they're really helpful ,bear with me because it...
  27. T

    I need your help

    I can't stop breaking. I masturbate to porn every single day and I can't stop, afterwards I feel angry tired and disgusted. Please help me!! Im on android and I can't block porn. I reached a point where nothing else gives Me joy. Please brothers HELP I have to, I need to, I MUST succeed
  28. T


    I am a student . Yeah like all other students I too have big dreams that looks almost impossible to others ... But it's me that beleiv on those dreams . But in the age of 14 while seeing some pics of hot actresses I was just rubbing my penis in my bed and after a while something white just came...
  29. D

    Trouble porn/web cams?

    Hey guy's. I just started again even though my counter is off I have three day's in me. I'm here to admit that I may be an addict. I have the most trouble when I am trying to sleep and mind just keeps on racing constantly. The main problem is that Masturbating helps me sleep.. I have had bad...
  30. Voyeurism

    Voyeurism and tiredness.

    It all started 6 years ago, so I was 19 years old. I was delivering food and the light went off in the building, there was only one window with the light on and so I could achieve my first voyeur experience, by accident. From there, every time I distributed food at night, I started looking...
  31. C

    My Confession

    Hi. Everybody. I am Asian so my English is not very good so I hope you can know what I mean even with a lot of grammatical mistakes. I am typing this with serious dizziness and a lot of confession after my fap today. I just want to share my experience to you. If you do want to know more about...
  32. GettingAGrip

    OCD and Porn?

    This came to my mind the other day so I wanted to see what you guys think. I suffered from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) for a little over a year back in 2015, that was when my PMO was at its highest. There is definitely a causal connection to one another since they're both in the brain...
  33. Mr. Robot

    Questions on reboot/relapse

    I recently made the decision to make my computer and phone porn free, toss my porn videos and my old dirty magazines, and make a serious run at reboot. I had just gone 10 days without ejaculation, probably the longest amount of time since I was 12 years old. I didn't look at porn or physically...
  34. Selfcontrol1

    New here and I want to belive this place will change my path.

    So... I really want to stop being who I am now. You all probably know how I feel. So why repeat it. So. Straight to the point. What now? What is next? What I have to do. ? I hate my self for not being able to stop masturbating. Actually I manage stop watching pornografie videos. But...
  35. D

    Not orgasm for a long period of time

    I was wondering if it is dangerous to not orgasm for a long period of time, like several months? Someone that has done that and can tell me how it is? And also, what do you do when thoughts or desires of PMO come up to your mind?
  36. SonicUnleashed

    I'm done. I think it's time.

    I don't like to think of myself as a "porn addict" because I dont really like masturbating to naked women or watching those hard core on camera sex videos on porn hub and stuff like that, however I do masturbate (or at least I did) to things that a lot of people would think is very weird. And...
  37. T

    An honest realization.

    It has taken me a lot of time and effort to come at this forum to write this atm. I am 18, a virgin, and a guy who has been masturbating abd watching porn since like... 12 yrs old. I need to write all this because i just have so much pressure and anxiety, i need to let this all flow. Idc if any...
  38. J

    what should i do

    well first at all i speak Spanish so sorry if i have a little mistakes so i have this question for a long time. i am in a long distance relationship and we see each other every 3 or 5 months but in the mean time we have hot conversations and we send picture of each other, we are now 2 and half...
  39. D

    Masturbating To Thoughts

    I have decided to quit porn and now I'm starting to masturbate to my thoughts Should i update my day counter If i masturbate to my thoughts , My goal is to quit porn for now
  40. CasellA


    hi im casellA im new and trying to learn more about masturbating is it good or is it bad and is it posabile to never masturbate
  41. F

    How do I break the 5 day barrier?

    I've been trying NoFap since April last year and the most I've gone since is 5 days. Is there anyone out there who was similar but got through, and how? Thanks Felix,14
  42. R

    My Masturbation Habit

    For about 4 years, i've been masturbating to porn. What might make it sound weird is that i'm not the normal porn watcher lol. I have a foot fetish and get off to feet porn so to speak. Just every porn watcher, its something that i grew an addiction masturbating once a day, or some very few...
  43. G

    Masturbation is easy, hardly can finish during sex.

    Hi. So I've been cutting down my porn usage (and masturbation) for quite some time, keep on having relapses but controlling it usually for 2 months and then I binge and get disgusted/ashamed by myself. Nowadays I try to finish myself off more mentally and not so much with porn. I feel less...
  44. L

    First Post, I need help

    I've been addicted to porn since I was 14.I'm 21 now. Thats seven years. Everyday for seven years. At first it was the most fun thing I could do when I got home from school. I was having a particularly hard time at school. My friends at the time were really into sports and I wasn't, I was always...
  45. I

    New to NoFap and concerned. Help!

    Hey guys, I'm fairly new to NoFap, and I'm writing this because I'm extremely anxious about something. Before I start, let me share my story: So basically, I'm 23 and my new girlfriend and I were making out last week when she was petting/rubbing my inner thighs in a public area. That made me...
  46. Navdeep

    Factors for viewing pornography

    I have noted some factors from my experience which led to watch pornography materials and masturbation 1.Less drinking water and exercise. 2.Restlessness 3.exhaustion all day due to over exertion in any task. 4.Frustration (tension) 5.using smartphone more than half an hour usually...
  47. J

    Masturbation without porn

    Is masturbating okay as long as you dont watch porn?
  48. M

    Penis so desensitized Can't get it up

    Hi everybody!! As you can read from the title masturbating has led to my penisn so desensitized that when my gf comes I always say excuses to get out of having sex. When I masturbate I edge out and don't ejaculate while masturbating, also porn is a minor problem but still not to be...
  49. S

    Hello all

    Hi, I'm a 22 year old female and I watch porn and masturbate daily since I was 19. It accelerated after my depression when I was 19 after I broke up with my ex. I have a boyfriend since last 3 years and I have never been able to achieve an orgasm with him. I think it's party cause of the porn...
  50. Brandon292

    How to avoid masturbating when rebooting?

    I've been PMO free for 2 weeks and today I had a relapse and M+O in the morning. I started a 90 day reboot and feel like crap now for breaking my promise to myself after just a few days from starting my reboot. I feel like this behavior is so ingrained that it's hard to break... I can avoid P...
  51. _overcomer_

    I need help

    Hello, I really need help. Since some months I am really addicted to porn consum. It started after I was staying for lmost one year in another country. Since this time I really had an Re-Entry shock and also started with the porn consum and masturbation. I really want to quit it, because...
  52. A


    Hi guys. I'm quite happy to say that its been 24 hours since I fapped. The first step towards my recovery has been completed. Still a long way to go though. Need your constant support and I promise to keep everyone updated. Here's the link to my introduction thread guys...
  53. W

    How to stay motivated in my cause

    I really really want to get rid of this porn watching and masturbating... I tried to go Gym but I can't stay motivated to avoid porn. I know it is very dangerous for me and my health, but I have no idea how to leave this habit :-(
  54. T

    I need help from you guys

    I started NoFap and I am scared that I will fall asleep and I will masturbate. How can I stop that. Can I like tighten my pants string so my hand will have a hard time to get into my pants? Please some I need your help
  55. Beatenyethopeful

    Porn and Romance

    Hey everyone i wanted to ask about sleep. So I've been addicted to porn and masturbating since i was 8. So one way this has manifested is when i sleep i fantisize until i either masturbate or watch porn. I'm on my first full day of rebooting but last night i woke up horney as heck. My other...
  56. I

    Hi, new here! Nice to meet you - Thrilled!

    I just found out today about this and I am thrilled to be apart of it. My name is Ivan I am 22 years old and I have been struggling with addiction to porn and/or masturbation for a long time ever since I started when I was 12. I have had periods when I stopped it, even for a few months and that...
  57. TheLastDirewolf420

    No Sex?

    So I'm confused. I know this is about no porn and no masturbation, but what about sex? If you have a Girlfriend/Boyfriend, must u put off sex with them? How about hookups and one night stands?
  58. D

    About these superpowers?!?! 24 day streak.

    I've been doing this for 24 days and all i feel is me getting hornier and hornier. I haven't noticed any superpowers at all. In fact all i feel is down all the time. I just feel drained and exhausted. The 1 week was awesome but after that it's been a slippery slope downward. Now i am trying to...
  59. n9n9

    Closed Out of My Last Porn Tab

    Well this is it. I just closed out of the last porn tab I will ever watch. Like many of you, I started out watching porn and masturbating at a shockingly young age. I just turned 19 and have finally had it. I'm in a committed sexual relationship, and I realized that it's time to get rid of this...
  60. RioJay

    Addicted to Babe TV Channels & Foot Fetish, Time to quit Fapping for good.

    Hi, since I was around 13/14 I saw the babe channels on tv (I don't know what they're like in the USA but in the UK they're very easily accessible). Ever since then I've been hooked on them I have to check them every morning and night and as its so easy to just switch the channel and watch them...
  61. D

    Fuck it, Let's do this. Until New Year starting now.

    Look I don't know where this will take me. I've tried before two years ago and slipped. I've never actually done this properly. Let's try it out for once. Doing this shit properly. I am stronger than this shit, it's just videos and pictures. No PMO'ing until NEW YEAR starting now. Anyone that...