weight loss

  1. SilentWolfSong

    Weight loss thread!

    One of the many ways to cope with no PMO is to eat... and then overeat. What weight are you now? What weight do you want to be? Have you lost any weight? What is your plan for diet and exercise?
  2. TheRealNitin

    A long journey.

    Hello. I am a student studying currently in grade 11. I am going to stay at a hostel 28th onwards. So I'll be taking a long break from all social media(Instagram, discord, etc) including pornography and other related media. I am aiming to shed all of my fat and gain some muscles and brain along...
  3. D

    It seems nullified androgen receptors from PMO do cause fat gain/retention (by lowering carnitine)

    I'm sure it's common knowledge for many that studies have shown dopamine from masturbation shuts off or 'fills the locks' of androgen receptors in our brain. (The studies are more so in mice and due to their nature, quite limited in humans, but mice & human's are biologically very similar). I...
  4. Sondae

    Alarming Weight Gain

    When quarantine came around, I started a weight loss journey that changed my life. I was able to lose 60 pounds through diet and low intensity exercise. I went from 230 pounds to 170 pounds from that March to August. I felt great. However, I have gained half of that weight back. Thirty pounds...
  5. Sondae

    I Lost Weight. Then I Fumbled It.

    Ever since I could remember I was bullied for being obese. At my highest, I weighed 230 pounds at 16 years old. Keep in mind, this is with almost no muscle mass. I was eating fast food every other day of the week. I had a massive gut, tight fitting clothes, and yes... the dreaded man boobs. It...
  6. Ūruz

    Extended water fasting for weight loss, health and spirituality

    So I have become pretty fat during last couple of years. Mainly due to depression—me using food to sedate and distract myself when I feel like shit. I haven't weighted myself recently but I am approximating I am close to 300 pounds right now (maybe 285 or so), cos I was 275 last time I weighted...
  7. mhnmhn2021

    I need some advice and motivation

    I started NoFap 8 weeks ago and seen immense mental and physical benefits so far. I am trying to get in a better shape (I go to the gym and train muscle groups and walks, have a clean low calorie diet and good rest and supplements of course, I am the master of supplements). I rewarded myself...
  8. D

    No weight loss? Due to masturbation?

    Hey everyone. This is actually a kind of continuous problem I have been having with myself. I've been doing ab workouts, cardio three days a week, "extensive or hit cardio". I have a personal goal to get abs by my birthday which is in two weeks. Unfortunately I am not seeing any result's in...
  9. KaliYugaWarrior

    I've lost too much weight - Help!

    I'm trying to understand why I've lost so much weight while on nofap. I was 89 kg last year in January and have come down to 67 kg. I'm looking very skinny. I've had many streaks since last year. The highest being of around 6 months. I haven't relapsed to porn at all. Have only done masturbation...
  10. KaliYugaWarrior

    5 Months of NoFap so far - Severe PAWS.

    Here's a list of some major symptoms I have - Anxiety is truly terrible sometimes. Other times I can manage. Have difficulty talking to mostly anyone except my friends I guess. Losing a lot of weight. Now I'm not sure if this is because of my lifestyle changes (more exercise, nutritious diet...
  11. Hros

    Is HIIT better than cardio for weight-loss?

    I was only vaguely aware of HIIT until a couple of weeks ago, when I heard that short HIIT workouts a few times a week burn more calories than cardio. Does anyone know if this is true? Any experience?
  12. N

    Sprinting, the new cold showers

    If you want to know the one single exercise that can boost your testosterone, growth hormone, and dopamine levels, all making you more athletic, more lean, and more confident, than look no further than sprinting. https://www.naturally-boost-testosterone.com/sprinting-and-testosterone/ Jogging...
  13. D

    Want to help a buddy

    I got a buddy who's like a big teddy bear. 6'4" 250+ and pounds of fat. Really sweet guy. He's passed written tests for various law enforcement positions, but can't pass the physicals. He could if he lost some weight. He's also really shy around women. All these issues come down to his weight...
  14. Tao Jones

    90 Day Weight Loss Journal

    I have been carrying around an extra 50 pounds for most of my adult life. And in that entire time, I have always found this principle in operation: I can focus on my weight and my fight against PMO goes in the tank, or I can focus on PMO and my weight gets out of control. I have never been able...
  15. Zillion

    Long Duration or Short duration workout..Which is best?

    Well, I don`t prefer spending hours of time and energy every day at the gym. hence I could improve myself in studies and career (Yes I`m studious). Though I would like to maintain my BMI, also I don`t want to look flabby. so, I`ve taken workout very seriously this time!. So, tell me can I do...
  16. gunslinger215

    Advice for starting fitness training

    Hey guys, I hope you’re all doing well. Recently in the last month or so I gained a lot of weight and I want to lose at least 5kg and improve my fitness levels. I mostly want to burn fat around my stomach and chest. I am considering joining a local gym, but I have no idea how I should begin...
  17. D

    26 yo gay male. First reboot; time to grow up!

    I've been incredibly surprised to see so many guys my age struggling with the same thing I have. To begin, my experience is that of a gay male who grew up at the dawn of high speed internet and porn. I'm also someone who recently started dating for the first time in my life, and recently lost my...
  18. Laffio

    Hello , 29 YO Virgin Here [Never Really Tried]

    Hello fellow fapstronauts; I have been addicted to porn and masturbation for 17 years. It, like many other people here, created barriers to socializing with people. I had this unrealistic expectation when it came to interacting with women and would immediately become anxious and uncomfortable...
  19. john_95

    90 Days with PMo and Weight Gain Challange

    Hi I am suffering from Porn and Masturbation addiction since 10 years. I am taking the following challenge. The major problem i have suffered is that I look physically very week and thin. I am not at all manly. I will change this in this challenge. 1. 90 Days without PMO 2. Gain 5 Kg weight to...
  20. john_95

    Joining for Changing my life.

    I am under Porn and Masturbation addiction since 10 years. As a result I have grown weak physically. Even being 24 yrs old male, I dont look like even 18 years old. Girls find me a baby boy, I am very thin and lean. I take the 90 days without PMO challenge. My parameters are: 1. 90 Days without...
  21. Keith63

    NoFap commitment--No PM for 90 days

    90 days up Jun 10. Will include several predictably difficult weeks when partner and I are separated by travel commitments and thus no "O" in those periods. Also likely to include reboot to more careful eating and weight loss. Will get more specific about this secondary as I settle into the...