Day 4/7 Yesterday was close call.... had food late at night. Slept later than usual. Both are pretty strong triggers. Even today, although i am not frustrated about my life right this moment, I am having urges to PMO. I PMO when I'm sad, stressed, PMO when I'm at Vacation, PMO at worklpace, this has to fucking stop!
Day 1/7 finished. Today was a really difficult day but ended on a high note. Let's see what tomorrow brings!
Day 0 of the 7 my friends. I am happy to be here and start my journey towards a reboot. I had been PMOing in the past (especially during my younger years) more than once a day and it developed alot of problems in my life which are still affecting it by now. I feel like I am having a hard time interacting with people I love and are an important part of my life which is why I am starting this. And I want to succeed. Thank the developers for the offer of NoFap and every person that stumbles through and along my way! Love Justin
day 2/7 -couldn't sleep properly last night (slept alone and woke up at around 2 - in between all I felt was anxiety for being alone, going to sleep knowing I'm alone with the fear of ghosts - and got properly back to sleep by 7 in the morning when I could see light outside) -loneliness is back. -A thought came to mind whether to hire a prostitute to feel a sense of touch (I never had true intimacy with anyone, always was single. Age 25 M) -I know it could become a coping mechanism/dependency, which is one of the reasons I don't want it. -other reasons are against my known conscience, takes effort, risky etc
It's day 2 of the 7! I am having a rough time, since my brain is sexualizing everything non-stop. But I withstand it. I have installed a web filter called cleanbrowsing which is a free DNS filter for your computer. You can set a password for disabling uninstallation and disabling the filters. The master password is locked to a word document secured with a password. The password for the word document is a in another word document which is secured by a password, too. I have done this 7 or 8 times to prevent myself from disabling the filter while on autopilot. This helps!