Almost a year, no concrete advantages, i think nofap is placebo...

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by arkad1, Apr 16, 2019.

  1. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

    Ok just to understand you, cause I am German not a native american or a british guy who can understand english easily.

    Do you mean with your sentence that you agree or disagree with me.

    Don’t worry, whatever the outcome might be, I will respect your opinion.
  2. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    Neither. I only meant to say, that the things you listed are not criteria for a cult.

    *Same in german*
    Weder, noch. Ich will nur damit sagen, dass die Punkte, die du genannt hast, keine Kriterien dafür sind, ob etwas ein Kult ist oder nicht.
    Jonny1992 likes this.
  3. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut


    Achsooo, Dankeschön.

    Ich finde halt nur, weil es damals normal war das es keine Pornografie gab, das man das jetzt, wo man versucht wieder zum Ursprung zu kommen, nicht als Kult bezeichnen kann.

    Mir geht es ohne wesentlich besser.

    Aber vielen Dank für deine offene und ehrliche Meinung.
    IR254 likes this.
  4. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    Ich werde im Folgenden wieder Englisch antworten, damit die anderen Mitglieder es auch verstehen.

    That's not why I call parts of NoFap "cult-like". The reason is more, that there are some people, who have become too extreme in their views. They don't use arguments anymore, they only use ideology. Everyone, who disagrees with them gets insulted on a regular basis.

    I think we all agree, that porn is a bad influence on our life and that it's good to cut it out.
    recon117 and Jonny1992 like this.
  5. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

    Yeah thats right. If you believe or standing behind something that you want to believe, and not because of the evidence and facts or logical thinking, than this is extreme.

    Keep going
    IR254 likes this.
  6. This expresses my situation exactly. I was a casual PMO-user for decades, until a few years ago when I crossed some invisible line, and became a full-blown, out-of-control addict, slipping ever farther into self-destruction. We're talking serious psychological, emotional, physical fallout from ever-escalating abuse. I'll tell you this, I sure as hell wouldn't be wasting my time here and going through all this self-restraint if things hadn't gotten so bad - but they did. If I could've just kept going on, with PMO as a fairly harmless vice, I would have. So perhaps the improvement we can gain by periods of nofap is directly proportional to the seriousness of our dependency in the first place.

    The OP says he's been doing all this stuff with exercise and diet and meditation etc. already, whether or not he was trying nofap. All I can say is that in my case, that would have been impossible - my PMO compulsion had grown into a black hole that sucked up all my time and energy and focus from anything else positive I might have tried to counteract it. For me, I had to pull away from that addictive pattern just so I could even start to work on other areas of my life. Letting go of the PMO allowed me to regain the motivation I needed to start healing. Maybe that's part of why it helps some people more than others ... maybe the climb up has more effect the farther down you start.
  7. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    Just wanted to highlight this, sums it all up pretty well! ^

    To go along with this analogy, NoFap for me is like climbing up a steep mountain. There's people below you and above you at different stages, and a rope (representing NoFap) that everyone can use to gain traction.

    I tried getting fit, talking to strangers, studying hard. It never worked when I jerked off every week and lost my energy...

    But NoFap gave me that traction, and motivation to then do exercise, talk to anyone without shame, and complete my assignments on time damn it!

    You must have
    lost in order to gain.
  8. skibum71

    skibum71 Fapstronaut

    OP I agree with you, to a certain extent. Ive just passed 100 days and I feel slightly more assertive, and that's it. My last relapse after a 40 day streak showed no improvement in my PE (I lasted less than 10 seconds) and morning erections show very little change in ED (not even 50% hard).
    I think the benefits of nofap are directly related to the seriousness of your addiction. If you are binging on really fucked up stuff, for hours, day after day, week after week, and it's seriously affecting your life, then yes I can imagine abstinence will have a significant effect.
    In my case I was down to using vanilla porn once a week, an extremely mild "problem" compared to most people here. I think that is why I've experienced virtually zero benefits of nofap.
    It's not rocket science. A raging alcoholic clearly has more to gain from giving up than someone who enjoys a few pints once a week...
  9. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    I agree. It's simply logical.
    AspiringVitality likes this.
  10. Toomuchh

    Toomuchh Fapstronaut

    Its a placebo, but at the same time sometimes thats all that is needed to act as a catalyst to cause change.

    IMO, No porn is more legit than NoFap except for those rare exceptions where someone has an excessive M problem.

    People just want to blame their problems on something other than themselves. Blaming PMO is just a convenient scapegoat that lets some people avoid taking responsibility. Thats why there is a fanatic, cult like culture. They are looking for a community to validate that their problems arent their fault and that theyre the victim. Its just my opinion, but i think these people just cant be honest with themsleves because theyre trying to protect their ego. That or they are just too stupid to think logically.

    That being said, nofap is good for people trying to improve their lives. Porn actually takes a shit tonne of time that you could be doing with your life. So while nofap doesnt directly make you better, it puts you in position to be better. Its a good kick in the butt and a bit of an eye opener with how much time you waste pmoing.
    andi1987 and arkad1 like this.
  11. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    I generally agree with what you said. I just want to point out, that we have to make clear what we mean by the terms we use. If you understand the term "NoFap" in a literal sense, it indeed means "No masturbation". However, the "NoFap" movement is primarily about quitting porn. This gets clear, when you take a look at the "About" tab on this site. So, in the end "NoFap" and "not using porn" can be used as synonyms, depending on what we mean by the terms.
  12. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    This thing that pmo can kill you is very suspect honestly...
  13. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

    Well, it is actually true, that porn addiction can lead to suicide.
  14. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    This thing that you don't find a girlfriend because of porn...i had the same issue, i can tell you that no porn and no masturbation is not going to fix it...
    Jonny1992 likes this.
  15. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

    Ok thank you. Nice that there is someone who understands me. But what do you think I need to change to find a gf?
  16. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    The thing is, how bad your situation is, is judged only by you, so we can virtually have equal situations of porn usage here, where one individual thinks he's in a dark hole, and the other think it's normal.

    For example i always thought my porn usage was quite bad, but some people here read my posts and think i didn't even have a porn problem to start with.
    So it's actually hard to make comparison...
    recon117 and Jonny1992 like this.
  17. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    I totally agree with that, no pmo can be a little kick in the ass for someone. But it's not that incredible crazy thing, that is going to change your life, that many talks about.
  18. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    I can agree with that, i have been suicidal for some weeks before starting nofap, and i have been suicidal a lot during the withdrawals of no pmo.

    After almost a year, looking back, i think that the whole situation was not caused by porn per se, it was a sum of many bad situations in my life.
    Years ago, from 2012 to 2016, i was a lot into self-help and i did a lot of changes in my life, and get some quite good result economically, i was reading a lot and and enjoying it. And during that time i was masturbating and watching porn like always!
    Jonny1992 likes this.
  19. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    I would like to ask you the same question :D

    If you think no pmo can help you a little, just keep doing it. For me, in almost a year, i didn't notice that big woman attraction. Some guys get a smile from a girl while they're on nofap and go crazy thinking that girl is into them...maybe she was a cashier, maybe she smile to all her clients, i read some ridicolous bullshit about woman attraction experiences, like, "today a girl looked at me for 2 seconds and then looked away, she was really into me!"

    As i said, i consider myself an experimenter, and i decided to experiment big thing for me, but i would recommend to you to try it yourself for a year and make your opinion.
    Jonny1992 likes this.
  20. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    This brings up an essential question though: How bad was your porn usage? Can you report, how much you watched? What kinds you watched? Did you let responsibilities slide because of your porn habits? Did it influence your behavior?