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I'm a 29 y.o. female and I'm scared out of my mind because my porn addiction got totally out of hand.
I'm currently doing a pretty good job ruining both my relationship and my career.
Just yesterday I missed the deadline for an important assignment at university because I was too busy watching porn for 3 hours straight. Now I failed the entire course. It wasn't even graded...I just had to turn it in on time.
That's how it's been for quite some time now. I can't concentrate and have no interest in anything besides porn. I also find that "ordinary porn" doesn't cut it anymore and have begun watching more extreme content. Afterwards I feel so incredibly disgusted with myself.
My boyfriend doesn't know about my addiction but he is suffering the consequences. We only have sex once a month, sometimes once every two months, because I suffer from sexual dysfunction. Penetration and intercourse hurt because I can't get aroused and sex has more than once ended in tears.
I love him and want to give him so much more but porn has destroyed every healthy bit of sexuality I possessed.
As a female I feel like an anomaly. Sure, there are women trying to quit porn but it seems like most of them haven't escalated to the point that the addiction has taken over their lives. I have tried quitting so many times and I'm so exhausted.
That being said I want to quit porn for good. 15 years are a long time to be addicted to porn and I need to do this. l'm almost done with Day 1!
I'm glad I found this forum and I'm grateful for any advice. To any women struggling with the same issues, feel free to shoot me a message.
I'm currently doing a pretty good job ruining both my relationship and my career.
Just yesterday I missed the deadline for an important assignment at university because I was too busy watching porn for 3 hours straight. Now I failed the entire course. It wasn't even graded...I just had to turn it in on time.
That's how it's been for quite some time now. I can't concentrate and have no interest in anything besides porn. I also find that "ordinary porn" doesn't cut it anymore and have begun watching more extreme content. Afterwards I feel so incredibly disgusted with myself.
My boyfriend doesn't know about my addiction but he is suffering the consequences. We only have sex once a month, sometimes once every two months, because I suffer from sexual dysfunction. Penetration and intercourse hurt because I can't get aroused and sex has more than once ended in tears.
I love him and want to give him so much more but porn has destroyed every healthy bit of sexuality I possessed.
As a female I feel like an anomaly. Sure, there are women trying to quit porn but it seems like most of them haven't escalated to the point that the addiction has taken over their lives. I have tried quitting so many times and I'm so exhausted.
That being said I want to quit porn for good. 15 years are a long time to be addicted to porn and I need to do this. l'm almost done with Day 1!
I'm glad I found this forum and I'm grateful for any advice. To any women struggling with the same issues, feel free to shoot me a message.