Day 208 - meet a nice girl last weekend. I wanted to kiss her yesterday but she did not allow me to do it , she just smile to me and look deep in my eyes. However she write to me every day and tomorrow we are going to cinema togetherSoldiers do not forget about rewiring process.
Check in. Tomorrow will be a month! The benefits of NoFap are showing up. I'm more productive and my thoughts are clearer. I feel better in my chest and body. I feel competent with my capabilities.
Thank you to everyone who continues to post each day. You give me so much inspiration. EVERY ONE OF YOU.
Are you doing things you enjoy? Depression is a cycle: you feel bad, so you don't do things you like, so you feel worse. Sometimes it's good to take a break, but the best way to deal with depression is to do things that you used to find enjoyable in hopes of creating a cycle of healing and upward movement. The best things to do is with friends, family, and loved ones. This is what I am learning in therapy school.
Also, your day 75 is worth celebrating! That's absolutely amazing!!!