Over 20 years of masturbating decided to stop!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by AvengerOne2019, Oct 22, 2018.

  1. AvengerOne2019

    AvengerOne2019 Fapstronaut

    I must say that you are indeed very lucky :)
    Have you ever suffered from fatigue because of PM?
  2. traveler2

    traveler2 Fapstronaut

    I had to come to terms with my addiction and I had to want to do something about it for me first. It took me a long time to realize what my addiction was doing to her and other people around me. I was somewhat anti-social always looking forward to a little time alone to be back on the computer for a quick fix.
  3. traveler2

    traveler2 Fapstronaut

    For the past 38 days these desires have mostly gone away and I have finally opened up to my wife and made a promise that I would complete the 90 day no PMO reboot and we talk about how it is going. Just being able to talk has started to build that trust back up, it will be a long road to get it all back, but I am committed to this for myself, my wife and others that have been affected. I know that you can do the same. Good luck and we are all here to support each other.
  4. traveler2

    traveler2 Fapstronaut

    Avenger1 I used to suffer from fatigue when I was in my 30's but then I started to work out and at 40 I set up a bucket list of things that I wanted to accomplish and one of them was to run a marathon, it took me three years to get into the shape before I ran one, I ran 6 in 3 1/2 years and just ran another one a couple of weeks ago 22 years later. So I think that proper exercise and you don't have to go overboard like I did will help get your energy back. I also think that just as important is eating properly. Because what you put into your body will effect the way you feel and the amount of energy you have. Believe me when I don't eat properly it effect how well I feel and the amount of energy I have. And finally stop the porn, this took me the longest to accomplish. Good luck, you can do this.
    Ra's Al Ghul likes this.
  5. AvengerOne2019

    AvengerOne2019 Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot. Actually, I feel much better reading your comment :D
  6. Uncomfortably Numb

    Uncomfortably Numb Fapstronaut

    fantastico, buona fortuna per il tuo viaggio
  7. mileskubiak

    mileskubiak New Fapstronaut

    Hey man,
    happy for you that you are nipping this in the bud before your marriage, this is highly commendable that you are trying this. I'm a long time addict with over 20 years of abuse as well, I am starting a 90 day hard mode reboot, today is day 1. I know what you mean with feeling drained and 0 energy from PMO, I feel like my focus has been affected by shooting myself up with massive amounts of dopamine. Ive been married for 8 years, just had our anniversary on the 23rd, and it was a reality check that if im not going to make a real change, I'm going to lose the life I had with my wife. Don't feel ashamed brother, we have been conditioned by all the porn and endless novelty. Its time to get our life back. I think 100 days you should see a massive improvement even with all the heavy usage. It wont be easy, the longest ive done was 45 days and it was hell with withdrawals but it can be done these long streaks. I do believe that the brain can be rewired with time and self control. Good luck you man.
  8. mileskubiak

    mileskubiak New Fapstronaut

    Traveler, you give me great hope with your recovery. ive had issues with PIED but I have no issue getting an erection with the novelty stuff i was viewing. I long for the day that I can have a natural erection with my life partner, I miss that feeling. Im going for 90 days as well.