Porn Addiction-Suffrage

what are simple daily rituals or things you do to help you overcome porn addiction

  • read, but not in my room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • play music

    Votes: 2 100.0%

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New Fapstronaut
Hey Guys, I am new to NoFap and have been addicted to pornography, masturbation along with other bad habits for over 10 years.. I feel like stopping is impossible, even going one day makes my mind go crazy. What are some simple things you do during the day that make you forget about porn, or sexual images. I cannot go anywhere without thinking about it. Even if I am fishing, camping and away (my favorite things to do) I feel like it has taken over me, leading to depression and social anxiety... What makes you keep fighting this terrible drug..
Not being alone helps a lot. Having long discussions with friends and working. Once thing you could think of is going in an isolated area without wifi/4G for a few days. Maybe if you're can't watch porn for some days it will help you not thinking too much about it and then considering a reboot. But try not being alone would be my advice. Good luck !
Not being alone helps a lot. Having long discussions with friends and working. Once thing you could think of is going in an isolated area without wifi/4G for a few days. Maybe if you're can't watch porn for some days it will help you not thinking too much about it and then considering a reboot. But try not being alone would be my advice. Good luck !
That is one huge problem I have, is that I am alone 90% of the time and it is because I choose to. It is a dangerous game I play because I love my alone time but maybe porn has led me to this. I might need a trip without wifi. I already made oe good choice tonight and I am getting rid of my iphone. Having that instant access is beyond tempting. Thanks Haddock!
Hey man! I'm with you. I just started too. I wanted to stop masturbating. I haven't seen porn for almost a week now. It helps a lot to not think about though its really hard. But bro you're not alone in this fight
I am slowly rebooting from watching porn but I needed advice on how to stop masturbating and fantasizing
the videos that I had watched. And can you tell me how not masturbating change you and what to do when I feel
the urge to masturbate
Just take it "one step at a time," and "in time," you will start to figure things out. That is all I can tell you. for me, like for example, I had to develop more faith in myself and I felt less stressed out about my porn urges and eventually they died out, haha. Listen to joel osteen. He is an inspiration.
Yeah you are right. Not masturbating for a long time, does it help you increase you sex drive. Does it make any difference? I struggle because they said that its not bad but I want to stop so I don't get it.
I have struggled with this addiction in silence for 8 years. Telling someone about my struggle has been the most effective out of everything I have tried. I feel as though am not alone and you'll be surprised just how much people are willing to help. Also I workout a lot, it makes me forget the pain and damage caused by pmo. Despite all of this, it also comes down to how much you want it. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to be free from the addiction.
Hey man! I'm with you. I just started too. I wanted to stop masturbating. I haven't seen porn for almost a week now. It helps a lot to not think about though its really hard. But bro you're not alone in this fight
I am slowly rebooting from watching porn but I needed advice on how to stop masturbating and fantasizing
the videos that I had watched. And can you tell me how not masturbating change you and what to do when I feel
the urge to masturbate
yea man, it is crazy that this is one of the hardest things I am going through right now. I can and have easily said no to cigarettes and alcohol, but for some reason P is ridiculously hard to resist... However, the last time I went 2 weeks without PMO it felt like I had insane amounts of energy, but eventually I let it get to me.. The gym definitely helps. One thing I do when I get the urge is to walk out of my room, call a friend, or just start doing something totally random like wash dishes lol. Don't fully rely on willpower because sometimes that is not enough.. and I keep saying "ok tomorrow" Which is what messes me up :( I am just being real, but if some of these guys can do it, so can we!