Relapsed after 234 days


I knew I was relapsing but didn’t stop
I just wanted random erections and libido to be back in me, but it didn’t
From past 15 days I was coming around soft porn or nude pictures and today something triggered it and I relapsed
I just want my libido to be back and I want to getting aroused by just looking at girls
I’m kinda sure I have low testosterone
I’ll soon go and get my blood work done
And try to fix my testosterone
Idk what to do next all I know is I want to lose my virginity and I’ll stay on a hunt to fall in love and rewire my brain to actual sex
Just felt lil bit guilty after relapsing from a 234 days streak
Idk what happens I just want my penis to react on its own without needing stimulation and I want my testosterone and libido to be high. I’m still 22 years old
Idk what my point of writing this is but just putting this out there
And I was in a flatline from 30 days No morning wood from 30 days
And also since 10/15 days I was noticing pre cum in my pants all the time after peeing etc , so I got even more frustrated
Try your best to go back in momentum, plead yourself that you will take effort to recover again. Put it in your mental map somewhere, and make it like a "goal" that you have to do.

Once you've done that, immediately do something else. Go do something you enjoy!
If your head is disorganized, then go take a seat, calm down, breathe, and don't think of anything. You have thoughts? Let it pass, and hopefully your brain leads you somewhere positive.
Block out, or challenge the defective thoughts.

Try to get a life, it's not all about PMO, it's all about your life, your happiness, and your well-being, so take care of that. I believe everyone have potential to do something great, that are only numbed by PMO.

If you have any doubts, you can do research on the internet. Divide and conquer, use that theory and break down your problems to smaller one, and handle it each. Slow and steady, don't go in a rush