New Fapstronaut
I've suffered two relapses today, both about half an hour ago and they both involved PMO. I've decided that this time I'm going to approach the situation a little differently. Instead of shutting myself away from society out of the guilt, embarrassment and whatever labels I decide to put on myself, I'm going to talk about it on this freshly made account.
Complaining to myself about the problem is only going to make it worse- think about if you have a scab and then you decide to pick at it. Would it get any better? Even though it may be tempting to dwell in my anxiety for a few days, those few days could easily become a few weeks or a few months. A few years even. I've decided that there's no better time to get help for my addiction than today.
I'm not going to let this relapse put me down or any other relapses put me down. I have a choice of either hiding from my flaws or facing them head on. That doesn't mean that I can't sympathize with myself over the difficulty of the tasks ahead of me. It also doesn't mean that I can procrastinate, finding comfort in foods and videogames. I'm going to naturally restore my dopamine receptors by pushing forward and conquering the challenges that I'll face. These feelings which I'll get will be transmuted into pure, concentrated and focused effort, or I'll ignore them and let them pass if they can be of no use to me.
Complaining to myself about the problem is only going to make it worse- think about if you have a scab and then you decide to pick at it. Would it get any better? Even though it may be tempting to dwell in my anxiety for a few days, those few days could easily become a few weeks or a few months. A few years even. I've decided that there's no better time to get help for my addiction than today.
I'm not going to let this relapse put me down or any other relapses put me down. I have a choice of either hiding from my flaws or facing them head on. That doesn't mean that I can't sympathize with myself over the difficulty of the tasks ahead of me. It also doesn't mean that I can procrastinate, finding comfort in foods and videogames. I'm going to naturally restore my dopamine receptors by pushing forward and conquering the challenges that I'll face. These feelings which I'll get will be transmuted into pure, concentrated and focused effort, or I'll ignore them and let them pass if they can be of no use to me.