SOs feelings and thoughts through their partners Addiction/Recovery

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Warfman, May 8, 2023.

  1. I think that Paul urging early churches to resolve disputes amongst themselves in peaceful manner rather than to take each other to court over property and land rights is totally different than a spouse who already broke the marriage agreement by being regularly unfaithful. The unfaithful spouse initiated and concreted the divorce. The betrayed partner just filled out the paperwork.
    Psalm27:1my light likes this.
  2. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    I really think my life's story in context matters here and I think it is very common. For much of my life I haven't known what I've done. Like I didn't know what it would cause. "forgive them father because they know not what they do". It kills me in a deep way that even knowing this I have struggled. It's like you've said they backwards bicycle, I think that matters. It's not easy, Yes it needs done, but it's not easy. And I think because of that a certain level of grace needed or all seems hopeless. As you said the issue is this is a repeated crime not a one time offense and I get that 100 percent, and I think the frequency definitely matters in terms of the damage done and what it would take to truly be worthy of grace from our partners.
  3. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    IDK I think empathy and compassion may be needed. Maybe not for you. But for true forgiveness to happen I do think its needed.

    My heart says there's more to your life story and I will pray for that.
  4. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    I'm rereading much of this and this caught my eye. What's your experience dealing with this rejection and hurt in a healthy way?

    I know some of it as you've talked about it in other posts but I'm interested in more as I share this feeling of rejection with you. And know I will feel it in the future.
  5. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    I relate here as well. I'm a 5th gen rancher. For a long time was so scared to be the one that lost the ranch. It has hurt me even more to think that it would be because of my addiction.

    I can't express how that really makes my feel. If my forefathers were in a line and I had to explain that I'd done.

    I wouldn't be able to look them in the eye.
    KevinesKay likes this.
  6. Starling

    Starling Fapstronaut

    It is not sefish to say that or to feel that. That is the truth. The addict does that to the SO. She is a victim of choises of the addict. If you as an addict feel like a victim, you are just a victim of your own choises. We didnt choose this. The addict might not mean to hurt the SO, but he definitely did. Repeatedly. Deeply. And, at least after the woman said that it hurts her, every one single "slip" was done consciously.
    Here I might be in a minority with this opinion, but I think that even the boys at a young age (say 10-12), that might get accidentally exposed to porn, might know that it is wrong to watch that. Reading posts of men here in nofap, their stories are similar. Got exposed at a young age and got hooked. First seeing that, might feel weird, disgusted. But still that didnt stop them. According to what I have read, almost everybody feels shame about what he is doing. Afraid someone might find out, parents or later girlfriend, wife, friends, whoever. Why all the shame, when the society promotes porn and masturbation as healthy and ok and everybody does that. If its that ok, why not tell your girlfriend? I guess, because even the little boys KNOW that it is not qiute ok. Something tells them that. I believe in Gods voice that tells us what is good and wrong, the conscience. You might not know the consequences, I guess no one knew 20 years ago, when a lot of addicts first got addicted, but I guess there was at least some vague feeling that this is not right.
    And, even if you would argue that you didnt know, I believe later, you must have found out that it is hurting people around you. A lot of boys here think that when they find a girlfriend, they will stop watching porn. I guess, at the beginning of a relationship a lot of them know, that if they continue watching porn while in a relationship, their girlfriend might feel cheated on, or sad at least. Very many are afraid she could find out, because they know, what they are doing, is wrong. But, they cant stop watching porn. In this moment, I guess, everyone knows, he is hurting his SO. But still the majority chooses to keep the porn and also the relationship and hurt their SO and their relationship. Again and again.
    Agreed. I know my husband is not that evil to hurt me on purpose. In fact, he did all he could to prevent me from finding out and being hurt. But he still did things, that would hurt me if I knew.
    After I discovered he was watching porn, he told me, that he didnt want to hurt me. That he didnt know it would hurt me. And he really believed that. But later, when he was sober for about a year, he admitted, that deep down he knew the whole time that he was hurting me, cheating on me and what he did was wrong. He just didnt want to admit that even to himself. To not feel guilty, he even blamed me, for his porn addiction. Never said anything like that, but when I asked him, he said he did. When I asked him how was that my fault, he didnt know.
    SanctuaryWife and hope4healing like this.
  7. KevinesKay

    KevinesKay Fapstronaut

    Hats off to @Warfman for stepping out of his comfort zone and embracing conflict. This is awesome man! By letting go of the desire for validation from others, your demonstrating that you're a person of value. You don't have to be perfect. You don't always have to be right. This is healing. Good job!

    And I see that you've picked up on some of the shame dumping. Yes, I agree. I see a lot of shame dumping from wives. I don't think they're consciously aware of that. Shame based behavior is very subconscious. I wasn't aware of mine for decades.

    I use shame dumping to make the other person look bad so that I can look good. And the validation seeking behavior is rooted in my toxic shame, this inner belief that I'm a worthless piece of garbage. Again, I've not been consciously aware of what I was doing. And what's bad is not the behavior itself, but the motivation behind it. To get validation because of the toxic shame. Shame-based behavior hurts primarily myself because it reinforces the root. This root is nasty; far more destructive than my PMO. And men are not the only ones carrying it. Women carry toxic shame too.

    If fact, because my toxic shame festers throughout all of my being and character, a healthy person would recognize my brokenness , at least on a subconscious level. Even if I keep my PMO hidden. Thus, healthy people don't go about attaching themselves to broken people. Only broken people attach themselves to broken people. So when you're dealing with one broken person in a relationship (the addict), there's never just one broken person, there's always two (the spouse). And both people carried this brokenness well before the relationship started. And if it's not identified and dealt with, toxic shame will continue to lead each partner on a destructive path well after a relationship is over.
    Warfman likes this.
  8. I don't think you realize how tone deaf it is to tell the person who was cheated on almost daily from the beginning of the relationship to have empathy and compassion.

    And again, forgiveness does not mean you still maintain emotional intimacy. You can truly forgive someone and still not want to be with them anymore. Biblical forgiveness is giving up any right to be repaid or reimbursed for the loss caused by the actions of another. It absolutely does not mean staying in emotional or physical intimacy with someone who tricked you into relationship by misrepresenting themselves. What you're advocating is not forgiveness, it's restoration. The standard for "true forgiveness" by a betrayed partner is NOT and will never be the restoration of the relationship to the satisfaction of the cheating partner.
    Starling and Psalm27:1my light like this.
  9. If this gets me banned, I just accept that. You're a disgusting person.

    "Healthy people don't go attaching themselves to broken people".
    Go fuck yourself. It's totally disgusting that you would come on here and basically tell spouses "if you weren't broken, you wouldn't have been cheated on". Total piece of horseshit.
  10. KevinesKay

    KevinesKay Fapstronaut

    Hi, my name is Kevin. And I'm a nice guy. But not anymore.

    Now I'm a bad bad bad bad boy
    onceaking likes this.
  11. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    This has actually been debunked in many betrayal trauma groups. The fact that the partner must be just as damaged as the addict. I, for one have never in my life thought I was a worthless piece of garbage. I’ve never thought I was unloveable or a terrible person. In fact quite the opposite. The sheer number of men who look at porn suggests it’s far harder to weed out a pmo addict than an alcoholic for instance. I would not date anyone who drank, smoked, or used drugs. I would not be with someone who was abusive. My husband for instance, although an addict before he met me, it was mainly magazines and the addiction just wasn’t as progressed. Although he was stuck emotionally at 15, we marred at 23 and I was very immature so the emotional age of both of us was pretty close. I knew on our honeymoon though that something was wrong. But didn’t know what or that having sex changed my husbands way of relating to me. Byb 35 it was intolerable,I had continued to grow and mature while his addiction grew but he stayed “ 15”. Some partners may feel toxic shame, especially if their family of origin had a lot of trauma/abuse or there is molestation or sexual assault. Just because they are with a sex addict does not necessarily mean they have this same shame or brokenness. While everyone has issues, not everyone is near the same level as an addict. Do you know what my first thought was on dday? My first thought was “ I knew I wasn’t crazy, he is totally screwed up”.
    maybe you use shame dumping to make yourself look better, but I cannot fathom that. I do not need to tear another person down to feel good about myself, in fact that would make me feel shitty not good. Telling someone their actions have serious consequences and this is how those actions make us feel is not shame dumping. Telling someone they are horrible person that doesn’t ever deserve love or kids and can never change is different than telling them what you did was horrible and it can cost you the love of your life. Telling someone that what they are doing is wrong, is not shaming even if the person hearing it feels shame.
    kropo82, Starling and hope4healing like this.
  12. This philosophy of codependence is now recognized in the professional mental health community as being outdated and just wrong. But, there are still some people who hang onto it anyway. It's being replaced with the prodependency model which correctly recognizes that SO's are not to blame for their partner's addiction, and being in a relationship with someone who's an addict/broken doesn't mean you are, too. Some people don't like this way of thinking, though, because it doesn't leave room for dumping all the responsibility for your own crap on someone else.
    Last edited: May 10, 2023
  13. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    I don’t really know what to say. I could never get rid of the feeling of rejection because as my counselor pointed out, it is rejection. They are rejecting you in the moment. So what I had to do, was not let the rejection make me feel like I was not good enough. Not let his rejection drive me to feel validated by being with someone else. Just because he rejected me does not mean I’m not good enough, it means something is going on with him . One thing I did, I quit fantasizing about sex with him. I used to think about things we could do, try seduce him while out hiking, I quit trying to get him interested. I quit telling myself that he had no right to tell me no because he married me and that’s a part of marriage. I filled my days with kids, farm work, heavy, hard, cross fit workouts, friends, family, and God. I prayed from the minute I married him that God would make me the wife he needed. Not the one he wanted, not the one I thought I should be, the one God knew he needed. I thanked God for everything I did have. I tried to be grateful for the good I saw in my husband. The longer he remained in his addiction though, the harder this became, until he was intolerable to be around. When that happened, I just left whenever he was home. I don’t initiate sex. Ever. It’s on him. He has said he will never tell me no again and my response is I’ll never give you the opportunity again. Honestly it’s only easy because of menopause, my libido is gone. Lol, so that won’t help you. Just know it never got easier for me.
    kropo82 and hope4healing like this.
  14. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the acknowledgment of this fact. As I worked this afternoon I felt plenty of toxic shame and desire to be validated while I awaited the responses I was to see tonight. :S

    As I've been working through my shame I see this as well. Very often the SO makes assumptions that we all are the exact same, my wife has done this to me for sure and not because of my addiction. I think this is something I need to express in my forum. IDK maybe I'm the odd case where I actually do think my wife is a hottie. It makes me sad thinking of people who are rejected by their PA partner because I also know how it feels to be rejected. For me this is not the fault of Nofap nor the SOs here on why this gets contentious, I think it's that we are all hurting, that's what makes this so tough, everyone is dealing with the hurt, whether its self inflicted or otherwise, that to me is the issue here and why there is so much disagreement. I truly believe for us to help more addicts break free we need to acknowledge this. I have had hard time processing that shame a SO can feel that @hope4healing expressed that got me thinking of this topic because it's one I think about a lot. Why do I let someone else's shame affect me even though the accusation isn't how I actually feel? To me some of it doesn't resonate because it's not true, some of it is so true it triggers my toxic shame and puts me deeper into the cycle, some of it is literally something I've never considered and all of a sudden realize how guilty I am of it months later. I've never been able to put a finger on it very well, I don't think I can articulate any of this particularly well. I think we are ALL guilty of doing this. What I sense though is a lot of misdirected frustration of the entire situation by all parties involved, maybe because of different perceptions and life experiences. I see it in my wife, I see it in me. I'm not the only one causing problems in my marriage. Often my wife is much more to blame than me. I have been deeply hurt by my wife. There's still so much I need to work through on this. I've also dumped so much of my toxic shame onto my wife it makes me sick. Maybe I was slightly validated a time or two, but it was so very wrong for me to do. I think the opposite can also be true on this subject.

    I totally am trying to be empathetic of SOs. I hope I may have illustrated that addicts deserve it as well. That we are to be valued. Warts and all.

    I'm very glad that even though I don't deserve it, my wife is still here.

    I hope that all here can find the healing we need.

    I have definitely noticed this in my wife. I've described my wife on here as a very vicious hostile person at times. I'm realizing that I triggered her toxic shame without a doubt. I need to be kinder to her through her struggles as well because I know that when my toxic shame is triggered I am not myself, so I cannot judge my wife for the same failure. If I can leave anyone with any take away I hope it is that even though my wife in that moment is wrong and that she betrayed me for xyz. I can show grace, love, empathy and compassion because I do in fact love her.
    kropo82 and KevinesKay like this.
  15. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    I think it is also tone deaf to suggest when someone is speaking their heart, addicted to P or not, that they are wrong when they express how they truly feel physical attraction above all for their partner, that they instead don't understand they actually feel like all the "others". That a P addict is trying to "ease their guilt" to suggest that they didn't know the ramifications of the addiction and were hooked before they even knew what a woman's body looked like. To do exactly what you are asking me not to do to you. That it for some reason is ok to shame the person who is suffering from shame the most. All in the name of "how could you do this to me". Maybe a better question is "how could you do this to US?"

    I'm sorry that this has upset you.

    This is important to me because it happens to me often, almost daily. My wife does this exact thing. We will get in an argument and instead of listening to me express my feelings or thoughts on something she will tell me exactly how I am supposed to feel and think. She will say "NO, you said this and that means you think xyz..." When I try to clarify she adamantly holds to that same belief. I cower because I traditionally have been scared of conflict. It's maddening at times. What I am just barely realizing is that my wife also deals with shame and that I need to do a better job of understanding that shame to be able to love and understand her fully. I think the opposite is also true she needs to understand my shame. I'm not saying you have to forgive or do anything. I just hope I can offer a fresh perspective for someone out there. As I feel compelled that it is important to do so.

    I know SOs are hurt deeply by the betrayal of their partners. I get it. It's exactly why I am here. Because I see my faults, to be genuinely sorry for them there's only one way I know how to do that. Be brutally honest, with myself, my wife, and everyone. To get rid of my toxic shame, to realize I am not bad. That it's ok to be freakishly turned on by my wife. That its ok for me to share that feeling with her. To not cower from conflict when someone says "No you do not feel like that, you feel like this".

    Best wishes to you.
    KevinesKay and kropo82 like this.
  16. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    I like this.

    For me this is similar to my deep fear of being in a sexless prison forever. I don't know if this will make sense... But for me it's been a super hard part of embracing nofap. Because I have to be willing to stop, and there is the potential of never having another orgasm. That scares me because it does mean a lot to me. “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it” This verse I find hits harder when faced with the cold hard real world reality of it.

    Two thoughts on this, one I constantly justify an opinion that "Dear, someday we won't want sex near as much, I probably will develop ED.. You menopause.. So lets just enjoy these years and tear into each other!" lol For as much sense as it makes for me, it doesn't my wife. That sucks.
    Second, it ties in perfectly with my fear of not having sex again. My opinion is really changing on this. I'm just expressing how I've always felt for context.

    This week has been intense for me. I feel a sense of relief that I'm finally maybe dealing with my largest trigger I haven't been able to overcome. That I very often feel rejected and unloved by my wife and that this feeling destroys me inside. This dates back to when she left me twice, to search out her feelings with her ex. When I was told I could not have contact with female friends and that I must disclose if they do, only to find her messaging her ex in secret. That I would be blamed for ruining her sisters wedding because I accidentally found those messages. The comments from my friends that I out kicked my coverage because she is so much better looking than me. (I dealt with this my entire life) When I find sexually graphic videos of her on her old computer sent to someone else before we dated, but that I was told "she wasn't that type of girl that did something like that" even though I had seen that she had with someone else. That she can tell our daughter she loves her and kiss her, and fully ignore me because she was busy studying for a test. Maybe I have a unique perspective because I have looked into my wife's eyes as I watched her knowingly lie to me. I totally get how bad this hurts.

    I get that I am at fault in a lot of ways for how I'm treated, because I have done things to cause it. But, I know for sure that I'm not to blame for all of it.

    Past my lies and betrayal in P. I'm seeing that in a lot of ways it was my toxic shame that was the problem and is keeping me from being a worthy life partner. I agreed with my friends comments. That I wasn't good enough.

    I know I still have a lot to work through and my fears are very much still there. But I feel more at peace than I think I ever have with myself.
    Last edited: May 10, 2023
    KevinesKay likes this.
  17. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    I know for myself, it is almost impossible to believe someone who has lied to protect his addiction. We are left trying to decide if this is a lie that you believe, but still a lie, or a lie that you know is a lie but are trying to convince us it’s not, or could it be true? So we are now put in a position of trying to understand how it can possibly be true when we read what so many write and when we weigh how much we have been lied to vs how often we got the truth. This may not be you, but our experience and our exposure on sites like this, show us that many do not want to give up their harem. They talk about the sheer pleasures of all that beauty and never getting to look at that again. They talk about how much they miss it. It’s common for the men to get on here and talk about how unattractive their wife is now that she’s had 4 kids and gained 30 pounds. I mean come on, several occasions I’ve read about guys wanting sex dolls or hookers over their partner! Sex dolls . That’s how screwed up porn addiction can get. I understand that’s not all or even a majority, but it’s crazy there is more than one, lol. My husband says “ I do not want to do that” I believe him. But I also believe that he does want to do that. Both can be true. Honestly, it doesn’t matter anymore if he thinks I’m the most beautiful person, most important person, on earth, he destroyed the ability to make me feel like he sees me as the most beautiful person on earth or the most important to him. Which is sad, because I do think he’s the most beautiful person, but I don’t think he will ever be the most important again. I can only half love him. The girl who loved him recklessly and fearlessly died a long time ago. The woman who loves him today is reserved, cautious, suspicious, always ready to retreat and much like an abused animal, ready to bite first if threatened. I acknowledge that I am jaded and distrustful. I work hard not to paint all men with the same brush, but many times I fall short. I work hard to extend grace and forgiveness. I work hard to believe in people. What used to come naturally, now I have to go to counseling to learn again, now I have to work at what use to just be second nature to me.
  18. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    I’m my husbands biggest trigger. He’s terrified I’ll leave him. He has a hard time understanding you can disagree without it meaning the relationship is over. He will get triggered if I’m just having an off day and want to go riding or hiking alone, because he immediately goes to “ she’s leaving me” . I’m very much ok with being alone but he has a hard time with it. I joking tell him “ I’ll just leave and that way you’ll never be triggered!”
    hope4healing and Warfman like this.
  19. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    I strongly encourage for those who are here to help addicts get out of addiction, that this is thoroughly thought through. Perception is Reality. If being here is more a way to cope with your own issues I'm sorry that I've come down hard on anyone in this way.

    I shamed someone today for sex dolls. And I agree with you it's very sad, and to me disgusting. I think most people in that situation are coming here in the situation I have tried expressing here. Even if it is quite crude and hurtful and is especially hurtful to someone who lived the other side of that experience. They are waking up from that adolescent addictive dream an fully grown adult with loads of problems and are trying to express how they feel. I felt the shame from some posters here on this forum, who disagreed that it was even a real notion to get hooked a 12 year old and wake up a 34 year old and wonder what the hell happened?! I LIVED IT! I wasn't making an excuse. It's truly how I feel. Because I didn't see what I was doing. They are at least coming here looking for answers. I almost took the post down because I realize that by shaming the addict I send them right back into the addictive pit they came from. Yes a certain dose of reality is important. I think of the movie The Matrix, no human should be unplugged from the matrix unless they are ready. Maybe, shaming that person isn't a good thing until they are ready to truly deal with it.

    I hope that makes sense.
    KevinesKay likes this.
  20. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut


    My wife is very much the opposite of you. She avoids change like the plague. It actually triggers me in some ways. I bought lumber to build my daughter a new sandbox. She literally cant decide where it should go... haha this is a very lighthearted trigger for me. It's fun to laugh about our silly quirks sometimes. Similarly we have joked that "at least I know she's here for the long haul". For me this trait of hers is something I need. Obviously.