The Push-Up Daily Challenge

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by Superman#, Apr 2, 2020.

  1. Zephon

    Zephon Fapstronaut

    @BillyBobBoBoBo don't worry too much. Maybe you do it too often so that you are not in the mood for everything. And remember, taking a break for a day is totally okay! And in combination with your shift it's understandable why you get exhausted. But don't give up! Sport-activities help to avoid depressions (when I started workouts like hell they went more and more back, meanwhile I don't feel anything like that). And for the case of pmoing can't your girlfriend fulfill your desire so that you don't have to pmo?
    I hope you're well, my friend!
  2. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

  3. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

    Sorry for yours bad thoughts and relapse, you 'll have better times

    I think a bigger amount of sleep could give you the necessary motivation.
    I never succeed to exercises when just awake in early morning. I've always to wait for evening or midday.

    Get all the time you need to recover and push up!
    imandrew and BillyBobBoBoBo like this.
  4. Yeah, though I also feel it is of the lack of sleep not helping then me doing it a lot of days, as it can be done like that, as stated in the book. Though Origionally it was suppose to take 20 to 30 minutes & I make it go to an hour & I’m still trying to figure out how I’ve done that, as thinking the extra 4exercises and my suspension trainer exercises should of taken at least 45 minutes. As before that I use to do a routine that took over 2 hours & feel like this routine is more effective for me.

    Yeah I don’t want to stop as I’ve felt so bad after that.

    I do but I still have issues with wanting to pmo when she isn’t around, thinking I needed to take a break from sex, but struggling to take action to not do the bad action.
    imandrew, palindromo and Zephon like this.
  5. Yeah but my work is from 2pm till Midnight and want to get to bed as soon as possible & feel I have either 3 or 4 hours before needing to leave an hour before going to work. So I’d much rather get it out as soon as possible.
    imandrew and palindromo like this.
  6. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

    I can see , this makes things difficoult for a work out habit.
    Hope you have some weekly rest days to take things more calmly .
    After all work is the priority n1 , don't get too tired.
    You're doing a great affort , in your place i would not to wake up until at least.
    imandrew and BillyBobBoBoBo like this.
  7. Zephon

    Zephon Fapstronaut

    Chest day:

    1x20 regular pushups (warm-up)
    2 minute one arm plank hold (1 minute per arm)
    3x10 one-arm-pushups on 1/3 way (5 per arm) (it goes better!)
    1x12 one-arm-pushups on 1/3 way (6 per arm)
    1x20 one-arm-pushups on chair (10 per arm)
    1x24 one-arm-pushups on chair (12 per arm)
    1x20 one-arm-pushups on chair (10 per arm)
    3x40 one-arm-pushups on chair with assisting arm (20 per arm)
    3x24 decline + archer pushups (12 per side)
    3x15 diamond pushups (last one failure)
    3x10 regular pushups with 10 kg on the back

    --break for ca. 10 minutes--

    3x16 decline pushups (last one failure)
    3x10 pike-pushups
    3x10 spiderman pushups
    3x15 decline + diamond pushups
    1x6 slow regular pushups (more difficult than it sounds!)
    1x7 slow regular pushups (failure)

    I feel exhausted and today I got the feeling, I need to make less sport than I do usually. But I have a goal I want to reach: Mastering clean One-Arm-Pushup! That's why I want to continue! Only the sunday is the day I do no exercise to get recovered (and it is also my cheatday).
  8. Zephon

    Zephon Fapstronaut

    I also take only two hours as maximum for my workouts - for example the workouts of my chestday takes 2 hours including some pauses of 15-30 secs sometimes 1 minute because of the effort. 30-45 minutes are totally okay, also if you can do 1 hour. And it's up to you how long you want to do your workouts. And if you want to do 2 hours, go for it! On this way you can reach your goal faster but keep in mind, that you would take maybe longer rest-time for the next time.
    What about creating another habit? Taking a walk outside, watching a movie (without naked girls, sex etc.), playing a videogame, or learning another language? Covering a habit with another habit is a good option.
    Like @palindromo said get enough sleep. And I also could not wake up earlier than 10 a.m. in this case. So waking up 10 am is totally fine. You have then the energy for the workouts. In my case I wake up between 6 and 7 am and do my workouts before I listen to the online-lectures of my university. The benefit is you have the energy for the university or in your case for the shift.
  9. imandrew

    imandrew Fapstronaut

    Knees push-ups 3x30, half push-ups 2x12
  10. @Zephon

    Here's the passage from the book;

    "Frequency: Do the whole thing everyday. Attila said daily, Sandow said to have a day off when you need it; others recommend six days a week with one days rest. Personally I like to do it every day and then have a day’s rest when my body feels like it. This way I tend to have a break every week or so - it might be seven days on, one day off, eight days on one day off or maybe ten days straight then one day off. The main thing is don’t apply the train/ rest/ train rest / three days a week model believing you need rest to grow and recuperate - it isn’t that type of training. Your body will respond better if you do it on a daily basis. If you feel this is too much at first I suggest Monday to Friday with the weekend off but try and build up to every day - think of doing the routine as just part of your everyday body maintenance like brushing your teeth."

    I was just trying to do it till I feel like I can't do it which I was able to do over a month, just more recently not doing so.

    Also another;

    "How long should it take me?
    At first you should be able to bang through the whole thing in about fifteen minutes or so building up to twenty or twenty five. As you get better at doing the exercises and as you are able to do more of them it might start to take you a bit longer but even now after three years I only take about half an hour in the evening."
    imandrew, palindromo and Zephon like this.
  11. Not really, as I'm more making my rest no exercising during the rest of the day as sitting down most of the day.

    Makes it trickier to try and fit in a quick strength routine & cardio session admittedly, as why heavy hands seems like a 2 birds one stone situation.

    Also I just wake up earlier then I want at times, though wishing I wouldn't go straight into looking at YouTube or porn.
    imandrew and palindromo like this.
  12. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

  13. Well it was doing a full body calisthenics of doing superset of 3 different push-ups & super sets of 2 chin-ups & 2 pull-ups, with thrn doing closed legged squats & leg raises or dragon flies doing each for 3 or 4 sets of each, which felt was getting tiring & was hurting myself a lot as trying to do it 6 or the whole week. But damaged myself and with the lock down and moving to the flat with no comfortable area to put my pull-up mat, I switched to doing this mainly.

    I want to, I just don't know why I am not taking action to change my habit, as I'd like to add walking to do after my routine, like with doing heavy hands to make it more effective.

    Yep as why I prefer to exercise earlier on. Though I am struggling as with the sleep aspect as I seem to wake up earlier then I want to and decide to just wake up, just wishing to start off being productive instead of watching YouTube or porn.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2020
    Zephon, imandrew and Inspired2chg like this.
  14. 12/12/2020

    Did my W.A.T.C.H protocol with my 1 KG dumbbells to do 1 set of;

    1.Alternating Dumbbell Curls (60 goal 60)

    2.Alternating Reverse Dumbbell Curls (60 goal 60)

    3.Alternating Crucifix Dumbbell Curls (30 goal 30)

    4.Simultaneous Crucifix Dumbbell Curls(30 goal 30)

    5.Standing Dumbbell Pectoral Fly’s (30 goal 30)

    6.Alternating Dumbbell Presses (3p goal 30)

    7.Alternating Dumbbell Front Raises (30 goal 30)

    8.Simultaneous Arm Circles (30 goal 30)

    9.Don't know the name of this, just that it was done by Al Treloar's. Where I had to stand fully strait up with my my arms fully reached out over my head in hammer position, to then (with my legs are fully locked straight when doing this) have my upper body bending over to 45 degrees with my dumbbells switching to over hand positiom then to go back up & then my hand position going back to hammer position.

    A visual can be seen here on page 7

    (30 goal 30)

    10.Standing Rear Delt Flyes head on the bench (30 goal 30)

    11.Dumbbell Wrist Circles 1 (Clockwise) (30 goal 30)

    12.Dumbbell Wrist Circles 2 (Anti-clockwise) (30 goal 30)

    13.Dumbbell Punching Movement (30 goal 30)

    14.Dumbbell Good Morning Deadlift (30 goal 30)

    15.Dumbbell Shrugs (30 goal 30)

    16.Dumbbell Crossovers (30 goal 30)

    17.Dumbbell Side Bends (30 goal 30)

    18.Simultaneous Dumbbell Back Extensions (30 goal 30)

    19.Ski Ski Jumper (30 goal 30)

    20.Calf Raises x 3 (20 x 3 = 60 debating weather to make it 30 each)

    21.Toe Raises (60 debating to reach 90)

    22.Deep Knee Bend On Toes (30 goal 30)

    23.Goblet squat (30 goal 30)

    24.One Legged Squat (30 goal 30)

    25.Straight Legged Sit-Ups (30 goal 30)

    26.Leg Raises Hyperextensions (30 goal 30)

    27. Hyperestensions (30 goal 30)

    28.Push-Ups (30 goal 30 to then work on super setting it with 1 arm assisted push-ups where I use both my hands when going down, to turn put most of the weight on one arm when going up)

    29. Over hand Rows (30 goal 30)

    30. Underhand Rows (30 goal 30)


    Squat Assisted Pull-ups (30)

    Squat Assisted Chin-ups (30)
    Zephon, imandrew and Inspired2chg like this.
  15. Inspired2chg

    Inspired2chg Fapstronaut

  16. Inspired2chg

    Inspired2chg Fapstronaut

    60 more
    Zephon, BillyBobBoBoBo and imandrew like this.
  17. 13/12/2020

    Did my W.A.T.C.H protocol with my 1 KG dumbbells to do 1 set of;

    1.Alternating Dumbbell Curls (60 goal 60)

    2.Alternating Reverse Dumbbell Curls (60 goal 60)

    3.Alternating Crucifix Dumbbell Curls (30 goal 30)

    4.Simultaneous Crucifix Dumbbell Curls(30 goal 30)

    5.Standing Dumbbell Pectoral Fly’s (30 goal 30)

    6.Alternating Dumbbell Presses (3p goal 30)

    7.Alternating Dumbbell Front Raises (30 goal 30)

    8.Simultaneous Arm Circles (30 goal 30)

    9.Don't know the name of this, just that it was done by Al Treloar's. Where I had to stand fully strait up with my my arms fully reached out over my head in hammer position, to then (with my legs are fully locked straight when doing this) have my upper body bending over to 45 degrees with my dumbbells switching to over hand positiom then to go back up & then my hand position going back to hammer position.

    A visual can be seen here on page 7

    (30 goal 30)

    10.Standing Rear Delt Flyes head on the bench (30 goal 30)

    11.Dumbbell Wrist Circles 1 (Clockwise) (30 goal 30)

    12.Dumbbell Wrist Circles 2 (Anti-clockwise) (30 goal 30)

    13.Dumbbell Punching Movement (30 goal 30)

    14.Dumbbell Good Morning Deadlift (30 goal 30)

    15.Dumbbell Shrugs (30 goal 30)

    16.Dumbbell Crossovers (30 goal 30)

    17.Dumbbell Side Bends (30 goal 30)

    18.Simultaneous Dumbbell Back Extensions (30 goal 30)

    19.Ski Ski Jumper (30 goal 30)

    20.Calf Raises x 3 (20 x 3 = 60 debating weather to make it 30 each)

    21.Toe Raises (60 debating to reach 90)

    22.Deep Knee Bend On Toes (30 goal 30)

    23.Goblet squat (30 goal 30)

    24.One Legged Squat (30 goal 30)

    25.Straight Legged Sit-Ups (30 goal 30)

    26.Leg Raises Hyperextensions (30 goal 30)

    27. Hyperestensions (30 goal 30)

    28.Push-Ups (30 goal 30 to then work on super setting it with 1 arm assisted push-ups where I use both my hands when going down, to turn put most of the weight on one arm when going up)

    29. Over hand Rows (30 goal 30)

    30. Underhand Rows (30 goal 30)


    Squat Assisted Pull-ups (30)

    Squat Assisted Chin-ups (30)

    Been looking at stuff on increasing strength & looking at stuff based around chest expanders like these;

    (This video around 5:10 talking how he developed his muscles with just a chest expander)

    (This showing the types of chest expanders to buy)

    & I am wondering if you guys know where the best place to buy top quality chest expanders like in the last video?

    palindromo and Inspired2chg like this.
  18. Zephon

    Zephon Fapstronaut

    Very interesting! But I think 6 times a week is enough for me :D And "Personally I like to do it every day and then have a day’s rest when my body feels like it." that is how I do it. Sometimes I have the saturday as rest day or the sunday. These pages are good advices, someone should pin it up or put it on the first page of this thread! Or I think about to create an own kind of diary with my progress in the fitness-forum and add this article to the start one.
    But important is also the nutrition for the training, which just less people mention on youtube or in training-exercises in general. Great nutrition is a big plus for training and brings you better forward!

    Impressive! To do the same exercise everyday makes you exhaust quickly. I do everyday in the morning something else: day 1 pushups, day 2 abs, day 3 fatburning, day 4 legs etc. so that the other muscles can take time to get recovered when I train other ones.
    Then all you have to do is, just DO IT! :D A new morning, a new chance to improve yourself! And in our case gym/sport/workouts are the best for this ;) Instead turning on your pc or mobilephone for workouts you can turn on your radio, cd-player etc. for it. On this way you avoid youtube and porn. After you workout you take a shower and then when you see, you have to go to work, you won't have time to watch Youtube etc.
    palindromo and BillyBobBoBoBo like this.
  19. Fair enough, I just want to try and apply this nearly everyday to build up being able to do more days then the last, with more recently not going how I want it to. Guess it's the desire to do the training of One Punch-Man what got me start on my exercising habit, but didn't start it off like that or using the W.A.T.C.H protocol but hopping from different things to another.

    Yeah though this one works differently from what you are doing and is suppose to be done daily, which I feel works for me. Though I am looking into adding something else to this to help with my strength to boost my results, either with kettle bells or doing a full body isometric, still trying to figure out what. To then do heavy hands for my cardio.

    Yeah, bee trying to do that but recently not going how I want it too. But yeah I shouldn't turn on my phone before as it causes the trigger into the bad habit, though I use my tablet to listen to my downloaded frequencies whilst I exercise.
    palindromo likes this.