What is Orgasm? How Orgasm Happens?How To Control?


Dear Friends, I Am New To Nofap. My Age is 20. I Am Following Nofap Hard Mode(No PMO). I Know About PM(Porn,Masturbation) But I Don't Know About O(Orgasm). It's New Word For Me. Can You Explain About
1. What is Orgasm?
2. How Orgasm Happens?
3. How To Control?

Plz Help Me Friends. I Am Nofap Beginner. I Want To Quit PMO
From my understanding (and I could be wrong, I'm new to NoFap as well) is that orgasm results from intentionally having ejaculation; that is, having sex or masturbating (with or without porn). I wouldn't count having wet dreams or spontaneous ejaculation as an orgasm event.
Cyan Flame has a pretty good understanding!

1. An orgasm is the feeling of euphoria that accompanies ejaculation. This is where you brain is flooded with dopamine. In NoFap it has to be intentional, wet dreams happen as your body learns to regulate
2. Orgasm happens when you stimulate your phallus, through masturbation or intercourse. By constantly masturbating you wear down your nerves there and it takes more and more pressure from squeezing to orgasm.
3. Don't touch it. Let it hang from you body and forget about it. Wash it quickly and deliberately. Hands outside of pockets. Little pokes and teases can turn to a relapse so do not test it. To orgasm you have to initiate some kind of contact to your phallus.

I wish you the best on your journey!
-The Abstainer