Why NOFAP is good for you : perspective of a student of natural medecines

Umm what? That is what I am saying. I could go wank and prove that you are wrong. I dont know do you know that when you take shit, blood that is not being used anymore goes out and new will replace it. Same goes for semen. I dont believe you hold urinate either in you. Or if you do, you notice same effect that with forcing semen to stay inside you. It will come out. Semen is not something that stay usable for ever.
it is funny that altough i put it in the middle of your face twice, you failed to recognize that you admited i was right. Because go ask a doctor how it feels to lose blood. It is taxing on the body. I don't know where you read that urine and feces are the same thing as blood, but you should change your readings. Those 3 substances have different value to the body.
Look i will tell you the truth. I can smell stuborness miles away, and that is why i am not interested in chatting with you. You decided you knew better, fine, let it be. People who ask others to give "proofs" while they have none themselves are an utter joke.
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Hello everyone,
I am a student of alternative medecines, especially ayurveda, and i wanted to seize the opportunity provided by this website to share a few things i have come to learn, from my readings but also mostly from my own experience concerning sexuality and its consequences on the body, especially for men.

This is just a post, and it might quickly fade away unless some mod comes along and pin it, but it will be as an exercice for me because i might create content on that subject later on.

Anyway, the first concept that i want to share with you, is that sex, especially ejaculation, is a huge drain on the body of men. I know that nowadays, the trend in the medical field is to hold the belief that sex has no consequences, and that you can indulge in it as much as you want without any after effects, but nothing could be more false.
(Please note that sex is equally depleting for women, but not in the same ways as it is for men)
For a man under 30 years old, it takes at least 8 days for the body to recover from the energy loss and nutrients used up during ejaculation. At the hormonal levels, many hormones are burned up, (serotonine, dopamine... I could not name them all). When a man ejaculates, he is literally throwing away his vital energy. When done in limited amounts and frequency, this is not that much harmful because of the accumulated reserves in the body. However, over indulgence very quickly depletes a man of his life force and will lead to several health issues, depression, anxiety, fatigue, weakness and so on.
At this point i want to stress out that sexuality is natural and healthy, and it is a part of every life on the planet. However, one should be aware that over indulgence is not something to be taken lightly.
So when it comes to Nofap, what you are doing is that you are keeping your life force in check. When a man does not ejaculate, the semen is reabsorbed by the body, and this increases the energy of the person because your body is relieved from the task of constantly producing semen, and is starting to use the energy obtained from food, breathing, sleeping, for others goals. However, some excess prostatics fluids or even dead sperms might be ejected at first during night falls or urination. This is perfectly normal, and it is just the body adapting itself to a new way of life.
I really want to congratulate the people behind this website because they are bringing awareness of a modern plague, although they might not be aware of it.

Many people experience unpleasant symptoms after sex, now you know why. The depression, fatigue, or whatever ailment you experience after sex is a sure sign that you are abusing yourself. This is not "in your head". It is very much real. The only solution to this problem is a reduction of the frequency of orgasms. In my experience, i would not recommand any men concerned by his own health to ejaculate more than once every 15 days. And i am being generous here.

Now, if you are able to abstain from longer and longer periods of times, you will accumulate much refined prana (vital energy), and this will change your personality, and overall well being. This energy can be used as you like but it is a fuel that also can be used in spirituality, but this is another topic.

I hope my post will be appreciated.

Hey! Thanks for your post, that’s cool to read from another point of view.

I was addicted to PMO for 10 years(I’m 22 now), and would masturbate on average 3 times a day. This could go up to 8 times a day if had free time alone.

I found nofap and decided to stop because I got scared with a semi ED episode and after reading a lot I decided that if PM was messing with the way my sexuality works, I’d stop.

Thing is: I’m seeing major results regarding my erections, but I never felt tired, unfocused, anxiety, fatigue... The only symptom at all was related to erections.

I’m on day 21ish without PM. Only O through sex with my gf, about twice a week (but ejaculate on average 2 or 3 times on each time).

Got tested with my hormones (testosterone, Lh) etc etc and they’re all great.

Why doesn’t any of those symptoms happen to me at all?
Hey! Thanks for your post, that’s cool to read from another point of view.

I was addicted to PMO for 10 years(I’m 22 now), and would masturbate on average 3 times a day. This could go up to 8 times a day if had free time alone.

I found nofap and decided to stop because I got scared with a semi ED episode and after reading a lot I decided that if PM was messing with the way my sexuality works, I’d stop.

Thing is: I’m seeing major results regarding my erections, but I never felt tired, unfocused, anxiety, fatigue... The only symptom at all was related to erections.

I’m on day 21ish without PM. Only O through sex with my gf, about twice a week (but ejaculate on average 2 or 3 times on each time).

Got tested with my hormones (testosterone, Lh) etc etc and they’re all great.

Why doesn’t any of those symptoms happen to me at all?

Okay everyone is different, and you are also very young, so if there is a age where you can get away with lot of sex it is teenage period. Now i am very careful when people tell me "i don't feel anything". It might be true, simply because you have a lot of vitality, good constitution you can abuse yourself a lot and not endure much consequences.
It's like cigarets, some people can handle a life of it, some will be greatly fatigued by it. Some people use marijuana and manage to have a job, friends, social life... But believe me, marijuana is really really tiring and toxic.
So either you didn't suffer much because of a good constitution and youth, either you did suffer from it but wasn't self aware enough to notice it, or maybe both.
Ultimately if you don't suffer much from it then i suppose it's fine, until the day it won't be anymore. But in all honesty, anything beyond 2/3 times a week will hurt you badly soon or later, no matter how good your constitution is.
It's a complex topic because a lot of people have very little awareness of how they really feel. It's like people working so much they have heart attacks and drop dead. There were probably many many warning signs, that were all ignored, but in the end it still got them. Now if you don't want to believe me that's also perfectly fine since you will be the one enduring the consequences, not me!
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You are just writing so over confident way that I had to commend that people dont blindly follow, but I am glad that you are not even trying to say these things are working for everyone, but they have worked for you. I rather believe in science and technology etc. than bro science.

I have propably fapped thousands of times. 7 times in 24 hours is propably the worst. If that life force thing would be true I would propably be dead, but that is not how body works. Its like losing blood. Body will make new.

Hello @Wanker93 ,
While it is alright to have your own opinions about the "proper" way to reboot, it is against the rules to actively discourage particular users from reaching their own individually-elected rebooting parameters.
And guys who are best on meditation can fly.

Talking about flies.
Just go on happily wanking, little Wanker, no one will hold you back from doing it. The difference between your attitude and the mass of males, helplessly caught in the medial spiderwebs of porn, while telling themselve and others same time, it would be "just for fun, duuude!" is just a click away. While these porn spiders are suckling off their energies, they still feel happily numb, not even realizing what´s really going on, until it´s too late. There are many honey traps beein layed out there - be it drugs, games, alcohol or porn. That is the price of modern liberty. Happy flight!
Talking about flies.
Just go on happily wanking, little Wanker, no one will hold you back from doing it. The difference between your attitude and the mass of males, helplessly caught in the medial spiderwebs of porn, while telling themselve and others same time, it would be "just for fun, duuude!" is just a click away. While these porn spiders are suckling off their energies, they still feel happily numb, not even realizing what´s really going on, until it´s too late. There are many honey traps beein layed out there - be it drugs, games, alcohol or porn. That is the price of modern liberty. Happy flight!

In fact first impression is often right, i'm still wandering what someone named "wanker93" is doing on the nofap forums, except for trolling? Anyway this is the first time i used the ignore fonction and i am glad i did.
I actually fapped yesterday. Felt very good and relaxed. Was easy to go to sleep after it.

Good for you, maybe explains why you behave like a little jerk here.

I will start Nofap on hardmode soon,

If you have reached 40 days like Vedas_fr or me, please return and tell me about your own experiences. Else, I guess you have already noticed it with your sharp wanker brain, this community is called "NoFap" not "not using porn". Means there is a reason why people do not only try to recover from their porn addiction (I for example had never a problem with porn or abstaining from it). The name implicits to keep oneself from "Fapping" by free choice being a main connecting factor.
Telling people here who are often trying hard to master a personal challenge, how great and superdouper relaxing your yesterday wanking session was, like you just did, is a new level of knee jerking in the most literal sense.

but I am not going back on watching porn. And for me its not just a click away, because of blockers. For me relapse is not an option.

As I have written, you are most welcome telling me more about that, after you have made your own personal 40 days hard mode. Good luck!

If someone says meditation stop you from getting cancer the user should be banned and the message deleted for even saying something that stupid. Its scary, because someone might believe it. Its like on those children stories that meditation can make you fly.

Oh please, now your are even on a mission "to keep readers save from reading bullshit in the internet" ? Maybe better try that next time on youtube.
In contrast to you, I have no problem to tolerate or discuss different opinions. I want you neither to get deleted, silenced nor banned by a moderator, as long you keep yourself in a respectful behaviour towards other users. But if you go on to have behave like a douchebag, you will be treated like one.

I am glad that I managed to stop the guy who started this thread from threading his spiderweb of bullshit around. Many guy with problems of porn could have just gone deeper by believing things that he wrote.

Mission failed. You are only first one who made it on his ignore list. I appreciate his contributions and am glad he writes interesting comments like he does, while yours in best case amuse me. toodle-oo. :)
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I didint notice his message because he was on my ignore list.

Fine fine fine fine. So you can ignore each other now.

I decided to delete my messages here, because if someone want to follow him its his lost.

Good. I was already afraid the mods did it for you.

Hopefully people does not lose mental health by doing that.

Don´t worry, most people are not that psychological unstable that reading texts about experiences with celibacy would make them go bananas.

Those natural medicines have cost lifes when people have tried to cure diseases with them even they have been guided by real teachers/students instead of someone who just think/say that he is student.

Apple founder Steve Jobs himself decided do try alternative medicine methods instead conventional medical/chemo therapy first, when was diagnosed with cancer. He later admitted it was a mistake, but it was too late then. While other cancer patients cannot even afford a conventional cancer therapy in many parts of the world. (India for example or also USA, if we want to remember the "Breaking Bad" plot) It´s called free choice, that is what we use to do in the free western world. Same principle that allows you 24/7 access to porn, games, weed, alcohol and tobacco, even if you have a high risk to get cancer/addictions by using those. On the other hand there are also many people, who can report you about the benefits of alternative healing methods. And who knows, maybe you could cure some of your own health problems by the benefits of stopping to wankoff all your sexual energy permanently? But sadly we will never get to know that, because its "all bullshit anyway", as you have found out already.

Why only 40 days?

Em, because I have decided 41 days ago to do this again? Oh, wait. You mean, why I have suggested that number to you. Because, it´s a bit ridiculous, if someone making fun about it to people, who have reached at least that number of days already and know about the benefits by their own experience, while he himself can hardly abstain from masturbation a few days at all yet.

I am going to start hardmode on monday and first goal will be 112 days.

Okay, this is one serious advice from my side, because I am a nice guy. Don´t be dissapointed if you fail very quickly, because you probably will. Also there is not much sense doing hard mode (no p/m/o), without a profound motivation or if you do not believe in getting any benefit at all from it. And worse, if you have no idea at all, how to transform and sublimate your stored sexual energy, you will only become very nervous, restless, headaches and short tempered, until you either dismiss it all as "total bullshit" or in worst case relapse even to porn and blame it on noFap. Then better try just not to masturbate and meanwhile find a pretty girl, who is willing to help you. Girls will start to obviously noticing you and becoming more attracted to you after 40 days already, I can guarantee you.

After that I will decide next step. I am also wondering why you two are just 40 days? :D Just a little bit green tea and meditation and you are golden.

I do not do just a "little bit meditation", I practice it daily for one hour. For years. And in fact, I feel really good at the moment, because the benefits of keeping my sexual energy are starting to develop and manifest again. I have done this already earlier for longer than 3 months , just without noFap. That is the reason why I am motivated to do it at all. Because I know about the benefits by my own experience. Not just by reading or listening to someone, who states something.

You wrote suprisingly long post if I just amuse you.

Of course, I would not do that, if it would be just boring.

Also thank you for spreading my word.

You´re so welcome.:D
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Okay everyone is different, and you are also very young, so if there is a age where you can get away with lot of sex it is teenage period. Now i am very careful when people tell me "i don't feel anything". It might be true, simply because you have a lot of vitality, good constitution you can abuse yourself a lot and not endure much consequences.
It's like cigarets, some people can handle a life of it, some will be greatly fatigued by it. Some people use marijuana and manage to have a job, friends, social life... But believe me, marijuana is really really tiring and toxic.
So either you didn't suffer much because of a good constitution and youth, either you did suffer from it but wasn't self aware enough to notice it, or maybe both.
Ultimately if you don't suffer much from it then i suppose it's fine, until the day it won't be anymore. But in all honesty, anything beyond 2/3 times a week will hurt you badly soon or later, no matter how good your constitution is.
It's a complex topic because a lot of people have very little awareness of how they really feel. It's like people working so much they have heart attacks and drop dead. There were probably many many warning signs, that were all ignored, but in the end it still got them. Now if you don't want to believe me that's also perfectly fine since you will be the one enduring the consequences, not me!

Gotcha! I was always pretty active, did exercises, played sports etc etc etc. So my health was always great, and I’m sure this was of great help.

Thing I don’t understand is: I went for 3 months without PMO for different reasons about 1 year and a half ago (I wasn’t having sex, so don’t know anything regarding how that affected my erections), and didn’t feel different at all, except for libido boost. Starting on May 5th I went for 11 days (erection related) PMO and felt no difference regarding my body. After that I had sex (my goal is stopping PM), and it felt amazing after, my mood was great, I felt less stress and just a great feeling overall. I do think that it felt way better because my dopamine system is already changing as I am not flooding it with dopamine several times a day through M, and instead just a few times through sex, making it more sensible or something... Just my experience, no science related! Could definitely be placebo effect, but it’s surely how I feel. Anyways, back to the point: the O feels better when I do it less often, and if anything I get a better mood after it from dopamine -not just from the sex, but also the connection with a girl I have strong feelings etc etc etc- but ZERO negative effects on my body.

I wake up at 07:00am and go to bed at 11:30pm, working 8 am to 6pm shifts mon-fri and university 7pm to 11pm. At the end of the day I feel tired, of course, but because my routine is very busy. I don’t feel tired during the day, wake up fully rested most days (I’m from Brazil, so I don’t sleep so well when it’s very hot, but that’s basically everyone hahaha).

Our mental state rules our body. I think there really could be downsides of ejaculating a lot, although medicine tells you that it doesn’t... But I also think if you put in your mind that something is bad for you, and it’ll make you feel tired,anxious, nervous etc etc etc, you will feel it because you already reinforced that on your mind so many times...

I say that because I ate meat my whole entire life. Then decided to go vegetarian. I “relapsed” and ate meat several times over the next few months and actually felt so good doing it (but felt bad for the animals etc, which is why I stopped...). I then started reading online about Kendrick Farris (Olympic medalist, vegan weight lifter), and how he said meat makes you weak and all. I convinced myself that it was bad for me, that it would make me weak like he said and then I started feeling weak, almost sick when I relapsed and ate meat.

Went to the doctor because I would often feel sick after that and ends up that I had anemia. I told him about what I felt when ate meat and he said this was completely psicological, that actually eating red meat, but not everyday or in large quantity, would help me get the nutrients I needed and get healthy. The nutritionist gave me a meal plan with reduced meat, because I asked for it, but I ate meat 3 times a weak. She showed me studies regarding red meat and how it affects the body, concluding that it was definitely not making me weak. I followed the plan and got healthy in 2 months. Also never felt weak eating meat again...

I’m not trying to change your mind or anything! Nor am I saying what you feel isn’t real, but I definitely feel like the effects of ejaculation isn’t so huge (as huge as causing death as you said in a post ) or causing extreme reactions on the body for most people. I’ve seen many people saying they got great improvements in their mind and body stopping O, so it must be true in many cases, but I strongly believe the psychological side of it is making most of the change.

That’s just my opinion anyways, and really enjoyed knowing yours! Thanks for sharing!
Isn´t that pretty much confirming the Psychology part, because it started after reading about it? Our bodies are strange I admit that. I had pain in my wrist that I was sure the problem was in the wrist and it was examined many times. Then the problem was found from my shoulder. That was the day when I realised that I cant even trust my own feelings :D I impossible to say what is causing what. Thats why there is million of things that science cant prove.

Absolutely! In my opinion, it is confirming the psychology part. Like I said I think the psychological does most of it. My hormones are fine (got exams 3 weeks ago), my blood exams are awesome, and I have no circulation problems that would explain ED at such an early age (22).

Stopping PM and only reaching O from human contact made my body rapidly stop craving PM and start craving human contact. My erection is already working great and gets better each day. I actually had some episodes where it worked way above my expectations and I dare to even say above average. That in just about a month of no PM.

Our mind is a powerful thing I guess!
But I also think if you put in your mind that something is bad for you, and it’ll make you feel tired,anxious, nervous etc etc etc, you will feel it because you already reinforced that on your mind so many times...

This is the part of your message that i want to react to. In certain cases, if we focus or obsess on something, we might well end up pertubating ourselves and self create a problem. It's true it can happen. Some irrational fears can pop up.
This being said, one of the major step ahead i made in my life was when i abandonned the point of view that everything is "psychological", and that you can, simply by the force of will, handle everything. This point of view is extremely false, and often used to infuse guilt in people who encounter trouble by those around them, who do not face the issues they face.
Your state of mind is quite literraly the result of several things, including health, energetical situation, and the reality of your life and situation. If a stranger hold you at gunpoint, there is no way in the world you are going to be fully relaxed and happy.
Now what i mean by that is that in life, when you fear something, or when you have a weird feeling about something, trying to persuade you it's psychological is the last thing to do because if you feel that way, it simply mean there is actually something wrong which you should care about.

So if you start to feel ejaculation might have an impact on you, my guess is you subsconsciouly feel the danger. Intuition is always to be listened to. Instead of trying to suppress the message, the only right thing to do is to listen to it and act accordingly.

I am not going to tell more about my experience, but i will simply say, that there is no doubt in the world ejaculation can fuck me up real good. Instead it can leave me in a state of numbness, with shallow breathing, highly alert and nervous... This is the man reason i can go for months without sex, because i have understood the fact that it hurts me badly.
Please keep in mind that chinese medicine, hindu medecine, buddhist medecine, all very old health systems will say that i am totally right, if it can help you believe me.

There is also a hormonal aspect in orgasm, where dopamine and other hormones are burned up. Those hormones play a role in the nervous system.

To finish, the smoking exemple is a good one. Some will smoke all their lives and have nothing, some will not be able to sustain smoking, some will have cancer.... But eventually it will take its toll on all of them. The longer and the more they do it, the more likely they are to experience negative side effects.

I would add that your gut feeling on meat is right also, it is harmful, and much more painful to digest. It creates fatigue. But it is also rich in proteins of course.
Absolutely! In my opinion, it is confirming the psychology part. Like I said I think the psychological does most of it. My hormones are fine (got exams 3 weeks ago), my blood exams are awesome, and I have no circulation problems that would explain ED at such an early age (22).

Stopping PM and only reaching O from human contact made my body rapidly stop craving PM and start craving human contact. My erection is already working great and gets better each day. I actually had some episodes where it worked way above my expectations and I dare to even say above average. That in just about a month of no PM.

Our mind is a powerful thing I guess!
No offense, i am not trying to force my understanding on everyone else, but it seems to me many people on this forum are not ready to open themselves to the idea that ejaculation might be costy, simply because they like sex too much so they canno't accept that possibility. I'm not really surprised.
Don´t worry, most people are not that psychological unstable that reading texts about experiences with celibacy would make them go bananas.

Yeah, pretty much sums up the situation, they don't want to consider the possibility that their favorite hobby might need to be kept in check.
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I added a few infos to the original message.

Edit 25.05.18 : Semen is manufactured by using the best nutrients available in blood, which come itself from bone marrow, which come itself from sub products of digestion. So the body builds up subtle energy and nutrients over time, and these nutrients will compose the cream of the body. This is a long and costy process, and because semen is a life creating product, it will be made from the best bodilly nutrients available (in fact not only blood, but the whole body).
When you ejaculate, semen has to be reformed, and that is why you function more slowly and are more tired. A simple comparison would be losing blood. Then you need time to go back to your previous optimal state.
When you cease to ejaculate for longer periods, first the body reduce it's semen creating activity. Then nutrients will accumulate, and the precious energy and material will accumulate and be used by the body for other matters. This is why people experience "super powers", because the body is feeling well, and is rich with nutrients and subtle energy. So naturally there is more vitality, more radiance, and more confidence on the psychological level.

I think i will rewrite it to make a more complete and detailled post on the matter.
One thing I definitely noticed was that when I relapsed on PMO last time I went from remembering like an hourof dreams to remembering almost nothing. It really killed my dream recall and I didn't get lucid or have as vivid dreams as when I was not doing PMO. I kept getting a few weeks, and my dream recall/vivid/ludicity would go way up. Then I'd relapse and lose it again. So now that I'm on day 37 my dream quality keeps climbing. A lot of people in the LD community doubted me saying that it had more to do with beliefs. Thats why I like what @Vedas_fr said about it not always just being mental. Like for example if I drank 12 beers, (I havent drank in 4+ yrs) it would not just be psychological or beliefs that made me sick. I think that is a form of denial I used to do in some cases. So I appreciate that you said that.

EDIT I went back and forth enough with relapsin and then getting a few weeks clean and that served as kind of an experiment. Also its not like that knowledge alone will keep me clean. I could know all the benefits in the world and read them one day but if I go a few days not working my program I could slip.

I can regain my replenishable life force little by little.
So if you start to feel ejaculation might have an impact on you, my guess is you subsconsciouly feel the danger. Intuition is always to be listened to. Instead of trying to suppress the message, the only right thing to do is to listen to it and act accordingly.

Just to be clear, I don’t feel like ejaculation hurts me... Like I said, I feel the same when I ejaculate 8 times a day as when I don’t ejaculate for 3 months. The only difference is to this day -FOR ME- is my erection.

I feel much better having sex on a regular basis than I do retaining ejaculation. But again, that’s just me, maybe you feel huge impacts.

i have understood the fact that it hurts me badly.
Please keep in mind that chinese medicine, hindu medecine, buddhist medecine, all very old health systems will say that i am totally right, if it can help you believe me.

I really mean no offense, but you say you don’t want to force your understanding, but keeps throwing arguments on why I should believe you... Maybe you’re right, maybe you’re not, but the actual fact for me is that it doesn’t hurt me badly. Instead makes me feeling great overall. If I don’t ejaculate, I feel great as well! Both are fine!

I’m just here to hear different point of views, but I don’t want you to change your mind about your beliefs. I respect it! If it makes your life better, I think it’s great for you! It doesn’t make my life better, but hey, people are different!!

Again, I’m really glad to see your point of view! Really cool to see how different each case is! Thanks mate
Yeah, pretty much sums up the situation, they don't want to consider the possibility that their favorite hobby might need to be kept in check.
Except than that, i notice the troll is still around.... It's good you try to teach some sense in him but i'm pessimistic it will lead anywhere.

He is not a troll, just suffering, stressed out and quite unhappy, don´t let yourself getting irritated on your path by his outbursts.

Wanker93:1483698 said:
If you would have opened my journal you would have seen that after february I have had three longer journeys over 20 days all on hardmode.

I have opened your journal and also read most of it. That is a reason why I am willing to talk on with you and not just making fun.
I mean, your own positive 20 days experience is all it needs, to give you enough impression and taste, that there might be something more in it, then just placebo effects and wishful thinking and spiritual gooblegabble.

If you would have made the effort, opening for example Vedas_fr link, I have praised, you could have found a whole collection of writings describing the benefits and positive effects of abstaining from masturbation. And not just religious, but from several points of view. If you would make the effort and seriously plunge yourself into this forum and the offered ressources, you could discover the same here, also how to deal with the challenges and how to overcome your porn addiction permamently.

Wanker93:1483698 said:
That is actually something that I would love to find answer to. On my every journey the hardest part is not getting release. After relapsing it feels very good and feels like head is working once again.

I link you here to an earlier post of mine, where I have layed out my personal point of view considering masturbation in a simple way.


Wanker93:1483698 said:
For me meditation or mindfullness or such have never worked well. I have red and watched youtube videos about it. Care to explain what is your style to do it when there is so many around?

I will care to explain you more and detailed, after you have made with honesty and successfully your own 40 days without any masturbation/porn. And if you still be seriously interested then, I am willing to tell you more about my own methods.(you can also observe with grim fun, if I should have relapsed myself until then)
Quid pro quo and be careful, where you fly around little Wanker. The Spiders are always hungry.
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