Okay everyone is different, and you are also very young, so if there is a age where you can get away with lot of sex it is teenage period. Now i am very careful when people tell me "i don't feel anything". It might be true, simply because you have a lot of vitality, good constitution you can abuse yourself a lot and not endure much consequences.
It's like cigarets, some people can handle a life of it, some will be greatly fatigued by it. Some people use marijuana and manage to have a job, friends, social life... But believe me, marijuana is really really tiring and toxic.
So either you didn't suffer much because of a good constitution and youth, either you did suffer from it but wasn't self aware enough to notice it, or maybe both.
Ultimately if you don't suffer much from it then i suppose it's fine, until the day it won't be anymore. But in all honesty, anything beyond 2/3 times a week will hurt you badly soon or later, no matter how good your constitution is.
It's a complex topic because a lot of people have very little awareness of how they really feel. It's like people working so much they have heart attacks and drop dead. There were probably many many warning signs, that were all ignored, but in the end it still got them. Now if you don't want to believe me that's also perfectly fine since you will be the one enduring the consequences, not me!
Gotcha! I was always pretty active, did exercises, played sports etc etc etc. So my health was always great, and I’m sure this was of great help.
Thing I don’t understand is: I went for 3 months without PMO for different reasons about 1 year and a half ago (I wasn’t having sex, so don’t know anything regarding how that affected my erections), and didn’t feel different at all, except for libido boost. Starting on May 5th I went for 11 days (erection related) PMO and felt no difference regarding my body. After that I had sex (my goal is stopping PM), and it felt amazing after, my mood was great, I felt less stress and just a great feeling overall. I do think that it felt way better because my dopamine system is already changing as I am not flooding it with dopamine several times a day through M, and instead just a few times through sex, making it more sensible or something... Just my experience, no science related! Could definitely be placebo effect, but it’s surely how I feel. Anyways, back to the point: the O feels better when I do it less often, and if anything I get a better mood after it from dopamine -not just from the sex, but also the connection with a girl I have strong feelings etc etc etc- but ZERO negative effects on my body.
I wake up at 07:00am and go to bed at 11:30pm, working 8 am to 6pm shifts mon-fri and university 7pm to 11pm. At the end of the day I feel tired, of course, but because my routine is very busy. I don’t feel tired during the day, wake up fully rested most days (I’m from Brazil, so I don’t sleep so well when it’s very hot, but that’s basically everyone hahaha).
Our mental state rules our body. I think there really could be downsides of ejaculating a lot, although medicine tells you that it doesn’t... But I also think if you put in your mind that something is bad for you, and it’ll make you feel tired,anxious, nervous etc etc etc, you will feel it because you already reinforced that on your mind so many times...
I say that because I ate meat my whole entire life. Then decided to go vegetarian. I “relapsed” and ate meat several times over the next few months and actually felt so good doing it (but felt bad for the animals etc, which is why I stopped...). I then started reading online about Kendrick Farris (Olympic medalist, vegan weight lifter), and how he said meat makes you weak and all. I convinced myself that it was bad for me, that it would make me weak like he said and then I started feeling weak, almost sick when I relapsed and ate meat.
Went to the doctor because I would often feel sick after that and ends up that I had anemia. I told him about what I felt when ate meat and he said this was completely psicological, that actually eating red meat, but not everyday or in large quantity, would help me get the nutrients I needed and get healthy. The nutritionist gave me a meal plan with reduced meat, because I asked for it, but I ate meat 3 times a weak. She showed me studies regarding red meat and how it affects the body, concluding that it was definitely not making me weak. I followed the plan and got healthy in 2 months. Also never felt weak eating meat again...
I’m not trying to change your mind or anything! Nor am I saying what you feel isn’t real, but I definitely feel like the effects of ejaculation isn’t so huge (as huge as causing death as you said in a post ) or causing extreme reactions on the body for most people. I’ve seen many people saying they got great improvements in their mind and body stopping O, so it must be true in many cases, but I strongly believe the psychological side of it is making most of the change.
That’s just my opinion anyways, and really enjoyed knowing yours! Thanks for sharing!