I never have urges, this is how you fight and erase urges forever

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by modern milarepa, Jun 12, 2021.

  1. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Current streak: 408 days no PMO, semen retention

    What is an urge and what causes it?
    The urge is a mental and physical tension build up in a streak caused by an excess of sexual energy that is not balanced meaning in men an excess of male energy with a lack of female energy to balance it up so this creates a physical need to get rid of the excessive energy meaning excess semen, even too much of a good thing if it is not balanced can be troublesome. Women usually don’t have many urges because feminine energy is calmer and passive it’s not as violent as the male energy. Also male energy semen has a tendency to go out trough ejaculation for procreation and female energy has the tendency to remain in women’s body so they create children.

    The urge can be called in western terms
    Prostate congestion
    too much buildup semen in the prostate so the body feels a need to ejaculate to release tension this will create different symptoms like body tension, nervousness, anxiety, fatigue, mental fog, lack of focus, constant thoughts about sex, being easily triggered and other autonomic symptoms like vomiting and even feeling like you want to fade. This is your body and mind telling you they need this sexual energy to be balanced or simply lose it through ejaculation. You are being attacked by your own body and mind.

    The cure : As you can see urges are not an immediate and imminent symptom that comes from nowhere it’s the result of accumulated sexual tension is a chronic problem. So you can see the cure is not an immediate treatment you need to treat the main cause, you need to avoid coming to the point of being in such a sexual imbalance so the urge does not come out.

    Recognize the urge is starting to build up, you have to be aware of yourself everyday if you are starting to feel tense like little tiny urges then you know you are creating sexual tension.

    Relax: Once you realized urges are starting to build up you need to be relaxed. Ejaculation comes with tension, a relaxed man both in body and mind doesn’t ejaculate so this translates in no urges. Urges are build up tension, so start by building up relaxation. Simply focus on your breath, relax your face and have good posture, let your thoughts come and go. Be relaxed all the time it doesn't matter how hard life gets.

    How to be relaxed:The point is to be relaxed in anything you do simply focusing on your breath and relaxing your face is enough. You can try meditation focusing on your breath, yoga, exercise. But the point is to simply be relaxed without doing anything special, it becomes part of who you are.

    -Understand what causes urges and what they are:
    build up sexual tension that the body and mind is trying to get rid of by making you feel sick so you ejaculate.
    -Awareness: realize sexual tension is starting to appear don’t wait until the urge is too strong to recognize it.
    -Relax: the cause is sexual tension you fight with relaxation be a relaxed person and you’ll never have urges no more.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2021
  2. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Perhaps, but I think if you are balanced and relaxed there is no stimuli that can trigger you or disturb you. Rather the opposite you enjoy it.

    Being triggered is a result of your mind being hypersensitive to your surroundings so you ejaculate and reduce the build up tension.
    There has to come a point where you can see girls at ig or real life and not be disturbed by it. You could simply ignore it or enjoy it.
    I can certainly look, talk tease girls and not feel triggered.

    But at the beginning its better to avoid triggers, if you look at girls pictures this can increase semen production and help to create prostate congestion because an excess of semen.
  3. Easy and simply way to explain the truth. Truly eye-opening. All of my relapses have been during moments of STRESS, when i wasn't relaxed and so busy/ amped up that i craved a stress-release. During moments when i didnt excercise or skipped a day of meditation. Instead of simply relaxing on my own, i used porn (the standard behavior model since 12 years old). Basically, what ypu are telling us is to simply relax when feeling an urge, either through breathing/ meditation or excercise/ work.

    A question. What do you do when shit hits the fan and you had a fucked up day with lots of stress or anger and you just cant bring yourself to relax... but you have this obligation where some shit needs to get done on the computer where access is easy?
  4. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Usually the same I try to be more relaxed to the extent of my abililities. I can't escape from what I'm doing or have time to meditate or anything else. Usually my relapses happened too during stressful situations.

    I think now I'm wired to not do relapse because if I relapse I'll feel even more stressed out. The difficulties I'm facing will become harder and also I'm fighting against something or someone or both when I'm under too much stress if I ejaculate I become an easy target to defeat.

    I guess simply by using reason I fight high levels of stress, to know life can beat me but at least I fought till death. That gives me peace and happiness simply fight and giving my all. Even if I lose I lose With dignity
  5. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    I always saw semen retention as my secret weapon it helps me to be physically more strong, to endure psychological problems more easily to have some type of morals. To stand by myself. Some form of sacrifice too. Even some source of wisdom too. It's a pillar in my life. It helps me see beyond physical pleasure.
  6. Aight thanks for this perspective. I believe time is the greatest factor then. Over time you simply learn to deal with it in a way that gives the best result. Through trial and error. Never give up the fight and keep battling the lower self through the higher self.
    modern milarepa likes this.
  7. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Exactly, there comes a point when a click happens you understand what sex is and then it becomes part of you. You become more pure so to speak

    "One torch can dissipate the accumulated darkness of a thousand eons" Tilopa an old tantric master
  8. A secret weapon. Indeed it is. All initiates and masters are celibates, there is a reason for that. It is wisdom at its highest. Forgoing lust and pure desire for procreation is the greatest task a man can undertake. It is the transformation, purification and sacrifice of the lower basic personality with all its animal desires and replacing it with noble virtues such as patience, service, effort/ energy, equanimity, and a focus on god/ the supreme. Only by focusing on god, the supreme and seeing divinity in all things can this wretched current condition of men be overcome. This is a great movement and you are a great example.
    becomingreat and goodnice 2.0 like this.
  9. you remind yourself that no matter how stressful or bad the day was, as long as you don't pmo, its a great day indeed

    You ever heard the bible verse "Be anxious for nothing". Tell yourself that when you have days like this
    PermRB likes this.
  10. I really like what you said here. Especially the part about transforming the base animal desires into nobility, virtue, and all those qualities that everyone admires in a man. What has helped me a lot is the realization that the pursuit of sex, at least for me, is almost always selfish. The following inspires me to the utmost. This book I was reading said it best:

    "Unchastity does not lead to happiness. The most delicious of all the fruits of true and noble living cannot be had except by the chaste. Both chastity and unchastity have their roots in love—the love of the sexes. The chaste love those of the opposite sex purely and strongly. There is no stinginess, meanness, in their love. They are bounteous lovers.

    The exalted love of brother and sister is fine example of chaste love, and so is the love of father for beautiful daughter. Such loves are not tinctured with sensuality. They do not give pain, but joy. They do not consume, but enlarge and strengthen. The unchaste love is different. It is selfish love, an animal love, fire which consumes its fuel and goes out, passion that has no object except in its gratification. It takes on many forms; but in whatsoever form it is an abnormality, a monstrosity. It has no place in the career of the true man or woman who lives for their highest development, and for the greatest fullness and richness of life."
    again and PermRB like this.
  11. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    It sounds like a fairy tale. Relationships don't work like that
  12. At this moment mg own experience is telling me the same. To get over with this addiction to pmo and sex in general i decided i had to pass through a relationship to see for myself that this desire for sex or mastrubation is truly passion and no real love is involved. So i started actively looking and got into a relationship. Honestly, im more often unhappy these days when my "sexual needs" cant be met by my partner due to being busy and i turn to pmo once or twice a week than the days i used to pmo every day... it simply feels like my desire isnt met and it makes me unhappy (the general mechanism of desire and aversion). It resembles A LOT to substance addiction.

    Even though this is the case NOW i believe i am heavily skewed due to the fact i havnt been able to transmute this sexual energy. Im still a PMOer. Just as with substance addiction, you need a couple of years of abstinence to see the true effect on your body mind and spirit.

    So i believe those quotes to be beautifull and they reflect my thoughts until now, but at this moment i reflect on them and believe they are talking about OUTER chastity. Remember that as long as you PMO and havnt experienced INNER chastity (no lustful thoughys, not looking lustful at any girl, no pmo, seeing your girlfriend as a divine being that you love unconditionally), you cant judge. And that is my current goal with my girlfriend. I want to see if passion and lust can be tranformed into unconditional love within the confines of a sexually active (which is sinful and morbid since you are not procreating, simply satisfying lust) relationship. My intuition tells me it cannot... but we shall see. I should have stayed single... curiosity and desire got the best of me.
    goodnice 2.0 likes this.
  13. hmm, in a friendly and inquisitive manner, I question why you think those quotes were about OUTER chastity. Read them again, it seems to me that they were talking about the heart. The kind of love that enlarges and strengthens comes from a pure heart, a desire to uplift and serve rather than seek one's own gratification...

    But yes, you are right that of course the inner chastity matters just as much and more than outer chastity. Another verse occurs when Jesus scolds the pharisees "why do you clean the outside but not the inside of the cup? (heart)". And he said the commandment about not murdering extends to a sense of resentment and anger against someone. Similarly, committing adultery extends to looking lustfully at a woman (whether that verse was being applied to only married men is debated), but the point stands

    Nonetheless, I admire your reflection and contemplation on this matter, and I too wonder as to the answer to your question of whether "passion and lust can be tranformed into unconditional love within the confines of a sexually active (which is sinful and morbid since you are not procreating, simply satisfying lust) relationship"...

    My gut feeling tells me it IS possible. For example, you meet your twin flame. Also, if you are married, then I think it is possible. "marriage is honorable to all" is another verse. Even if you aren't married and have a girlfriend, it could be possible. But i think it would take real inner work, and probably a very long period of abstinence and self cleansing to be able to get to that state

    I hope we can both reach it

    You should check out my post related to this topic!
    Transform your desire: lust vs love... Aim to have your love untinctured with sensuality | NoFap®
    PermRB likes this.
  14. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    As beautiful this may sound, relationships are mundane. It seems you went from rep pill and seeing the difficulty of finding quality girls and your negative perception to a more spiritual view on the subject. Don't get me wrong girls are special and sensitive but they are very mundane you need a more realistic approach life is anything like the books that talk about spiritual love between couples. It's more street knowledge than anything else.

    Be careful boy it sounds beautiful but in reality I don't see much usufulness in thinking like this. You might think like this I doubt any girl in the worl will think the same way.

    It seems an easy, superior solution for a hard problem which is women and relationships but unfortunately it's not the answer.

    I had this similar view because I love spirituality but real life with girls it's a completely different matter.
    Aléxandros and PermRB like this.
  15. Yeah thats what im realizing now. My internal spiritual life is the complete opposite of how my girlfriend views the world. Indeed the relationships seems mundane compared to that...

    It was the other way around. I discovered spirituality before the red pill. And only after swallowing that pill i entered my first relationship because it felt i had to pass through that to advance spiritually and exhaust that type of desire.

    I read somewhere a man can only have one true love. Either it is a women (passion) or the supreme all/ God (unconditional love for all).

    Can they both be "combined" or the love for a women through the lens of diviniry within a relationship?

    Whats your solution?
  16. EpsilonDelta

    EpsilonDelta Fapstronaut

    Great post, as always, modern milarepa!
    modern milarepa likes this.
  17. Aléxandros

    Aléxandros Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your help and for your shared wisdom.

    I personally found that going to the gym at least 4 times a week, lifting heavy weights, and doing cold showers help you release that tension we as males who practice retention used to store so much.

    What made me lose my past 511 days streak, and what made me watch porn multiple times during that streak were urges and not being able to deal with them.

    Since I started this streak I went immediately to the gym and started doing cold showers.

    Funny to say I literally have no urges and I am not even struggling to keep this streak stable and pure.

    So yeah, the key must be redirecting the sexual energy we tend to store into productive things, like going to the gym, working for your future or even going outside looking for a partner.

    There's no motive to store all your sexual energy and castrating your libido that much, suffering every day to maintain your streak.
    Doing it might even be useless.
    You should just spend in some activities, otherwise, all the NoFap and semen retention purposes just start to seem pointless, as a sort of castration and punishment we do to ourselves.
    That's just toxic and depressive, so watch out what you do with your sexual energy.
  18. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    If you can live always like this is great but sometimes life difficulties don't give us time for anything. That is why more than practicing sublimation I'm trying to point out being aware and relaxed in everything you do even if it's really stressful situation to make this your lifestyle permanently
    EdricKr and Aléxandros like this.
  19. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    You are welcome
    Aléxandros likes this.
  20. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Aléxandros and PermRB like this.