Nofap BOOTCAMP ; NO PMO/ HELL Mode [Open]

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by MONSTER MONK, Mar 3, 2019.

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  1. Still in!

  2. Out!

  3. Want in!

  1. irishrover

    irishrover Fapstronaut

    @mastermonk I'm in good sir! Ready to pick up the cudgels abd join the fight. I am but a slave but have lofty dreams! May I join ye on your quest?
  2. day 1, no sleep...lovely but I need to fix my sleep cycle since I would've slept till around 4 if I did sleep so today will be a struggle. May Allah make it easy for me and for you all <3
  3. Why don't you try some apps like " Calm" .. They provide excellent meditations and also help with insomnia.. They have separate techniques to deal with sleep problems ... I have installed it today, took one session of meditation it felt great ... The app is available both on Android and iphone. :)
  4. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    Only your goals matters boy, nothing else
    Pedro.Conquers likes this.
  5. ssha6451

    ssha6451 Fapstronaut

  6. A47

    A47 Fapstronaut

    In here to join on day 0 as a Slave.
    Pedro.Conquers likes this.
  7. Captain Anurag

    Captain Anurag Fapstronaut

  8. komodoro

    komodoro Fapstronaut

    18 Days Check-in
    Pedro.Conquers likes this.
  9. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    Day 5
    Quick advice, the begginers do not try to tempt yourself by opening half naked ladies and a glimpse of pornography. There is no reward system in NOFAP challenge that invites you seeing/ take a glimpse of nudity/pornography/partial nudity. That is how relapse happens boys. Stay alert.
  10. day entered into a 3rd month...feel okay but quite demotivated still I hope I will pull the day successfully...
  11. Kevin Saputra

    Kevin Saputra Fapstronaut

  12. Kevin Saputra

    Kevin Saputra Fapstronaut

    I think they really did :D:D Thank you for your support!
  13. Check day 4. This time I will crush this week!
    primordial-saiyan likes this.
  14. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    The Journey ahead is long and unforgiving. No place for a boy, WE must be a warrior.
    primordial-saiyan likes this.
  15. JustForTodayz

    JustForTodayz Fapstronaut

  16. EcoMunchies

    EcoMunchies Fapstronaut

    @Borntoshine33 and @Saiyan123 The Calm App is an excellent start to meditation, as it guides you through the process in short 10 minute meditations with a slightly different one each day. There are also parts of the app dedicated to sleep, sleep stories, and music designed for different things (focus, rest, meditation, sleep, etc).
    The meditations are designed around the OSHO initial meditations. The app works you through different styles of breathing meditations and eventually you will find one that works best for you.
    I know it’s a bit pricey, but the rewards you can get from it are worth the money.
    As with anything like this though, you won’t master it after the first use, and every meditation session will be different. Don’t worry about that, some will be good, some amazing, some you just won’t be able to stop your mind from wandering.
    Sometimes you will fall asleep. The trick is to try not to, but if you have to sleep, you have to sleep. This is why most meditation is done sitting upright with a straight back, as you are less likely to fall asleep than if you were lying down.

    As you may be able to tell, I’m a big fan of meditation and have found it to really help here!

    If you like meditation with the App, then you can always learn more and go further with meditation with other deeper techniques, coming from techniques from Buddhism and Zen, which have been updated by OSHO in his books.
  17. thanks for that I'll try it out. :)
    sounds really interesting, would be interested to know more.