Would You Date a *** ****? (Potential Trigger)

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Deleted Account, Aug 26, 2017.

  1. The stars are their because it might be a trigger for some. So proceed with caution.

    But would you start dating someone if you knew they were a cam girl?
  2. No. I dont date girls, but if I did, I wouldn't want to be with someone who does something that I find immoral.
    leo da king likes this.
  3. Toomuchh

    Toomuchh Fapstronaut

    Yes, they are people too. But I would ask myself severaks things first, like If I was doing it for the right reasons and if she was someone I could trust. Etc. You guys shouldn't be so judgemental when it's obvious. We all got issues
    NewManV and Numbanddisturbed72 like this.
  4. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    Nooo, it is a trap. Stop watching cam girls, it's even more dangerous than casual porn. The emotions you feel for that girl are not real, and it's their job to make you feel like real.
  5. Toomuchh

    Toomuchh Fapstronaut

    What if that cam girl is using that money to pay herself thru med school. Dude people gotta do what they gotta do. You are being judgemental when you say no without a chance. And you not wanting to date a gay person would not be comparable.

    Any why wouldn't you want to date a bi woman. Hello threesome? That's your choice and I can respect it
    Deleted Account and NewManV like this.
  6. Baroque

    Baroque Fapstronaut

    I wouldn't get into a serious relationship with a woman who shows her body to the world.
  7. Toomuchh

    Toomuchh Fapstronaut

    Lol yes I am and proud of it. What about you, what are you doing here.
    NewManV likes this.
  8. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Are you serious? You only date a women if she is capable of a relationship [courtship]. You shouldn't even be interested in a cam girl. I say this because I know you have conservative values.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2017
  9. Toomuchh

    Toomuchh Fapstronaut

    Cool I can respect than. I hope you can also respect when someone else has a different point of view. I see what you're saying about not dating someone who does something you think is wrong. I think that is what is right for you. But I don't think it's right to judge someone only on their occupation without context, the world isn't black and white and people especially so.
    wwart1020, NewManV and leo da king like this.
  10. Numbanddisturbed72

    Numbanddisturbed72 Fapstronaut

    The responses on this thread are just offensive. Dont be so blind to the reasons why these girls do what they do. They are likely to be struggling financially and even suffering from emotional trauma. You people have enjoyed watching similar girls on screen in porn for your own pleasure. It doesnt put you above them. And guess what, webcamming could very well be an addiction for them.
  11. It's not judgemental to not want to date someone who is actively doing, and enjoying doing, something you find disgusting and immoral. If she was an addict trying to get help and quit, that would be one thing, but someone who enjoys basically being a prostitute is not someone I would date. Didn't say she was a terrible person who should go to hell or something. But I wouldn't date her.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2017
  12. If she was an ex cam girl, sure. If she's currently a cam girl then, no.
  13. I also wouldn't date someone who actively does drugs, with no desire to quit, or who goes around getting in fights and punching people in the face, with no sense of that being wrong. That doesn't make me judgmental.

    It's incredibly ridiculous to say someone is "judgmental" for not dating ______ (fill in the blank). Dating is not the same as friendship or helping someone or accepting them as a person. People generally date people who have similar values and beliefs to them, whom they have a lot in common with, common interests and goals, etc. If you'd be willing to date a cam girl, that's totally fine, good for you, but don't condemn others as judgemental assholes for saying they wouldn't. Being a cam girl is something I would absolutely never do, even if I was "trying to pay my way through med school." I find it immoral and I think it's a despicable thing to do, to feed the addiction of men. So no, I wouldn't want to date someone who has such vastly different moral beliefs. That doesn't mean I think she's an evil person necessarily. But I don't have to date her.
  14. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    I think you're misunderstood. Like @leo da king mentioned above, it's not about acceptance, it's dating. We do understand they're trying to make money for some reasons, and we don't put them down like lower class, not just cam girls but also porn stars, sometimes i even thank to porn, but it does not mean i have to watch it again. Dating a cam girl is extremely risky. And the cam industry is messed up.

    Cam girls earn money from your tips, private shows or gifts. To make more money, they have to make you like her, be nice to you, make you feel like you are special, you are her boyfriend. Mostly everything she does is performing to keep you stay and tip her. SO, how do you make sure her feeling is genuine or is she just performing.

    Remember: a cam girl can make you feel like you're special, much special than other clients, this is a lie.

    Trust me, stop messing up with this industry. I was there. I thought i was in love. It was not real.
    wwart1020 and Deleted Account like this.
  15. Numbanddisturbed72

    Numbanddisturbed72 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing your point of view :)
  16. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    Is this a hypothetical question or is there a girl you are falling for? If there is then I'd like to know more before answering. How did you meet? Does she help or hinder your recovery from porn addiction? What does she see her economic choices as? Does she look to you for moral guidance - or does she just want a supportive boyfriend? What do you need from her in the relationship? Where does she see her life going in the future? Where do you see yours?
  17. Toomuchh

    Toomuchh Fapstronaut

    Hey man I said you gotta do what's right for you, and I think what's important is you find someone who is a good fit for you. I can see you are more conservative, and I admit I was wrong for saying it's judgemental without understanding what you were trying to actually say. You wouldn't date a cam girl because obviously they don't share the same values as you since she is doing it. Personally I don't think that industry is a big deal. I think some corporations are more corrupt and immoral with how they leverage their money and power control healthy people and markets. Sure cam girls take advantage of lonely people, but I have limited patience for people who play the victim card and let themselves get screwed. We are all adults here so take responsibility. This goes for both the cam girls and the people who watch. And assuming all cam girls enjoy doing what they do is just you making an assumption about someone you dont even know. But I get it, if they were an addict and manipulator I wouldn't date them, but because of those things, not because they were a cam girl.
  18. I agree.

    I most definitely did not say "all." In fact, I'm pretty sure I specifically said it would be a different story if they were in a tough place and wanting to change, or some other reason. To me, the implication of the original question was that the hypothetical girl in question is currently a cam girl, and there was no mention of her feeling any sort of shame or guilt about doing such an immoral job. I think I had good reason, in this particular situation, with this particular question, to assume that the girl is working as a cam girl currently and voluntarily, which is something I wouldn't want in a relationship.
  19. Toomuchh

    Toomuchh Fapstronaut

    To me the question was about someone asking about a girl who had a job with a bad rep. My response was that it doesn't matter what the job, but who the person is and if that fits what they want in a partner.
    Numbanddisturbed72 and kropo82 like this.
  20. I understand what you mean, but I think it's kind of ignorant to not recognize that having that job in the first place says something about who you are and what you believe is right. Unless you're a sex slave who is doing it against your will.
    Hardboiled24 likes this.