Accountability for All

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by corylife, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. NeverGiveUP...

    NeverGiveUP... Fapstronaut

    Nice bro
  2. NeverGiveUP...

    NeverGiveUP... Fapstronaut

    You are right brother... Today I PMO after that I was very depressed... I open this website after reading comments and experiences of right people, I got inspire... I will start My journey From tomorrow (9 December)
  3. WantsToQuit2021

    WantsToQuit2021 Fapstronaut

    Day 3 today.
    I blocked a whole list of p sites with my hosts file. Made a new account that got ownership over that file and threw away the password.

    I found an accountability partner.
    And try to be more active here.

    Yesterday I also had the urge, but for once I was aware and actively chose not to do it. A little victory right there!

    Today is so busy that I haven't had any urges yet. But they might come when I settle down
  4. tivruh

    tivruh Fapstronaut

    I like the consistency bruv :D
  5. NeverGiveUP...

    NeverGiveUP... Fapstronaut

    Now you have become our inspiration... One day I will be on day 21... Best of luck my friend
  6. Leonflado

    Leonflado Fapstronaut

    day 7 check in
  7. WalktheLine

    WalktheLine Fapstronaut

    Checking in....really hard night last night....
    lots of fantasy, having to let go, and let go , and let

    It is really helpful lately to remind myself how boring porn is.....same sex addicted people, same sexual conditioned motions, same sexual conditioned situations, same sexually conditioned holes, same bullshit, same nothing real, same nothing for me, same nothing for me, same nothing for me....what a let down....reminding myself in this way really helps...

    like same beauty....even the beauty is boring....same sexually conditioned beauty, same nothing for me....same sexually conditioned motions for pay, nothing for me, nothing for real....

    ok and thanks so much for all of you being here....for me most any real sex is ok, but masturbating to porn: the Universe/God or whatever really does not like because it is all conditioned fantasy, all shit in my mind, what nonsense...

    A little, and this also helps, for me the Universe/God actually actively penalizes me for masturbating to porn, especially by dissolving what were real possibilites for goodness, for money & career, and dissolving real possibilities for relationship which is devastating.
    I could of course be making this up, but after PMO, something always seems to fall thru, or go away, or I get passed over,...etc, etce etc.....seeming real penalties....which if real, I need to wake up to.....because mostly my deluded thinking says there is no penalty to masturbating....when the truth for my life seems to be, that absolutely masturbating is devastating to my life....
    Peace to you all, Hang in....

    OMINI MAN Fapstronaut

    Its DAY 5
    Urges keep hitting me....
    But i'm not weak anymore
    I'm strong, i'm gonna control my Lyf.
    I'm not gonna stop from here.
    #stsy strong
  9. John Bergz

    John Bergz Fapstronaut

    I didn't posted here from 2-3 days because my exams are going on. I completed 3 days and now I am in day 4th
  10. Spreadlove

    Spreadlove Fapstronaut


    P: 22 days
    M: 48 days
    O: 48 days

    * 2 PMO but no relapse
    * 1 MO but no relapse
    (I count "relapse" as a multiple relapse in one day. I don't think p,m, or ,o are wrong in moderation).
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2021
  11. higor pereira araujo

    higor pereira araujo Fapstronaut

  12. Thadeus Tuffington

    Thadeus Tuffington Fapstronaut

    I am right there with you guys.

    Day 4
    Urges all day. I believe that I'm doing fine because I'm not acting like I made it through my addiction when I run into a quite spell. I find a parallel between meditating and urges to fap, that parallel is times of loud distraction or temptation followed by peace and a sense of tranquility and the distractions and temptations return and the cycle continues.
    I think it's important to not take things for granted. Progress is the result of work, more progress will not happen by itself and I have run into ruts where I have smooth sailing and stop working. I am doing my best to be aware, face my fears, and courageously deal with every aspect of my daily life.
    Wish me luck compadres.
  13. Hopeful Dreamer

    Hopeful Dreamer Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing this video man, it's very helpful and short (just 3 minutes, if you're reading this go give it a look now!) and well... I'll do it, I'm going to confront my fears and thus get that self doubt of shit out of my life. Just do it!

    Today I'm finishing day 21, that means 3 weeks without PMO! It's been hard so far, even though it's such a short amount of time... but we're still going, whatever it takes!
    Yesterday after my post here I got really horny, probably because I read something triggering and didn't stop thinking about it for some minutes - and then today I had urges again, and sexual thoughts randomly. But I resisted and it's stupid to give in now that I've reached this far... instant gratification won't win this battle, let's stay strong!
  14. Spreadlove

    Spreadlove Fapstronaut


    P: 23 days
    M: 49 days
    M: 49 days

    * 2 PMO but no relapse
    * 1 MO but no relapse
  15. Leonflado

    Leonflado Fapstronaut

  16. corylife

    corylife Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Great job solp 20 days is great :) . Being on NoFap you will notice attraction, you will attract that type of energy and you will notice that you can read and see what women are thinking. It's a good feeling!

    I love elliot! This is one of my favorite videos of his. He loves life, he loves feeling life, he loves being in the preset moment. He appreciates his people, his family, kids, friends. People that matter. He's a great idol to look up to. We should all enjoy and love life in the purest form. Love the bad, the good, the pain, etc.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2021
  17. corylife

    corylife Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Thank you. This thread will always be here.
    Thank you
  18. corylife

    corylife Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Changing your environment is step #1 so good job :)
  19. blacktea

    blacktea Fapstronaut

    Keep on going, the battle is where the transformation happens. Keep on fighting and you can't be beaten if you don't give up.
    corylife, JohnLemmon, tivruh and 4 others like this.
  20. blacktea

    blacktea Fapstronaut

    Just got through day 23! The energy in this thread is amazing. Let's keep going and focus on each battle ahead of us. That's how we win the war :)