150 days, no longer a sissy!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Dr.J_76ers, May 26, 2022.

  1. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    First of all you need to keep your phone in a different room before you lay down for bed. If you're browsing on a computer, install BlockSite which blocks porn content and 3 websites for free (they used to allow 6). I have Reddit, Quora, and YouTube blocked.

    By the way, blocking websites hasn't made it impossible for me to access those places. It just makes it a lot less likely.
    mhnmhn2021 likes this.
  2. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    You're story reflects mine in some key ways, so I think you got a classic case of HOCD. Don't be too worried about it because a solid percentage of heavy PMO watchers probably have this condition. I think the best advice I've learned is to not watch porn AND stop reading about it online and in forums like Reddit. I remember one of the worst things is when I would compulsive check Reddit asking "Am I gay because of x?". You'll have some reasonable comments saying "nah, probably not" but then a few comments like "YES only gay people watch or look at this", which were so intrusive.

    I successfully "treated" my HOCD by going on this long streak. That should happen too for you. The only place I recommend you read about it is here: https://forum.nofap.com/index.php?t...fetishes-a-complete-guide-for-freedom.283059/

    This is a post I read a long time ago and that gave me reassurance that I could figure this out.
    assasin04 likes this.
  3. mhnmhn2021

    mhnmhn2021 Fapstronaut

    I have Norton Family installed, great but you know how to get around it. Keeping phone in the other room would be a great idea.
    Dr.J_76ers likes this.
  4. assasin04

    assasin04 Fapstronaut

    Thank you!i was addicted to sissy/transvestite videos too and HOCD caused it too. It's seriously hard to get rid of this shit but i'll make it.
    Dr.J_76ers likes this.
  5. I have seen worse things on the dark web this year, I knew I step on a door I will regret my whole life.
    But I am day 30 now after an emotional, mental and spiritual meltdown, its my first and its gonna be like this because I love my new life
    Hello Jake and Dr.J_76ers like this.
  6. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    You got this. Remember the values that you started with at Day 0.
  7. Hello Jake

    Hello Jake Fapstronaut

  8. Hello Jake

    Hello Jake Fapstronaut

    Wow, what a story. Sounds like you really need to give your brain a rest and so great you've done that and are recovering. It's mad where porn can take you hey. Im in a months streak from PM, carn't really stop ding the O as I'm married, but that's fine with me. First few weeks were fine but starting to want to look at girls I you tube, you can feel your brain and feel yourself getting full of desire even just from girls on YouTube. It's not nice but your brain tells you it is. Determined to give myself more time to heal, hopefully a few months, but I've developed porn habits, life trans , bdsm, fetishes, I know are pen induced and will take a long time to heal, reduce, evaporate. Good luck on your journey, were not alone.
  9. Hello Jake

    Hello Jake Fapstronaut

    That's scary. Good it's reversible though hey. How damaging porn is hey. Thanks for sharing.
    Dr.J_76ers likes this.
  10. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    I've heard that the older you are the less time you need to recover. Something about how the brain is less plastic as we're older, so perhaps extreme porn doesn't change your brain as drastically. The counterargument is that you could've been watching porn for longer.

    I believe you got what it takes to fully recover. I used a Chrome extension called Blocksite to block YouTube. You can easily turn it off, but it reduces the probability that you're gonna be on there in my opinion. And don't give your addiction a foot by using YouTube cause it will take a mile.
    Hello Jake likes this.
  11. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    I think in your case it is not true because you were engaging with AGP activities in your teen years, so that was having a significant effect. But in general, if someone uses porn during their teenage years, it has a much greater chance of impacting the structure of certain parts of the brain. It probably reduces the size and influence of the prefrontal cortex which is important for decision-making, behavioral flexibility, impulsivity inhibition among other things (Prawiroharjo et al. 2021).

    In other words, it's literally reducing the size of areas of the brain important for decision-making. We know kids' brains are more plastic and changeable than adult ones.

    I just think kids who are doing this are going to have an even more difficult time controlling their impulses and desires.

    I linked the study's abstract here: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.06.22.21259291v1
  12. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    I think we can see a positive from this: the majority of porn addicts today were watching Internet porn as kids, but many of those 40+ didn't. These older people can get out of this mess much quicker, and in the process help out younger people too.
  13. Hello Jake

    Hello Jake Fapstronaut

    I'm really struggling a month in. Watching you tube and those stories on snap chat, had a sneaky look at P today but not M. I've been a month clean, which was relatively easy but my brain is craving dopamine, you tube etc does not help at all.
  14. Furozima10

    Furozima10 Fapstronaut

    Wtf is wrong with you guys and your Sissy bullshit?

    You are Males ! Alpha Males ! You are the Male in the backstory, how can you become a Sissy?
    What is the Role of the female if you becomes a Sissy? I mean don't you have some logic?

    And don't dare to tell me that you don't count in the society, I'm sure you Does as everyone else. You are part of our community, and everyone should be healthy.

    Don't let the devil plays you, you're a Male a Great Male, that will have a family, a future, a job and a happy kids. don't ruin your Life with this bullshit

    "Sissy" ? Seriously? What is this shit?..

    Wake up dude, it's time to man up, you can become a greater male than you think. you can be a respected man and a feared man amongst society.

    Just pretend that you're self-confident even if you're not, nobody can tell the difference.
    Life is only about who's the best at bluff and that's it. No one is better than you and everyone is going through his own bullshits.

    Billionaires with expensives divorces, Married couple through cheating, working dudes through fired-job etc...

    Everyone is struggling through the Matrix !
    Pauley likes this.
  15. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    I do understand what you're saying and I think you'll be right after this decade.

    But imagine one guy who's 30 years old and started watching at 15. That's 15 years of hardcore Internet porn.

    Another guy who's 40 and started watching at 25. He's also been watching for 15 years.

    So they have the same amount of "conditioning" and porn exposure.

    I think the 30 year old guy will have a harder time with recovery cause the conditioning started in his youth.

    BUT I know you will be correct in a few years because almost everybody will have started at the same place - having engaged with porn in their teen years.
    OhWhenThe likes this.
  16. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    Keep on going! Can you do some exercise today? Engaging in physical activity kind of gets me out of that "craving" mindset.
    Hello Jake likes this.
  17. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    In a way I understand your argument. In my case, I let my "internal drive" for sexual stimulation nearly take me over. I attempted to change a lot of things to feel more arousal. As a young person, I've had to struggle with self-control in a land of superstimuli.

    However, the above streak in this Success Story allowed me to prove to myself that I have the self-control to choose my own actions. And consciously I've always known I don't to want to be a sissy.

    I just want you to know though that when I use the term "sissy," I don't mean a person that is regarded as "effeminate or cowardly." I literally mean a practioner of the porn genre sissy porn, who brings certain elements of the porn videos they watch into real life.
    Hello Jake likes this.
  18. That's just not realistic.
  19. You can definitely recover. I haven't touched cams for over a year and a half and I have no use for it as well. It's a drainer in more then one ways. I've had my own identity crises in my early 20's. I feel as if god gave me a past situation as a lesson to figure out who I want to be. I have viewed Hentai in the past and gone off into Futa.. Which I'm not proud of but the matter of the fact is, it's so unrealistic and fake. The sizes, comparisons, rationalizations start to take effect from your self.. It's not ideal for your body. No matter how creative the Japanese can be its a dark side, which the line Three Headed Monsters really stood out at me. because it is...
    Dr.J_76ers likes this.
  20. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    Why not? I remember reading that "tube sites" started skyrocketing in popularity around 2006, 16 years ago.

    I'm talking about Internet porn specifically.