
  1. Bingles

    Beta-blocker medications are not the solution to your depression

    I was on propranolol for two years, and it numbed my brain and body to the point where I felt emasculated and unable to do day-to-day tasks. My muscles were weak and my headaches got worse. My depression wasn't cured by guzzling 80mg pills. The solution isn't to block every emotion and alter...
  2. K

    Antidepressants and Nofap

    Can SSRI meds block nofap’s benefits?
  3. '_'

    SSRI Medication & Rebooting

    Hey! So I am going to quit P forever, that is my main goal but atleast for the next few years Im also quitting MO aswell for the sake of "reboot" ofcourse. Im on SSRI medication and Im wondering how does this effect the process/progress? Is there something I should know or do differently along...
  4. Bingles

    Is propranolol lowering my testosterone

    I have been taking 80mg of propranolol daily for two years, sometimes 160mg. Does this lower my testosterone? Or does that only happen short term?
  5. B

    Get Help When You Can.

    All I can say is get help when you can. I've been dealing with a ton of depression and not realizing it. This past Monday I was a inpatient at a hospital for depression. I had to deeply realize that I was still struggling with this illness. I was avoiding everything, extremely low energy from...
  6. Banished God

    I'm new here

    Hi guys I've been struggling with all kinds of addiction porn , nicotine and social media. However lately I stopped watching porn and masturbation since 13th of April and I'm beginning to lower the amount of cigarettes I consume a day. Keep in mind I'm only 21 years old and I've been struggling...
  7. T

    Can SSRIs help recovery?

    It's reported that SSRIs can impact libido as a side effect. I have also heard that these medications can make you lose the desire to fap or use porn. My question is, can these medications be used as a tool to aid a reboot? If the medications take away your desire to watch porn, will this help...
  8. Roffelaar

    ADHD medication and nofap

    Hi guys, Currently on day 9 of nofap and was just wondering something. I have ADHD and I take medication for it, but because you are trying to reset your dopamine levels by not watching porn and wanking your dick the entire day, isn't it counterproductive to your dopamine receptors when you...
  9. S

    Ordered an ED medication online . Idk if this was a mistake .

    So like the title says . I ordered an ED medication online . It’s a new Compounded medication and it comes in a trough or dissolvable medication . It honestly looks like 4 hits of blotter acid in a gelatin form. It’s a compounded medication, it has 110 mg of sildanifil, 22 mg of tadalifil and 3...
  10. P

    Medications giving noctural emission?

    Hello! I am doing NoFap together with OMAD. It was the first time i managed to do this long term. At first noctural emission came every other week. But now for a while it has come several days in a row. I take mirtazapine but would like to taper it off. Do anyone know if incresad adrenalin or...
  11. C

    Newbie, curing PIED, already achieving some results there

    Hi there, I came across this forum for a couple of times during the past couple of months and figured I'd tell my story, it might help others in the longer run. First of all, a little bit of a background. I've been in longer relationship with a woman before, from my 16th till my 24th. We broke...
  12. inthemaking

    My dad is sick.

    I've just spent some time with my dad. He's on medication for schizophrenia and high blood pressure. Today I joked about him being so fat because he's on corticosteroids and is basically being pumped full of oestrogen. Both last night and today he complained of puking and a sore chest. This...
  13. D

    Does using opiods for pain slow rebooting?

    Hello fellow Fapstronauts, i have a Quick question. I use trama dol extended relase tablets because of a back injury that gives me strong sciatica nerve pain. I dont like how i feel when i use them but it helps against the pain. Does taking trama dol hinder rebooting? Thanks for any reply!
  14. Testify

    Sky Rocket T

    Hello everyone, i'm new here. I'll try to briefly tell my story and why i am here. Please, read the whole story to the end before drawing any conclusion. I've always been a creative guy, an artist, but even an insecure guy, insecure about the way i looked. Despite people telling me i looked...
  15. raccoon_sot

    Seroquel and loss of interest plus absence of morning wood

    Hello lads, I don't know which category to put this thread in. So admins, move it somewhere suitable if it is off topic. getting to the point now, I would like to ask your opinion on Seroquel INSTANT release 25mg during a reboot. I was prescribed it to help me sleep, but the side effects are...
  16. T

    Male Enhancement Pills!! Beneficial???

    Hello Everyone, I wanted to get the communities thoughts on using male enhancement pills like, V,S Etc. I spoke to my doctor about my PIED and he actually prescribed me the generic version of a popular male enhancement pill. I am 23 and by all means should not have to be using these types of...
  17. elefante

    Will Anti-anxiety Medication Help?

    Hello All, I’m 29 and I’ve struggled with pornography since I was 14 though it often wasn’t as bad as it is now. I’ve been unemployed for almost 13 months and I’ve fallen into a bit of a depression. I have a ton of anxiety especially at night and in the mornings. The anxiety is worst when I...
  18. Sherlock_Poems

    Does anyone use medication?

    So porn use is triggered by a lot of underlying problems. For some they're brought on by childhood trama or Untreated depression and anxiety My question is; does anyone use antidepressants or mood stabilizers for help beating this? I hate the idea of taking medication myself. But my wife wants...
  19. D

    Is using psychiatric medications to lower sex drive a good idea?

    I have been sex deprived my whole adult life. I'm 26 and only just had a successful sexual encounter for the first time a couple months ago. I have seen prostitutes 6 times and only was able to ejaculate this last time because of a serious porn addiction that led to erectile dysfunction the...
  20. I

    Need Urgent Help

    So first things first: this is the longest streak I have ever upheld. 57 days today. And emotions are coming up that are absolutely overwhelming. Profound grief, unbelievable depression, wanting to die, racing thoughts about racing thoughts, fighting thoughts, looping thoughts, an inability to...
  21. P

    Trying Medication for NoFap week 2 - Naltrexone 50mg (dopamine antagonist)

    I began taking Naltrexone 50mg two weeks ago. 40 mwm 2 kids, US, middle class , educated, freelance, work at home on the computer. Daily PMO habit 3+times/day ~3+hrs/day often accompanied with smoking pot and staying up very late, for the past 5 years. used porn since 12yo. week 1 entry here -...
  22. brightsidealien

    A question for mentally ill fapstronauts

    Here goes my story: I'm schizophrenic. I take medication but angry, mocking, cruel voices are still there all the time and the truth is, I can't bring myself to believe they're not real. I also have chronic depression which brings suicidal thoughts and a crushed, awful feeling of pain and...
  23. SFischer12349

    New Here. (sorry for the long post)...

    Hi everyone, I just wanted to take a few things of my chest. I started PMOing when i was 14-15yo, it first started on the TV, since the internet was at the time, and it seemed harmless at the time. It went on for a few years, i lost my virginity at age 18 to a girl that we can call "S", we...
  24. B

    anti-depressants, medication, nofap

    Been on the NoFap journey since about April of 2018(about 9 month journey) I've had some up and downs with still my longest streak being only about 15 days ....I am on medication as I know a lot people on here are as in anti-depressants etc .. Just give your guys a quick tip, make sure youu...
  25. L

    How much does medication affect reboot?

    Going strong (20 days) but emotions are still numb. Can’t decide if that isn’t because of extremely high stress due to school, the withdrawal/flatline, or the SSRI I am taking. I am guessing SSRI, but I am wondering if anyone has noticed that their medication (antidepressant, etc.) has affected...
  26. D

    Anti Androgens for paraphiliae (Long post!)

    So I'm having intrusive thoughts that have arousal attached to them, for reasons that are beyond the scope of the this post. My first question is this: in my abstinence, sexual coloring seems to be accumulating on the objects of my paraphilia *much faster* than my old, conventional preferences...
  27. Animation Fan

    I Messed Up (But I have no idea how I couldn't)

    Okay, so I was doing great, no temptation to see or do anything sexual. But this morning I was riding in the car as a passenger, I felt these strong headaches going on. I realized these headaches only happen when I forget my nighttime medication, a usual side effect. Well unfortunately another...
  28. W

    new rebooter

    Hello all: First of all excuse my english, it isn't my fisrt language. I will give some context on my addiction, as I have read in other posts people does. I'm 27 years old and this is not my first attempt to stop PMO, thoug it is the first one both rebooting and geting involved in a community...
  29. ProphetOfDoom

    PMO abstinence and severe depression

    Greetings! Recently I have been diagnosed with moderately severe depressive episode. I've been on medication (antidepressants, SSRI-class to be specific) for over a month now. During these thirty days I experienced various mood swings - some days I've been feeling crippled, devasted, I would...