nofap #15days

  1. Neva

    Semen Test : Relapse -questions

    day 17 of noFap: Today I had to run sperm quality test and bacteriology, it was ordered by my doctor, and I had no fun doing it, didn't think of non-normal kinky things while doing it etc., however in my view it's a relapse, I feel like on PMO again (but I have no chaser effect, just shitty...
  2. A

    2weeks and found this forum

    I am 39 and married 7 years. Started masturbating when I was 15. While I wasn't addicted, either it is done due to sexual arousal or for mental stress relief (was going through a lot). Before marriage, I didn't had partners/gf, so its just occasional relief, but watching porn became a habit...
  3. RaisOr

    My History / NoFap 15 Days

    Hello everyone, how do you surely that read me, I am also addicted to masturbation watching porn. At first you think it's a way to de-stress and just gain short-term pleasure without any effort. I started very, very early I would say that even at 8 years old, I feel that I have always been aware...
  4. erick1196

    Im feeling motivate for this

    Hi, my name is Erick I’m from El Salvador, sorry if i have grammar mistakes, but my native language is Spanish, and well i hope that community help me to stoped with my addiction and learn english to lol… Ok, let’s start. I have 26 years old, and a few days ago i decided taken the initiative to...
  5. Ragnar11

    Best advice i have been given!!

    I lisened to a guy on instagram talking about nofap He had a few good points that stuck with me just want to share, Things like being told if you fap again you have lost all the benefits, i think its unhealthy to be told that or think because its like telling an overweight guy, go the gym, go...
  6. S

    Feels like something is not good

    Hi, I started nofap last month 22nd I'm on day 28 now I'm feeling lonely and trying to do something but can't able to do that can't able to concentrate in anything when someone says something feels like they are faking and feels like I need sex very badly but no sexual urges. My best friend she...
  7. S

    Having sex with toy during nofap good or worst

    Hi, I started my nofap journey last month from 22 November but after 15 days during morning while I'm about to wake up I had released sperm in my short and i didn't watched porn since when I started nofap. But after that one of my best ever friend started ignoring me and Im depressed alot when...
  8. D

    More than 100 days of NOFAP!!!

    Yes, I'm so happy as I've completed more than 100 days of my nofap journey! I've experienced so many new things in my life and I'm so happy for everything surrounding me. I'm happy for no reason. Believe me you'll feel the same if you leave that addiction. I beg you to please change your life...
  9. V

    Nofap make me cum much faster

    Hey guys, So i have been doing nofap for 12 days + now. And i met a girl i really vibe with, i went to her house and we start kissing and eventually it led to sex. Unfortunately, I don’t know why but i cum so fast (during the cunninlingus) so at the end we didn't end up having sex (no...
  10. In Search Of Something

    Day 16! Feeling Depressed and unmotivated

    Hello Guys, It's my 16 DAY of NoFap.Today I am feeling so depressed and totally unmotivated.I have watched motivational videos and I get motivated but after a few moment I found myself again where I was.After 1 week I was feeling so energetic and my mood was quite happy.I was being motivated and...
  11. C

    15 days in and seeing results

    So I started NoFap about 15 days ago because I personally rate myself and know that I’d be able to pull someone but just have (or had) no sexual attraction to people at all as porn since about 12 had led me to acquire various fetishes and only watch porn for that. I’m 15 days in and I will make...