stop porn

  1. K

    Any thoughts about NOFAP relating your FUTURE? Why not MODERATE masturbation after being free from P

    Hey guys. So for the past let's say something like 2-3 weeks ago, i've had this question in my mind before starting the journey. But personally, i don't really care about streaks as long as i achieve my goal, which is removing porn out of my life so i just started the journey without minding it...
  2. scottb

    Want to stop sex trafficking QUIT PORN

    Human trafficking is the fastest growing crime in the world, with over 30 million people estimated people to be enslaved, according to UNODC Global Report on Trafficking in Persons. According to some estimates, most trafficking involves sexual exploitation. Especially during National Slavery...
  3. A

    Just thinking why?

    Hi all. I’m just thinking... WHY? Why we continuing to make the same errors and falling in the same wheel again and again, knowing that’s brings only pain to ourself? Is really simple; we just don’t know how the brain works. I’m reading a book that’s life-changing, is a really good book, the...
  4. @


    Hi. 14 days ago I decided to stop porn and fapping and I'm starting to feel again, I feel anything again. My emotions are harder, sadness, happiness, anger... The thing is that in these days I've been dating a girl (nothing had happend yet) and when I think about her I want to fap, but I don not...
  5. A


    This challenge is fir those that want to quit porn, it is a bit by bit challenge , but this is for the month of July, 2020 So here is the challenge To quit porn from 12th July, till 31st July 2020 You can join the race here Rules: 1. You will be determined and ready by heart 2. You will put...
  6. Aboodhi


    As the topic says "JUST QUITTING IS NOT ENOUGH" We have to take the necessary steps to not fall back into this pit. Sometimes we feel like quitting the moment we masturbate, but after some period of time we relapse again. This is because of the factors that led you again and again to relapse...
  7. Aboodhi

    Drawbacks of PMO.

    I've been addicted to porn from my childhood. I am 23 now. I've faced many problems and suffered great deal because of porn. So much of humiliation, and embarrassment. But still I couldn't stop this addiction. So I've taken this new step. Signed up here hoping it all would end. Porn has caused a...
  8. D

    My first post

    Hi, i'm Lorenzo and i'm from Italy, first of all i want to apologize for my english, but i have just started studying it, i'm 22 years old and i'm studying at the university, i'm attending the second year. I want start NoFap program because starting a year ago i realized that the masturbation...
  9. Mindful wolf

    I can’t help & I’m losing from porn

    Its been 9 years n more I’m masturbating in starting i was a student now I’m working professional, i work in night shift which ends at 3am by 4 I’m at my room, after going to bed i cant help myself watching porn, i live alone in my room. Continuously watching porn n masturbation has seriously...
  10. I

    New Incomer

    Hello all, I'm iris lunaire, I want to reduce my pornography consumption and if possible stop it. I hope to do it. Any advice and help will be welcome
  11. H

    The Key To #NoFap (For Some)

    Just like you I was suffering from relapses, lack of motivation, feeling guilty and Extreme Negativity, though that I'm totally lost... I was so hopeless and addicted that I didn't go to my classes, didn't do homework, didn't care to do anything except fapping and feeling pity and guilty...
  12. H


    Hi! I began masturbating when I was 14 years old and I think that it had affected my social interaction because, although I am a little shy but I could talk with almost everyone, but it gotten worst. Sometime I prefer to fap that do other things. I had try NoFap but I always relapse and...
  13. J

    Can't stop

    Hi guys, hope you're fine,I've been fapping for four years now, and I really wanna stop, I've tried many things to make it end but I couldn't, if someone knows a trick to stop this so he tells me, and I wan't to know what food ti eat to make my penis get hard normally. Thank you!!
  14. R

    Clearing my mind

    Hello, So i have been watching online porn and masturbated for at least 11 years now. I love my girlfriend who i have been living together for the last 5 years and lately i feel almost like i`m cheating on her every time i watch porn and masturbate. I want it to stop and treat her with the full...
  15. O

    A new user....

    Hello there! My name is Omar and I've been addicted to porn for more than THREE YEARS so far. Sometimes, I edge to porn for at least two hours, which is pleasuring, BUT A WASTE OF TIME AND ENERGY. I basically watch porn on a daily basis. I'm really glad to know that there's a community that...
  16. J

    Never. ever. porn again

    Hello there, I am Joost, 17 years old and addicted to porn. (I am not a native English speaker, so sorry for my grammer and spelling mistakes) My sexuality has always been messed up, even before watching porn. I won't go into details, because it's probably to gross :( Anyways, I already watched...
  17. D

    I would like to stop watching porn

    Hi Fapstronauts, I'm Doc-Wilson I'm 22 and soon 23. I started to watch porn since I was 11. And more time goes by, more I fap a lot every days. It's difficult for me because I reached 8 masturbations a day. Obviously, at the moment I can't masturbate without porn pics or videos to get hard. With...
  18. K

    I am new here...

    Well I am a 17 yo straight boy and I had never had my first kiss or sex or something like that, i neither Bad a GF yet. :( Which is really sad i think within 17 years Ingo life. So I saw a post in 9GAG about a guy who stopped fapping and improved his relationship with the help oft this site. So...
  19. Ace Patrick

    My Porn Addiction

    Now days more and more people watch porn , and it is a very bad behavior because if you watch for long time you will become addicted, like I did. I start to watch porn when I had 13 years , and I couldn't stop. Now I have 17 years and I want to change my life and to quit PMO . I want a...
  20. H

    Day 12/365

    Hi everyone this is my first time using NoFap. However this is not the first time I tried to not masturbate. I'm currently 12 days NoFap and want to keep that up however I'm starting to feel weird. I feel my heartbeat. I went to the doctors recently and he told me it was anxiety should I expect this...
  21. markieboy88

    Day 1

    Hello everyone, my names Mark and I am going to post everyday a new thread about how I'm getting on, I am putting my feelings out there as I am struggling to stop on my own. Porn has cost me a lot of money in the past as it has lead onto other things such as paying for sex, it's stopped me from...