It's been less than 12 hours since I've not masturbated and right now my mind is telling me that it's absolutely normal to view porn. I even searched some videos on YouTube. My mind is playing mind games with me...
Day 3 - Morning

Felt like God Mode when I woke up then the enregy levels died down and now i'm not super lazy but back to normal but I guess that was a teaser for what it'll actually be like in a few weeks if we stay strong
Yoyoyo, Day 2's closing hours are almost upon us. Almost looked up porn today, but the self-talk helped me fight it off.
Just about to finish my day 1, the guilt of relapse is over and am back to the motivation I had to finish a month without PMOing. Thanks guy the support meant alot
U play ps4 or video games im looking for an AP and if u or any body wants my ps4 gamertag/ID its:
I only play league of legends. I'm a guy who doesn't try to do procrastinating activities, and want to become the best version of myself. Porn is the only thing really stopping me from doing that though.
did blocking the websites help?
For macbook i block websites using this tutorial
I also use the ip address and on my dns to block adult content, theres tutorials on YT. I also pay like $7.99 a month for a blocker that i pay for.
Realised its a behaviour, any tricks you got in your pocket that might help out
I just know that I am the most vulnerable at that time so I am mentally prepared for it.I also reduced the amount of alcohol that I drink.
At the end of the day you just have to push through it similar like with the withdrawal symptoms
Yes the compliment really happened. But guess what i fucked up, after i said that, I relapsed on nude images on twitter. My porn blocker doesnt block twitter! I felt so ashamed of myself. I want more compliments, more confidence, i want a stronger and better streak.

Guys... Porn is the most addictive drug in the world. It's widespread, 95% of people with internet access on planet earth have taken this drug, many being addicted. We are the few trying to stop this addiction, let's be proud of ourselves. Porn is the devil and many cant even go a few days without fixing their craving. This is a widespread drug problem.
I did not realize this until I started trying to stay PMO free, but twitter is a porn haven. I try never to go there.
Wassup, Day 3, but I think my sig says Day 2? Whatever, I'm doing good. Took two cold showers today, one for getting clean and the other because of temptations.
Slow and steady boys. Each day is a victory that you don't mindlessly jerk ya' gherkin. Failure isn't the end, stumbling on the path of life is inevitable, just get your head back on straight and keep moving.
Day 5. 5 solid days no PMO. Gaining more momentum. Cravings here and there but handling it steadily. I know the reward at the end will be amazing. Just gotta keep gaining momentum...