Day 0 - Check in.
It's a powerful thing, brothers, isn't it? Or is it just an illusion of power that we fool ourselves into believing. Sure there are the physical aspects of being horny and having urges, otherwise known as natural feelings. However, the way P changes our brain into believing we are reproducing naturally to pixels on a screen, chatrooms, social media pictures or cam-sites, is so messed up. Rebooting is the only way, it must be done, expect bad times, for to get back to a normal balance, you must reach rock bottom first. Fear not, for it is at your lowest point that you will realize that every other day will be a step towards the goal of a P free life. Never name P, always refer to it as P as it does not deserve its full title.
Fight on, brothers, and help me as I will help you in return. Reach out, message me, comment on my posts, kick my ass in times of self doubt, and we will get there.