Hello everyone,
I am going straight to the point.
--> I was an addict to PMO for the past 7 years (PMOing more than 2 times a day) and I would do daily binge PMO in the last 3 years but the first 3 years were PMO every day or the other once or twice.
--> Before starting NoFap I was a healthy guy with no physical problems visible.
--> Started PMO 3-4 months back and followed only Reddit for it and so I am new to this forum, but the first streak of 38 days went very well with common withdrawal symptoms anxiety, palpitations, etc. but after a month of binge PMO relapse started new streak 70 days back.
--> This happened in the following stages:
--> Went good at first 15 days with heavy anxiety, some palpitations, etc.
--> Started walking an hour daily, studying a lot, eliminated all junk food, drink lots of water.
--> now comes to some symptoms, I didn't have my whole life.
--> Starting with stomach bloating and feeling like inflammation in the near naval area that comes and goes and intensifies and eases.
--> I didn't MOed in the last 70 days but on 63rd day I had a wet dream and since then urges were way too high. 66th day watched some erotic pics for 45 mins and 45 mins for extreme torture porn pics which I was used to watching earlier. Still not an issue.
--> The main problem occurred yesterday, I lost control on myself and found that I installed VPN to unblock all websites I used to watch and watched most extreme porn content (won't name due to trigger issues) available there for straight 1.5 hours with 1.5 hours of soft content like the actress, their images, etc.
--> After an hour or so after watching porn and not even touching myself, I suddenly had a pain in the lower right abdomen which was slightly there from the past 6-7 days, the pain radiated to the right testicle. I gotta worried and googled and found various medical conditions like torsion, infections, read Reddit posts about the same.
--> It was night time but I slept somehow with that fear in my mind. Today after waking up, I didn't experience the pain in testicle but after 2 hours or so, slight pain is appearing and disappears frequently for max 5 minutes. I am a lot worried that is this a medical condition or blue balls?
--> Any help or experience related suggestion is welcome.
--> The pain is not very intense but radiates from the right testicle to the lower right abdomen.
I was a daily binge PMOer who started NoFap 3 months back and in the longest streak of 70 days, yesterday watched porn for 2 hours but didn't MOed and now have pain radiating from the right testicle to lower right abdomen. In this streak earlier I had some alternating intensities lower right abdomen pain too. Please help.
I am going straight to the point.
--> I was an addict to PMO for the past 7 years (PMOing more than 2 times a day) and I would do daily binge PMO in the last 3 years but the first 3 years were PMO every day or the other once or twice.
--> Before starting NoFap I was a healthy guy with no physical problems visible.
--> Started PMO 3-4 months back and followed only Reddit for it and so I am new to this forum, but the first streak of 38 days went very well with common withdrawal symptoms anxiety, palpitations, etc. but after a month of binge PMO relapse started new streak 70 days back.
--> This happened in the following stages:
--> Went good at first 15 days with heavy anxiety, some palpitations, etc.
--> Started walking an hour daily, studying a lot, eliminated all junk food, drink lots of water.
--> now comes to some symptoms, I didn't have my whole life.
--> Starting with stomach bloating and feeling like inflammation in the near naval area that comes and goes and intensifies and eases.
--> I didn't MOed in the last 70 days but on 63rd day I had a wet dream and since then urges were way too high. 66th day watched some erotic pics for 45 mins and 45 mins for extreme torture porn pics which I was used to watching earlier. Still not an issue.
--> The main problem occurred yesterday, I lost control on myself and found that I installed VPN to unblock all websites I used to watch and watched most extreme porn content (won't name due to trigger issues) available there for straight 1.5 hours with 1.5 hours of soft content like the actress, their images, etc.
--> After an hour or so after watching porn and not even touching myself, I suddenly had a pain in the lower right abdomen which was slightly there from the past 6-7 days, the pain radiated to the right testicle. I gotta worried and googled and found various medical conditions like torsion, infections, read Reddit posts about the same.
--> It was night time but I slept somehow with that fear in my mind. Today after waking up, I didn't experience the pain in testicle but after 2 hours or so, slight pain is appearing and disappears frequently for max 5 minutes. I am a lot worried that is this a medical condition or blue balls?
--> Any help or experience related suggestion is welcome.
--> The pain is not very intense but radiates from the right testicle to the lower right abdomen.
I was a daily binge PMOer who started NoFap 3 months back and in the longest streak of 70 days, yesterday watched porn for 2 hours but didn't MOed and now have pain radiating from the right testicle to lower right abdomen. In this streak earlier I had some alternating intensities lower right abdomen pain too. Please help.
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