Testicular damage? How would I know?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Pathofsuccess_1, May 22, 2022.

  1. Pathofsuccess_1

    Pathofsuccess_1 Fapstronaut

    So about 6 months ago. December 21st, 2021 (exactly 6 months ago), I relapsed and I was edging during the relapse. I’ve been trying to quit pmo for a while again.

    but that night, I edged until I got blue balls , the aching sensation in the groin when you are really aroused without release.

    I did this, and since I’ve had it before, I just waited for it to go away,

    The pain was pretty bad, and I just fell asleep.

    When I woke up it was gone and I finished, I carried on with the day and hopped on the next streak.

    About a few days later, while on the streak, after already releasing before it, (no no edging during the streak), I felt a very slight ache sensation in my left testicle.

    it continued for about a week.

    I got concerned, because I wasn’t sure what happened.

    After that the area felt fine, and I felt good.

    but for alittle while after that, I felt like my facial hair wasn’t growing as fast or as long.

    That was the only lasting symptom.

    I’m not sure why, or maybe if I was just hyper focused on something that wasn’t actually happening, but it scared me.

    I did used to have longer facial hair, I can confirm, I used to be able to pull on the hair on my chin, when I needed to shave,

    now it’s thick again, it’s just not as long as that, after even more growing time than before.

    How would I be able to tell if I had testicular damage? Do you think a successful streak could heal it?

    i know y’all ain’t doctors. I’m just concerned as a mf