it normal to feel this way?

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by raysfan16, Aug 26, 2018.

  1. raysfan16

    raysfan16 Fapstronaut

    Im new to nofap so I just want to know if what I am experiencing is normal. Around a month ago I stared feeling less attracted and love for my girlfriend of almost 3 years. After doing some research I came to the conclusion it was the fact that I have been watching porn 3-5 times a day for over the past 12 years because for the 1st time ever I started to compare her to some of the girls I would watch while doing PMO.

    I first started to cut down the usage to 1-2 times per day. Around the time I cut down I started to feel guilt, shame, anger at myself. I also started feeling as if I had chosen the wrong partner even though I know this wasn't the case as she is perfect for me. Now I have gone completely cold turkey because I want to be better for myself but especially for her. Ive relapsed a few times but am now on day 3. For whatever reason I feel even less attracted to her physically and emotionally since I cut down on the porn and started nofap.

    She hasn't changed and is still the same woman I fell in love with and I told her everything and while she was hurt, she was happy that I was honest with her and said she will be here for me as I go through this process. I just want to know if what I am feeling is normal and if it will go away. I've read on NoFap's forum on reddit that porn affects men because when they see "hundreds or even thousands of different/other women naked or having sex with different features on the internet and orgasming to them, all that variety can DULL your senses". I've also read that porn can weaken your "emotional intimacy and lead to viewing your partner less attractive even if nothing about them has changed." Is this true and is it something that is only temporary while I go through rebooting?

    I have experienced depression, agitation, mood swings but most of all loss of motivation for almost everything. I don't feel like spending time with my gf. I don't feel like watching sports. I don't even feel like working out. All this I previously enjoyed just bores me.

    I just want to be the best man I can be again for myself but especially her. Any help and advice from people who have felt what I am feeling or who have gone through a reboot is deeply appreciated. Is this depression as well as loss of emotional/physically attachment to my partner a result of me seriously cutting down on my porn usage only to fully stop? Will it get better with time? What else can I expect to feel? Any advice and information would be appreciated.
    Trappist likes this.
  2. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    I know my husband went through a flatline , no libido , felt depressed, had physical symptoms and it does go away . What happened in the next months was I became MORE attractive to him , he was able to SEE me for the woman I am not just his wife . Only positive things come from no PMO be patient with yourself and your SO , it’s a LONG road ahead , for the both of you . Kudos for being honest and telling her . That isn’t taken lightly or something small in the eyes of most of the SO here . Get to REALLY know your girl again ;)
    Best of luck to you both
    Steveju, Trappist and hope4healing like this.
  3. Rock_Star

    Rock_Star Fapstronaut

    first off welcome to nofap. second yes it is normal. you're going to feel like a pregnant woman with your emotions going from hot to cold and from left to right. it's all from you suppressing your emotions with P. that's so awesome you told your girlfriend. she is going to be your biggest supporter through this whole process. whatever you do you need to be honest about your feelings and dont be scared to share them. she'll be able to help you process what you're feeling. most woman understand and can explain feelings better than any man ever could. good luck and stay strong. keep researching too, cause there's more to recovery than just abstaining. you really have to dig deep and understand the behavior and why you used in the first place. if you dont you will inevitably end up relapsing. their are guys on here who have been sober for years and then ended up relapsing because they were strong willed enough to avoid using, but because they didnt understand why they used eventually fell to temptation.
    Queen_Of_Hearts_13 and Trappist like this.
  4. raysfan16

    raysfan16 Fapstronaut

    I honestly think I do it because of boredom. These past few days I have had so much more free time that I wonder what the hell should I do now? I put blockers on my phone as well as computer to help as a firewall just in case. What are some other withdrawal effects can I expect to experience? And were your emotions all over the place or "hot and cold" as you stated when you started??
  5. raysfan16

    raysfan16 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your kind words. She could tell that I had been distant over the past month so there was no point in keeping the truth from her. Also hearing about your husband makes me much more optimistic. My only question is do you know how long your husband watched for? I know everyone is different when it comes to the "rewiring" for a multitude of factors (years they watched, how often, how old they where when they started) but I just want to get an idea of when this guilt/shame will wash over as well as how I feel about her at the moment. I hate feeling this way so much
    Trappist likes this.
  6. The depression and loss of emotional attachment are not a result of you cutting back or stopping PMO. It's a direct result of PMO itself. However, while you're using, you don't realize it because you're numbing yourself. It's only after you've cut back or stopped that you're finally able to see and feel the damage it's caused.

    It's great that you're able to recognize the way it's deteriorated your relationship because some people take years after stopping to even see that. It's also commendable that you were honest with your gf about it. As an SO of a PA, I can't tell you how much better everything will be (for both of you) than if you'd not been honest.

    Things will get better, and you will be able to reconnect emotionally with her as long as you commit to recovery. It's hard, and it takes time, but it'll be worth it in the end.
  7. So funny, but true, about the pregnant man thing.
    But here you are making a better man of yourself.

    I wrote lists to myself to help keep me on track and
    nothing beats accomplishment for feeling better about one's self.
    Came clean to my wife within a week of quitting and having a plan of recovery.
    Had PIED and that is dissipating and she supports me.
    It takes time to rewire and she is taking her cues from me and rolling with it.

    Did find help and solace in the local SAA meetings.
    Sexual Addicts Anonymous
    has a huge thread of people there with PA.

    Am familiar with the 12 steps from having an alcoholic in my life
    and that was a source for my recovery, as well as here.

    Went to SAA after a few weeks as I felt I was white knuckling it.
    Nothing beats the face to face for shame reduction.

    Go big on recovery and recover big
    having lots of tools on hand helps

    Do what makes sense;
    as you are doing now.
  8. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    Yes . Atleast 2 decades ;(
  9. raysfan16

    raysfan16 Fapstronaut

    That 1st paragraph makes more relaxed knowing what I am feeling is not out of the ordinary. It is hard as I relapsed today but only because I forgot to put a blocker on google chrome which I did literally right after I did the deed. How are things going for you and your SO? Hearing about other couples getting through this gives me much hope so anything you could share about his progress and your relationship now would be helpful if thats ok?
    hope4healing likes this.
  10. raysfan16

    raysfan16 Fapstronaut

    I have considered SAA. Has it really helped ass much as you say it has. Im only asking because I am a beyond private person and posting on here is a lot different than talking about these things face to face.
    Trappist likes this.
  11. raysfan16

    raysfan16 Fapstronaut

    Wow thats a long time. I hope everything is better now. I thank you again for your kind words as I go through this process.
  12. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    Yes. It. Is.
    He still has a lot of shame even 18 months later and that was blocking his path . Finally he’s understanding the difference btwn shame and guilt . I’m willing to support recovery as long as he’s honest with me . I can forgive “mistakes” I really can’t forgive any more lies in any form . So you being upfront with her I feel is less damaging to the relationship
  13. Rock_Star

    Rock_Star Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry but I'm not buying it. boredom isn't the cause it's the excuse. yes P blockers and software tracking apps are great for helping with recovery but they're not the solution. avoiding the problems will only get you so far, and eventual whether you believe me now or later just avoiding wont be enough. you can't avoid life and things are going to happen that are out of your control. you're going to need to be prepared when that happens. its like you were saying you forgot to put a blocker on chrome and you relapsed. you avoided and weren't prepared for the unexpected. sorry if that sounds blunt but the truth isn't soft. "He who dares not offend cannot be honest." Thomas Paine. you have to be honest to recover, but more than anything you have to be honest with yourself.
    Numb, Trappist and hope4healing like this.
  14. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    That’s not going to work . You can’t blame a slip , relapse etc on anything/anyone but yourself . Especially since you’ve made it clear you are aware of what this is . You did it because you wanted to . I implore you to tell your girl that you PMO . That holds you accountable. See how she takes it . We just talked about honesty above . You were honest with her , now be honest to yourself! Pick up and starting digging deeper into yourself, that’s really hard to do !
  15. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    THIS WAS LITERALLY A HUGE part of a breakthrough my husband and I just had and it has Paine quote !
    Jennica, hope4healing and Rock_Star like this.
  16. Yes, it has helped and
    is the backbone of my program.

    Anyone who sees you there
    needs to be there, too.
    Took me around three weeks
    to get up the courage.

    When I told my SO, later, I wanted to go three times a week, She paused and asked if I was that sick? I think I said maybe. As she saw my recovery, she’s all in for me.

    At the third meeting someone,
    At my request, appointed an interim sponsor for me who has been so very essential. He would say, “yep, done that, too”, as I shared my written first step. Good guidance.

    I just picked the closest meetings and have met nobody familiar.

    Some drive a distance for anonymity.
    My rational is that people are too wrapped up in their own thoughts
    to care about anyone else.

    I highly value this website, too.
    So much for the people
    And their experiences,
    For the resources, shared videos and talks, etc....

    And as an alternative to online P.
    So much better.

    The last time I was on a P website,
    I saw “Hey NoFap people come see this P”! I searched for NoFap and have not searched for P intentionally since Dec 28th, ‘17.

    (Now, I had to learn to avoid the P-subs, though)

    I must add I discovered I had Pied,
    So that was a prime motivator.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2018
    hope4healing likes this.
  17. raysfan16

    raysfan16 Fapstronaut

    I did tell her. Right after it happened. I don't get offended easily so both of the criticisms are fair. I do think however I often PMO due to boredom but I will look into myself as you both suggested to see if there is another reason why. Nothing negative can come from it. Maybe I will learn something about myself
    hope4healing likes this.
  18. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    Boredom can be fixed ! Go find something to do . Burn off that antsy energy . Your gf needs to make a list of boundaries and you should Make a list of boundaries for yourself . If you want to truly change , YOU will have to make the changes in your life . Grab a PA book maybe ? People that emotionally eat don’t often realize that BOREDOM can be an emotion. So get busy not getting busy with yourself ;)
    Ps I’m glad you told her
    hope4healing likes this.
  19. SAA meetings are a couple of bucks.

    $175 a hour for a CSAT is huge.
    Don’t have insurance for that.
    If became a need for sobriety,
    I will do that next.

    Anyway, I’m a slow reader and Typer.
    One meeting gives so many shares and inputs.

    SAA does have online meetings too
    But I haven’t tried those.

    Glad you are here and finding traction?
    hope4healing likes this.
  20. raysfan16

    raysfan16 Fapstronaut

    How much is a "couple of bucks" im still on the young side and have to go on a tight budget for now lol