Nofap BOOTCAMP ; NO PMO/ HELL Mode [Open]

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by MONSTER MONK, Mar 3, 2019.

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  1. im’possible

    im’possible Fapstronaut

    Good luck. It's hell (not hard) first, hail last. Ideally you'll forget about nofap and move on to life. But only if you take the traning that comes after accepted.

    Did some indoor workouts. Also attended the virtual training session. Today's topic was mentally resilient during the pandemic. Most tips can directly apply into nofap; Journaling, recognizing the triggers (same words from the session)...I'm surprised that I'm actually ahead of them even this was a job training. A unexpected side effect from doing nofap.
    Symbol of Peace and MONSTER MONK like this.
  2. Reporting day 32
    Additional to the usual things, I had to work to replace my door, tried to do it the best I can, but I got hurt, and it's good because it's not my work but I learned something new even on this field, we are on quarantine, so no workers is allowed, if you need a change in your door that doesn't work anymore, you need to do it on your own.
    Hurted but a little step nearer to a independence
  3. im’possible

    im’possible Fapstronaut

    No pain no gain. Just an old saying.

    Pft 2nd class. Better than the previous score and I can actually double doing it if I want to. But I gotta day to run. Over.
    Invited to doctors meeting for possible future deployment of war on corona. I never thought I would but I did received basic aid training long time ago. The situation is both bad and good. We're getting to know our adversary more than before.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2020
  4. Day 33 today has not been a real hell day
    Did my chores
    My studies and my workout, but not strongly as ever, since today is an holy day here for Catholics, I've never been a great believer I confess, but my family is so have to respect some rules, that didn't allowed me to use all the time I would have liked to use
  5. im’possible

    im’possible Fapstronaut

    Fire alarm at 0330. Thought that was a drill and indeed it was, but 2 hours hike 10K. And I still have the energy to run the day. It's not I forgot what fatigue was like, it's just not in mind during the movement.
  6. Reporting day 34
    For being the day before Easter it has been an hell day with a lot of cardio :)
    Of course less academics and the bad news that the lockdown will be until May,3rd
    So until that I will not able to work
  7. im’possible

    im’possible Fapstronaut

    Reporting from the weekend service, no judgment is needed for the following. Just listen.
    Symbol of Peace and cr7da8055 like this.
  8. Day 35
    In here it's Easter so I couldn't be very productive even if I wanted to.
    So not so much to report.
    Reporting just because I do it everyday, and I like to do it :)
  9. cr7da8055

    cr7da8055 Fapstronaut

    Hit day 142. From July till December 2019. I have the spirit to work hard. I work about 5-6 hours a day now on average, play the piano, learning a new language,no social media, exercising as well. I can do this, I want a challenge to satisfy my big fat ego! I don’t wanna be great, I wanna be the greatest! Accept me as a member.
  10. im’possible

    im’possible Fapstronaut

    Awesome. Also report your name to the elite page if you're ready to start reboot camp.

    Shall I say welcome back? May be not yet until he says.

    Pt done. Old wound hearts but not gonna stop me doing it. I eat more than before. Planned a very detailed schedule with a time line. Ready to execute it.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2020

    MONSTER MONK Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Failing to track the days is failing to track the days.
    Will start like before, hell mode in progress,until the day is finished, helps me stay on my feet. Need to plan the day beforehand.

    MONSTER MONK Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Not gonna lie. Hell mode days give me the satisfaction PMO never could.

    MONSTER MONK Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Day 15 Hell Mode -
    Wake/ Sleep/ Routine
    woke up 7:30/ Slept before midnight
    • Studying
    • Workout done in fasted state.
    • Daily calories tracked
    • Kegels
    • Quran recitation (1hr)
    • All prayers done
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2020

    MONSTER MONK Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Yeah but link this thread like you linked the shinobi challenge
  15. Hell mode day 36
    It is holiday also today but I started again
    A lot of workout today, academics went well too.
    Just hoping I will be able to go back to work as soon as possible.
  16. Truth had been spoken.
  17. im’possible

    im’possible Fapstronaut

    You must have the DOC link from @MONSTER MONK right?

    Daily pt done. Had some negative emotions. Then I received a message from my chaplain said don't get overwhelmed by comparing your life with others. Because he or she would do the same. Got it chap!
    Symbol of Peace likes this.
  18. Reporting day 37
    An hell day worth to be called like this
    Worked, studied and working all to the best.
    I am molding myself in here
  19. im’possible

    im’possible Fapstronaut

    Pt is off. Martial arts as usual. Constantly learning and searching things to do.
    Symbol of Peace and fg4795 like this.
  20. Reporting
    Had to fight with some great urges, needed a lot of willpower but I stopped also fantasizing
    Done my chores and even started a little project on my own for studies.
    Workout went wonderful as always lately :)