The Push-Up Daily Challenge

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by Superman#, Apr 2, 2020.

  1. BurgerChamp

    BurgerChamp Fapstronaut

    You're very much welcome here, buddy. Go on and start doing those pushups!

    Bodyweights brother. There's a lot of available apps you can find on your app store. I recommend Home Workout. It's really simple and convenient to use. The bodyweights programs there you'll follow have timers on it and tips on how to perform each exercise. I follow the chest workout on the app and it involves a lot of variations of pushups. So I really recommend it if it suits you!

    Regarding the diet, I'm not a nutritionist so just pretty much eat a lot of protein rich foods and carbs as well. Lessen the fats and cut out sugar from your life. It's kinda broad what I say but you can try doing much research on google. There's a lot of reading material you can go over, and videos to watch on Youtube, as well. Hope I helped you nonetheless.
    BillyBobBoBoBo and 2.7182818284 like this.
  2. iwillwinthese

    iwillwinthese Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your valuable insights @BurgerChamp! I will research more about it and try bodyweight exercises.
  3. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

  4. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

    Yes , definitely body weight exercises, i bought some burbells so i don't need anymore go to the gym.
    Remember also to do a leg day, with squat with jump or bulgarian squat , lunges , calves.

    Diet does 60% of the work, you should install an app for first times to track what you eat, it's really easy to not eat properly.
    I suggest Fat secret. For exemple for me , my daily diet comprehend at least 3000kcal with at least 120 g of proteins.
    Calculate your daily requirement then add 600 kcal to obtein results and not to be skinny anymore
    Avoid sugars, snacks, junk food ;
    instead eat good unrefined carbs , cereals and legumes.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2020
    2.7182818284 and BurgerChamp like this.
  5. BurgerChamp

    BurgerChamp Fapstronaut

  6. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

  7. Zephon

    Zephon Fapstronaut

    You can do gym from home. That's what I do most of the time. I make exercises and workout from Darebee. For things like for example how to master one-arm-pushups or the ideal nutrition I watch some youtube-videos, most of all I watch videos from Calisthenicmovement (avoiding mistakes in exercises and what to consider in nutrition) or/and Chris Heria (for new challenges and pro-tips for pushups).
    Start easily without thinking too much!

    back to topic:
    1x20 regular pushups
    1x15 pushups on knuckles
    1x20 pushups on knuckles
    1x20 decline pushups
    2x45 sec. plank hold (1 per side)
    2x15 raised leg pushups (1x15 per leg)

    need to recover, that's why I did less than regular. But in this case I added pushups on knuckles!
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2020
  8. 2.7182818284

    2.7182818284 Fapstronaut

  9. 26 & 27/09/2020

    Did my W.A.T.C.H protocol with my 1 KG dumbbells to do 1 set of;

    1.Alternating Dumbbell Curls (50 goal 60)
    2.Alternating Reverse Dumbbell Curls (25 goal 30-60) 3.Alternating Crucifix Dumbbell Curls (25 goal 30) 4.Simultaneous Crucifix Dumbbell Curls(25 goal 30) 5.Standing Dumbbell Pectoral Fly’s (25 goal 30) 6.Alternating Dumbbell Presses (25 goal 30) 7.Alternating Dumbbell Front Raises (25 goal 30)
    8.Simultaneous Arm Circles (25 goal 30)
    9.Don't know the name of this, just that it was done by Al Treloar's. Where I had to stand fully strait up with my my arms fully reached out over my head in hammer position, to then (with my legs are fully locked straight when doing this) have my upper body bending over to 45 degrees with my dumbbells switching to over hand positiom then to go back up & then my hand position going back to hammer position.
    A visual can be seen here on page 7
    (25 goal 30)
    10.Standing Rear Delt Flyes head on the bench (25 goal 30)
    11.Dumbbell Wrist Circles 1 (Clockwise) (25 goal 30) 12.Dumbbell Wrist Circles 2 (Anti-clockwise) (25 goal 30)
    13.Dumbbell Punching Movement (25 goal 30)
    14.Dumbbell Good Morning Deadlift (25 goal 30)
    15.Dumbbell Shrugs (25 goal 30)
    16.Dumbbell Crossovers (25 goal 30)
    17.Dumbbell Side Bends (25 goal 30)
    18.Simultaneous Dumbbell Back Extensions (25 goal 30)
    19.Ski Ski Jumper (25 goal 30)
    20.Calf Raises x 3 (20 x 3 = 60 debating weather to make it 30 each)
    21.Toe Raises (60 debating to reach 90)
    22.Deep Knee Bend On Toes (25 goal 30)
    23.Goblet squat (25 goal 30)
    24.One Legged Squat (25 goal 30)
    25.Straight Legged Sit-Ups (25 goal 30)
    26.Leg Raises Hyperextensions (25 goal 30)
    27. Hyperestensions (25 goal 30)
    28.Push-Ups (24 goal 30 to then work on super setting it with 1 arm assisted push-ups where I use both my hands when going down, to turn put most of the weight on one arm when going up)
    29. Over hand Rows (24 goal 30)
    30. Underhand Rows (24 goal 30)

    Feeling a bit off as I have been either watching YouTube or porn for longer than I want causing me to rush and be a bit late for work, which only affects how much I get paid, not in any real trouble bit I want to change that so I don't feel I need to rush and to get to work either on time or before.
    Zephon, palindromo and BurgerChamp like this.
  10. Well I feel this has been helping me out quite a lot;
    With this you can use between 3-5 lb dumbbells & have been only using 1 kg dumbbells, working up to 2kg when I can do 30 push-ups on my toes with ease & to add 1 arm push-ups as well.
    So if you are interested in this I highly recommend it.
  11. 25 pushups and hiked 6.5 miles. Saw some beautiful ridges and some beautiful girls :)
  12. BurgerChamp

    BurgerChamp Fapstronaut

  13. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

  14. Sorry I have to ask why is Legumes part of stuff to avoid? I understand the other stuff by why Legumes? That means you are cutting out beans.
    BurgerChamp likes this.
  15. 28/09/2020

    Did my W.A.T.C.H protocol with my 1 KG dumbbells to do 1 set of;

    1.Alternating Dumbbell Curls (50 goal 60)
    2.Alternating Reverse Dumbbell Curls (25 goal 30-60) 3.Alternating Crucifix Dumbbell Curls (25 goal 30) 4.Simultaneous Crucifix Dumbbell Curls(25 goal 30) 5.Standing Dumbbell Pectoral Fly’s (25 goal 30) 6.Alternating Dumbbell Presses (25 goal 30) 7.Alternating Dumbbell Front Raises (25 goal 30)
    8.Simultaneous Arm Circles (25 goal 30)
    9.Don't know the name of this, just that it was done by Al Treloar's. Where I had to stand fully strait up with my my arms fully reached out over my head in hammer position, to then (with my legs are fully locked straight when doing this) have my upper body bending over to 45 degrees with my dumbbells switching to over hand positiom then to go back up & then my hand position going back to hammer position.
    A visual can be seen here on page 7
    (25 goal 30)
    10.Standing Rear Delt Flyes head on the bench (25 goal 30)
    11.Dumbbell Wrist Circles 1 (Clockwise) (25 goal 30) 12.Dumbbell Wrist Circles 2 (Anti-clockwise) (25 goal 30)
    13.Dumbbell Punching Movement (25 goal 30)
    14.Dumbbell Good Morning Deadlift (25 goal 30)
    15.Dumbbell Shrugs (25 goal 30)
    16.Dumbbell Crossovers (25 goal 30)
    17.Dumbbell Side Bends (25 goal 30)
    18.Simultaneous Dumbbell Back Extensions (25 goal 30)
    19.Ski Ski Jumper (25 goal 30)
    20.Calf Raises x 3 (20 x 3 = 60 debating weather to make it 30 each)
    21.Toe Raises (60 debating to reach 90)
    22.Deep Knee Bend On Toes (25 goal 30)
    23.Goblet squat (25 goal 30)
    24.One Legged Squat (25 goal 30)
    25.Straight Legged Sit-Ups (25 goal 30)
    26.Leg Raises Hyperextensions (25 goal 30)
    27. Hyperestensions (25 goal 30)
    28.Push-Ups (24 goal 30 to then work on super setting it with 1 arm assisted push-ups where I use both my hands when going down, to turn put most of the weight on one arm when going up)
    29. Over hand Rows (24 goal 30)
    30. Underhand Rows (24 goal 30)

    Still having issues with looking at stuff before exercising & I tried to ficus on not doing it, but I still did it & feel really annoyed with myself for doing it.
    BurgerChamp likes this.
  16. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

    Sorry i'm not native language in english , what i mean is : eat good unrefined carbs , cereals and legumes.
    Do not eat sugars, snacks, junk food .
    I try to make it more understandable
    BillyBobBoBoBo and BurgerChamp like this.
  17. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

  18. BurgerChamp

    BurgerChamp Fapstronaut

  19. 29/09/2020

    Did my W.A.T.C.H protocol with my 1 KG dumbbells to do 1 set of;

    1.Alternating Dumbbell Curls (50 goal 60)
    2.Alternating Reverse Dumbbell Curls (25 goal 30-60) 3.Alternating Crucifix Dumbbell Curls (25 goal 30) 4.Simultaneous Crucifix Dumbbell Curls(25 goal 30) 5.Standing Dumbbell Pectoral Fly’s (25 goal 30) 6.Alternating Dumbbell Presses (25 goal 30) 7.Alternating Dumbbell Front Raises (25 goal 30)
    8.Simultaneous Arm Circles (25 goal 30)
    9.Don't know the name of this, just that it was done by Al Treloar's. Where I had to stand fully strait up with my my arms fully reached out over my head in hammer position, to then (with my legs are fully locked straight when doing this) have my upper body bending over to 45 degrees with my dumbbells switching to over hand positiom then to go back up & then my hand position going back to hammer position.
    A visual can be seen here on page 7
    (25 goal 30)
    10.Standing Rear Delt Flyes head on the bench (25 goal 30)
    11.Dumbbell Wrist Circles 1 (Clockwise) (25 goal 30) 12.Dumbbell Wrist Circles 2 (Anti-clockwise) (25 goal 30)
    13.Dumbbell Punching Movement (25 goal 30)
    14.Dumbbell Good Morning Deadlift (25 goal 30)
    15.Dumbbell Shrugs (25 goal 30)
    16.Dumbbell Crossovers (25 goal 30)
    17.Dumbbell Side Bends (25 goal 30)
    18.Simultaneous Dumbbell Back Extensions (25 goal 30)
    19.Ski Ski Jumper (25 goal 30)
    20.Calf Raises x 3 (20 x 3 = 60 debating weather to make it 30 each)
    21.Toe Raises (60 debating to reach 90)
    22.Deep Knee Bend On Toes (25 goal 30)
    23.Goblet squat (25 goal 30)
    24.One Legged Squat (25 goal 30)
    25.Straight Legged Sit-Ups (25 goal 30)
    26.Leg Raises Hyperextensions (25 goal 30)
    27. Hyperestensions (25 goal 30)
    28.Push-Ups (24 goal 30 to then work on super setting it with 1 arm assisted push-ups where I use both my hands when going down, to turn put most of the weight on one arm when going up)
    29. Over hand Rows (24 goal 30)
    30. Underhand Rows (24 goal 30)
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2020
    BurgerChamp and Inspired2chg like this.