The Push-Up Daily Challenge

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by Superman#, Apr 2, 2020.

  1. 23/10/2020

    Did my W.A.T.C.H protocol with my 1 KG dumbbells to do 1 set of;

    1.Alternating Dumbbell Curls (60 goal 60)
    2.Alternating Reverse Dumbbell Curls (30 goal 30-60)
    3.Alternating Crucifix Dumbbell Curls (30 goal 30)
    4.Simultaneous Crucifix Dumbbell Curls(30 goal 30)
    5.Standing Dumbbell Pectoral Fly’s (30 goal 30)
    6.Alternating Dumbbell Presses (3p goal 30)
    7.Alternating Dumbbell Front Raises (30 goal 30)
    8.Simultaneous Arm Circles (30 goal 30)
    9.Don't know the name of this, just that it was done by Al Treloar's. Where I had to stand fully strait up with my my arms fully reached out over my head in hammer position, to then (with my legs are fully locked straight when doing this) have my upper body bending over to 45 degrees with my dumbbells switching to over hand positiom then to go back up & then my hand position going back to hammer position.
    A visual can be seen here on page 7
    (30 goal 30)
    10.Standing Rear Delt Flyes head on the bench (30 goal 30)
    11.Dumbbell Wrist Circles 1 (Clockwise) (30 goal 30)
    12.Dumbbell Wrist Circles 2 (Anti-clockwise) (30 goal 30)
    13.Dumbbell Punching Movement (30 goal 30)
    14.Dumbbell Good Morning Deadlift (30 goal 30)
    15.Dumbbell Shrugs (30 goal 30)
    16.Dumbbell Crossovers (30 goal 30)
    17.Dumbbell Side Bends (30 goal 30)
    18.Simultaneous Dumbbell Back Extensions (30 goal 30)
    19.Ski Ski Jumper (30 goal 30)
    20.Calf Raises x 3 (20 x 3 = 60 debating weather to make it 30 each)
    21.Toe Raises (60 debating to reach 90)
    22.Deep Knee Bend On Toes (30 goal 30)
    23.Goblet squat (30 goal 30)
    24.One Legged Squat (30 goal 30)
    25.Straight Legged Sit-Ups (30 goal 30)
    26.Leg Raises Hyperextensions (30 goal 30)
    27. Hyperestensions (30 goal 30)
    28.Push-Ups (27 goal 30 to then work on super setting it with 1 arm assisted push-ups where I use both my hands when going down, to turn put most of the weight on one arm when going up)
    29. Over hand Rows (27 goal 30)
    30. Underhand Rows (27 goal 30)

    I don't feel good today, as since the 20/10/2029, I've been on a PMO binge ping-ponging all over fetishes and feeling all around crap. Not helping been feeling ill as well, using it as a poor excuse to get back into the habit.
    imandrew, BurgerChamp and palindromo like this.
  2. 24/10/2020

    Did my W.A.T.C.H protocol with my 1 KG dumbbells to do 1 set of;

    1.Alternating Dumbbell Curls (60 goal 60)
    2.Alternating Reverse Dumbbell Curls (30 goal 30-60)
    3.Alternating Crucifix Dumbbell Curls (30 goal 30)
    4.Simultaneous Crucifix Dumbbell Curls(30 goal 30)
    5.Standing Dumbbell Pectoral Fly’s (30 goal 30)
    6.Alternating Dumbbell Presses (3p goal 30)
    7.Alternating Dumbbell Front Raises (30 goal 30)
    8.Simultaneous Arm Circles (30 goal 30)
    9.Don't know the name of this, just that it was done by Al Treloar's. Where I had to stand fully strait up with my my arms fully reached out over my head in hammer position, to then (with my legs are fully locked straight when doing this) have my upper body bending over to 45 degrees with my dumbbells switching to over hand positiom then to go back up & then my hand position going back to hammer position.
    A visual can be seen here on page 7
    (30 goal 30)
    10.Standing Rear Delt Flyes head on the bench (30 goal 30)
    11.Dumbbell Wrist Circles 1 (Clockwise) (30 goal 30)
    12.Dumbbell Wrist Circles 2 (Anti-clockwise) (30 goal 30)
    13.Dumbbell Punching Movement (30 goal 30)
    14.Dumbbell Good Morning Deadlift (30 goal 30)
    15.Dumbbell Shrugs (30 goal 30)
    16.Dumbbell Crossovers (30 goal 30)
    17.Dumbbell Side Bends (30 goal 30)
    18.Simultaneous Dumbbell Back Extensions (30 goal 30)
    19.Ski Ski Jumper (30 goal 30)
    20.Calf Raises x 3 (20 x 3 = 60 debating weather to make it 30 each)
    21.Toe Raises (60 debating to reach 90)
    22.Deep Knee Bend On Toes (30 goal 30)
    23.Goblet squat (30 goal 30)
    24.One Legged Squat (30 goal 30)
    25.Straight Legged Sit-Ups (30 goal 30)
    26.Leg Raises Hyperextensions (30 goal 30)
    27. Hyperestensions (30 goal 30)
    28.Push-Ups (27 goal 30 to then work on super setting it with 1 arm assisted push-ups where I use both my hands when going down, to turn put most of the weight on one arm when going up)
    29. Over hand Rows (27 goal 30)
    30. Underhand Rows (27 goal 30)
    imandrew, BurgerChamp and palindromo like this.
  3. 50 so far today. Woke up at 7 am on accident and stayed up and it’s been a great day. Cleaned around the house. About to go for a ride on this beautiful sunny day :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2020
  4. Zephon

    Zephon Fapstronaut

    Rather my arms would explode :D But you do a great job too with 150 pushups! Keep it up!

    Today I did:
    30 secs diamnod pushups (1x18, 1x16, 1x12)
    30 secs regular pushups (1x14, 1x14, 1x10)

    2x12 reversed pushups
    1x16 reversed pushups
    1x10 one-arm-pushups on a chair (5 per arm)
    1x16 one-arm-pushups on a chair (8 per arm)

    I did the first 2 pushup-variations in secs because I want to check out how much effort it is, to do exercises in time than counting the reps - I've read that doing exercises in secs is more effective than counting them until a specific number (until 6, 10 etc.). And it is true: doing in secs IS much harder but you'll get better results. The next one I counted because it is much more effort and I'm not used to them. But I'll work on it!
  5. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

  6. imandrew

    imandrew Fapstronaut

    I've improved my time in "sally up" by 5 sec (1:23), old record is 1:18.
  7. BurgerChamp

    BurgerChamp Fapstronaut

  8. 25/10/2020

    Did my W.A.T.C.H protocol with my 1 KG dumbbells to do 1 set of;

    1.Alternating Dumbbell Curls (60 goal 60)
    2.Alternating Reverse Dumbbell Curls (30 goal 30-60)
    3.Alternating Crucifix Dumbbell Curls (30 goal 30)
    4.Simultaneous Crucifix Dumbbell Curls(30 goal 30)
    5.Standing Dumbbell Pectoral Fly’s (30 goal 30)
    6.Alternating Dumbbell Presses (3p goal 30)
    7.Alternating Dumbbell Front Raises (30 goal 30)
    8.Simultaneous Arm Circles (30 goal 30)
    9.Don't know the name of this, just that it was done by Al Treloar's. Where I had to stand fully strait up with my my arms fully reached out over my head in hammer position, to then (with my legs are fully locked straight when doing this) have my upper body bending over to 45 degrees with my dumbbells switching to over hand positiom then to go back up & then my hand position going back to hammer position.
    A visual can be seen here on page 7
    (30 goal 30)
    10.Standing Rear Delt Flyes head on the bench (30 goal 30)
    11.Dumbbell Wrist Circles 1 (Clockwise) (30 goal 30)
    12.Dumbbell Wrist Circles 2 (Anti-clockwise) (30 goal 30)
    13.Dumbbell Punching Movement (30 goal 30)
    14.Dumbbell Good Morning Deadlift (30 goal 30)
    15.Dumbbell Shrugs (30 goal 30)
    16.Dumbbell Crossovers (30 goal 30)
    17.Dumbbell Side Bends (30 goal 30)
    18.Simultaneous Dumbbell Back Extensions (30 goal 30)
    19.Ski Ski Jumper (30 goal 30)
    20.Calf Raises x 3 (20 x 3 = 60 debating weather to make it 30 each)
    21.Toe Raises (60 debating to reach 90)
    22.Deep Knee Bend On Toes (30 goal 30)
    23.Goblet squat (30 goal 30)
    24.One Legged Squat (30 goal 30)
    25.Straight Legged Sit-Ups (30 goal 30)
    26.Leg Raises Hyperextensions (30 goal 30)
    27. Hyperestensions (30 goal 30)
    28.Push-Ups (27 goal 30 to then work on super setting it with 1 arm assisted push-ups where I use both my hands when going down, to turn put most of the weight on one arm when going up)
    29. Over hand Rows (27 goal 30)
    30. Underhand Rows (27 goal 30)
  9. 50 so far today
    I’ve decided to start putting my numbers on the calendar on my bedroom wall as added motivation. Last night I had a tired stupid relapse.

    Day 1 today. It’s a new day. 60 days by Christmas is my new goal
  10. Great goal man, mine is to reach 30 and do it with great form before doing a superset of 1 arm assisted push-ups & push-ups and doing 2kg instead of 1
    imandrew, palindromo and BurgerChamp like this.
  11. 55 more
    For a total of 105 today
    imandrew, BurgerChamp and palindromo like this.
  12. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

  13. BurgerChamp

    BurgerChamp Fapstronaut

  14. Zephon

    Zephon Fapstronaut

    do you ever take one day in the week as a break? It is very commendable that you keep it up - very very good! But I have also read, that it would be good to take a break, so that the muscles have time to recover.

    Question at everbody:
    Everytime when I do many pushup-variations my lower arms hurts a bit until much - not the muscles but the bones I guess. How can I prevent it? Today and yesterday I took a break because I'm worried about them.
  15. BurgerChamp

    BurgerChamp Fapstronaut

    I get to hear weird sounds when I overdo my pushups sometimes.Like creaky sounds on my bones.
    I just take one rest day and all that is gone and I'm able to perform push-ups better without thinking of a possible injury.
    I think you're good, just take some rest, as I myself do diff. variations of push-ups, too. Also try some stretching and jumping jacks before and after the workout if you don't.
    imandrew and palindromo like this.
  16. Well i do take one day off after over 30 of it trying to beat the last i.e 31 then next break being 32 days. As with the W.A.T.C.H protocol it can be done every day till you feel your body can't handle it, which I've gotten to the point I can do it a lot of days without needing to take a lot of days off. As the protocol recommends that is the best way to do it. Though also doing it everyday as my job at the moment I am not really active so needing to do it to keep up my fitness.
    Though I want to find a short strength building exercise to do after this routine to supplement with this routine to make it more effective, as what the strong men of the early days did & a cardio session for heart health & to help me loose stubboj belly fat.

    If you are interested Rehab, you can look for your self either here;

    Or hear
    imandrew and BurgerChamp like this.
  17. 26/10/2020

    Did my W.A.T.C.H protocol with my 1 KG dumbbells to do 1 set of;

    1.Alternating Dumbbell Curls (60 goal 60)

    2.Alternating Reverse Dumbbell Curls (30 goal 30-60)

    3.Alternating Crucifix Dumbbell Curls (30 goal 30)

    4.Simultaneous Crucifix Dumbbell Curls(30 goal 30)

    5.Standing Dumbbell Pectoral Fly’s (30 goal 30)

    6.Alternating Dumbbell Presses (3p goal 30)

    7.Alternating Dumbbell Front Raises (30 goal 30)

    8.Simultaneous Arm Circles (30 goal 30)

    9.Don't know the name of this, just that it was done by Al Treloar's. Where I had to stand fully strait up with my my arms fully reached out over my head in hammer position, to then (with my legs are fully locked straight when doing this) have my upper body bending over to 45 degrees with my dumbbells switching to over hand positiom then to go back up & then my hand position going back to hammer position.

    A visual can be seen here on page 7

    (30 goal 30)

    10.Standing Rear Delt Flyes head on the bench (30 goal 30)

    11.Dumbbell Wrist Circles 1 (Clockwise) (30 goal 30)

    12.Dumbbell Wrist Circles 2 (Anti-clockwise) (30 goal 30)

    13.Dumbbell Punching Movement (30 goal 30)

    14.Dumbbell Good Morning Deadlift (30 goal 30)

    15.Dumbbell Shrugs (30 goal 30)

    16.Dumbbell Crossovers (30 goal 30)

    17.Dumbbell Side Bends (30 goal 30)

    18.Simultaneous Dumbbell Back Extensions (30 goal 30)

    19.Ski Ski Jumper (30 goal 30)

    20.Calf Raises x 3 (20 x 3 = 60 debating weather to make it 30 each)

    21.Toe Raises (60 debating to reach 90)

    22.Deep Knee Bend On Toes (30 goal 30)

    23.Goblet squat (30 goal 30)

    24.One Legged Squat (30 goal 30)

    25.Straight Legged Sit-Ups (30 goal 30)

    26.Leg Raises Hyperextensions (30 goal 30)

    27. Hyperestensions (30 goal 30)

    28.Push-Ups (28 goal 30 to then work on super setting it with 1 arm assisted push-ups where I use both my hands when going down, to turn put most of the weight on one arm when going up)

    29. Over hand Rows (28 goal 30)

    30. Underhand Rows (28 goal 30)
    imandrew, BurgerChamp and palindromo like this.
  18. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

    I think you're talking about joints or tendons .
    Maybe replacing some of them with exercises that burden little on joints could help.
    A joint damage is worse than a muscular damage , so take all the rest days you want and feel free to interrupt your work out.
    Exactly seeing your last work out , i would suspend reverse push ups.
    Keep pushing bro