It all started with an AP group - A healing journal from loss

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by ArazzoDiGiada, Jun 8, 2021.

  1. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    *Looks around awkwardly in silence*
    Lol, I think many people read but don’t respond if they don’t know how to help (I do that too to other threads)
    What is it that you need help with though?
  2. ArazzoDiGiada

    ArazzoDiGiada Fapstronaut

    Actually, I remembered that there's a guy who can help me. We were in the same AP group where I met K, the guy I'm talking about in this thread. I would like this guy to send K one last message by me. I know, maybe I should just let this story end, but I thought a lot about it and I think this can help me. It can help me because, after that, I will know that I did all I could and that I cannot regret anything. Let's see, I still have to decide, but I feel quite positive about that.

    Anyway, I'll let this journal go on for some days still.
    Yesterday has been a very good day. I have been out all day and did some of the things I enjoy and I believe are important. This made me realize how differently I would have lived this whole situation if there wasn't a pandemic going on. Every problem has been so amplified. And, in a time where physical contacts should be avoided and where most of the day is spent alone, isn't it natural to count on a friend you can only meet in the "virtual world"? The fact that he was so far away, so unknown, made me look at him as such a powerful way to escape reality. And he was so kind after all.
    So yeah, I should not blame myself for the strong emotions I felt these months towards him.
    Life should become a little different now. In a week I'll move in another city for my job too. I'm anxious and a little scared! :emoji_sleepy:
    FallingPetals likes this.
  3. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    If you don’t mind me asking, will this last message be a last attempt to get him back or will it be more like a last goodbye?
    I have been going through a similar dilemma so I would like to know your perspective on this :)
    It does sound a little scary hah. Stepping out of one’s comfort zone is never easy. But it’s also a new beginning, no? I hope all goes well for you :)
    CAKCy likes this.
  4. ArazzoDiGiada

    ArazzoDiGiada Fapstronaut

    Both. Thinking about the whole situation, I realized that I overreacted more than once these past months. I have been too dramatic and I vomited words and words on him, trying to explain to him every little thing I was feeling. It's like I did everything by myself and ignored that on the other side there was a person with his own life and feelings, if it makes sense. It's like I felt I had the right to tell everything I wanted because I was feeling hurt. :confused:
    I think I have intimidated him.
    So this time I just want to send him a short message saying three things:
    -thank you
    -I'm here if you want to come back.

    I won't be hoping too much, anyway. In my heart, I believe this will be a final goodbye. Things have gone too far, I think. That's why I don't want to write to him directly. I have to respect his decision and I don't want to know what he will decide. If he'll decide, one day, to talk to me again, I'll know. If not, it's ok. I'll take the good memories with me and live my life.

    Thank you!
    Let's say this, if I survive to the big challenges awaiting, I'll surely be a stronger man. :p And, in any case, this will be an experience that will make this year an important one, regardless of the pandemic and the shitstorm I've been through. :D
    FallingPetals likes this.
  5. ArazzoDiGiada

    ArazzoDiGiada Fapstronaut

    Today I watched Luca, the Pixar movie.
    Of course, I thought about my friend and I hardly held my tears in the end.
    It's ok, I'll appreciate this sadness. I already do, in a sense. It reminds me that I had a very good friend.
    Argh, it's hard though!

    When I talk about this stuff with the people I know, they focus on the fact that it was an unrequited love. But it's not this that makes me sad. It's that I lost a friend, a very good one, even if I never met him.
    Friendship is maybe the most important thing for me. I'd rather be single forever and have a good friend than viceversa. That's why it's hard. But I'll make it. I'm already making it. :)
    FallingPetals likes this.
  6. CAKCy

    CAKCy Fapstronaut

    I spent a good part of my life waiting for lost loves to come back. The rule is that, that is a total waste of time and letting the disease called "Hope" to eat your insides. If they ever do...let it be a pleasant surprise. But don't expect it to happen...

    So, yeah! Go ahead and make it! Survive it! Make it a thing of the past!
    I'll be around watching you, cheering with every new step you make!
    Gimme an "M"!
    Gimme an "A"!
    Gimme a "K"!
    Gimme.... Argghh... I'm too old for this kind of shit!
    But you get the meaning! :D
    ArazzoDiGiada likes this.
  7. ArazzoDiGiada

    ArazzoDiGiada Fapstronaut

    Here I am, writing again.

    So, I contacted a guy from the AP group, the AP group where "everything started", and I asked him to forward my friend K the message I wrote. He will know now that I'm here if he wants to come back. But, as @CAKCy said, I don't have to hope. Hope will only bring disappointment.
    I don't believe, actually, that he will ever come back, even if I would like it.

    I want to think that, whatever will happen, it will be the right thing. If he comes back, I will be happy. If not, I have to be happy knowing that it will be better this way.
    FallingPetals and CAKCy like this.
  8. CAKCy

    CAKCy Fapstronaut

    I'm not sure too many people understand the depths of a romantic love. For most of the people I met a romantic love is something that gives them the chance to get laid. I'm not sure too many people understand the scars such a love can leave behind. I consider myself lucky to be among the fools who appreciate and need such a love and have felt the deep wounds of a loved one walking away.

    I understand your efforts, my friend. I empathize with your pain. I make it my pain because I've been in your shoes in my past. More than one time. I have learnt, the hard way, that they never come back. When they finally find what they want, they fly to somebody else. In all my years of experience as a "lover", ONLY ONE came back. Many of them, years down the road they let me know that they regretted their leaving. But it was too late. They were only sad memories in me.

    Try to look for happiness elsewhere. Don't consider yourself committed to him. He was the one to leave. He allowed you to move on with your life. Do that. You don't know what lies ahead in your road. I didn't know until I met someone who would change my life. Am I going to lose her? I'm afraid I will. But until then there are plenty of happy moments to live.
    ArazzoDiGiada likes this.
  9. ArazzoDiGiada

    ArazzoDiGiada Fapstronaut

    Thank you @CAKCy for your words. I really appreciate what you have written to me.

    You know what? It's not much the fact that I have been in love with him, but the fact that I lose a friend that hurts me. But there's something more. He wanted to leave, so this makes me think there's something wrong with me. Not that I consciously think I'm not good enough but it's like I'm thinking there's a problem unsolved and only if he comes back, only then I could feel that there's nothing wrong and I can find peace. I don't know if it makes sense. As I said before, it really feels like I need this situation to be fixed. He decided to not talk to me ever again, so this can't be fixed.

    I've been away from home for work for a week and I will for all the summer probably. Work is a mess, I feel alone and these feelings are kicking in again. Shit!
    FallingPetals likes this.
  10. CAKCy

    CAKCy Fapstronaut

    When my wife left (more than 4 months ago) we separated hugging each other and crying in each other's arms. We separated in good terms. She never spoke to me again other than to inform me that she arrived well (after my request). She has her own hurt and her own guilt to deal with. I couldn't remind her of my presence to make that hurt and that guilt greater.

    I think this is what your friend is going through. It may not resolve soon or ever. It may resolve after some time. When the feelings and the guilt become less.

    I don't think it's a fact there is something "wrong" with you. There's a chance you didn't fulfill one of his expectations. If he wanted blue eyes and yours are brown then he chose somebody else. To adjust yourself in order to accommodate his needs would be wrong. Unless you actually saw a flaw in your character that you would need to work on anyway.

    Give yourself time to grieve without looking back. The more you look back the more you scratch the wound. And you are not alone ... You have a lot of friends here to cry with you. I applied for that position already! :)
    ArazzoDiGiada likes this.
  11. ArazzoDiGiada

    ArazzoDiGiada Fapstronaut

    Wow @CAKCy... You are so emphatic and wise. It's such a shame that you had to suffer from loneliness.
    You're absolutely right. I have to wait for that hope to slowly fade away, trying to not put too much pressure in a sense or the other. Lately I'm thinking, thanks also to a conversation with another user, that I have tried to justify him too much. As you said, he wanted to leave. It's tough, but I have to accept that. And, to be kind to myself, I don't have to hope for him to come back, because, if he left like that, he was not the friend I thought. He was a friend, mind you, just not that great one I pictured in my mind.

    I'm also positive that, getting used to the work and to living alone, I will feel better also about this topic. Today I'm already better than the day I wrote the last post. :)
  12. ArazzoDiGiada

    ArazzoDiGiada Fapstronaut

    So he came back, eventually. He came back just to disappear few days after. Just to play with my feelings one last time.
    Alright, that's truly the end of this story. I wish I had been wiser but I can't change the past.
    This is my last message in this thread. Thank you @FallingPetals and @CAKCy for the support. I hope to see you again here in the forum. Big hugs! :)
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2021
  13. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

  14. ArazzoDiGiada

    ArazzoDiGiada Fapstronaut

    Uhm. Things are changed once more.
    He was dating someone. Now many things can be explained.
    I'm not okay, no.
    I would just like some rest. Put my mind in a box and leave it there!
    Can't wait for the day I will feel good. :)