
  1. L

    How to keep the mass when fasting?

    Hello, I believe some form of fasting on some days, be it OMAD or fasting for 18 hours, is an important part in recovery for me. I have fasted a lot last year. From 18 hrs, 20 or 24 or even 36 hrs. And now want to do it again. I'm wondering how I can keep the mass though when I'm following...
  2. I

    Going on a semi-hard dry fast

    First off, this sounds disgusting, but for the next 48 hours, I will not even brush my teeth (the artificial sweeteners in toothpaste spike insulin levels, thus keeping your body from experiencing the true benefits of a fasted state). No water consumption, no food consumption. No vitamins...
  3. Heal2024

    Intermittent fasting plays a crucial role in controlling urges

    Hello fellow progenitors of the world, I recently challenged myself. 30 days of intermittent fasting every day for 16 hours. Eat the other 8 hours. I usually did this during work. It added a difficulty level to my work day. The physical energy wasn’t there to lift all this heavy shit at my job...
  4. Keep it up

    nofap fasting ramadan

    Hello muslims and non muslims brothers, I just wanted to share my experience of nofap during the month of ramadan fasting. It appears that it became very easy for me to stay away from that stuff for several reasons: 1 Fasting reduces sexual urges drastically, there is less, if not 0, desire to...
  5. icebreaker7

    Rest of the Year 2024 Fasting Challenge

    Since this month is the fastest (only 29 days this year) it is the best month to fast ;) You can customize this challenge to your favor. For me the challenge involves: no porn no pornsubs no masturbation/edging And, apart from the second weekend of February and the 29th of February: no...
  6. Mad Scientist

    My journey

    I'm 21yo male a Med student currently on 4th year now My pmo addiction started when I was 1st year secondary school maybe It's 5 years of addiction now My longest streak was when i was on 3rd year secondary school it was around 8 month 240days maybe Next longest streak is 86 days Now I'm...
  7. Back2BestOfMe

    Dopamine Fasting, the scientific approach

    ////////////////////////////////////////// // Dopamine Fasting // ////////////////////////////////////////// I will add more to this thread from time to time, get yourself comfortable and read a bit at a time. "Dopamine lays at the heart to all addiction" - Andrew...
  8. Ūruz

    Extended water fasting for weight loss, health and spirituality

    So I have become pretty fat during last couple of years. Mainly due to depression—me using food to sedate and distract myself when I feel like shit. I haven't weighted myself recently but I am approximating I am close to 300 pounds right now (maybe 285 or so), cos I was 275 last time I weighted...
  9. R

    Concius unconcius?

    So this Morning i had a very realistic wet dream, deep down in My Head i knew that I'm on Nofap and didnt want to engage but at some point i surrendered, and then woke up With My dick in My hand while i was ejaculating. Maybe fasting made me More aroused?? Yesterday was the First day fasting so...
  10. modern milarepa

    614 days. Extreme controversial measures to deal with PMO addiction, sexual problems

    Current streak: 614 days no PMO, semen retention Fasting If you control the need to eat controlling the need to PMO becomes way easier. It'll help the body and mind heal faster from PIED and fetishes. I advice 7 day water fast and if longer be sure you are healthy. I also do a once a week water...
  11. AlexFightsAlex

    Intermittent fasting applied to the use of phone

    I'm reading quite a lot lately about nofap, rebooting, self development, etc. and I came up with the following idea: The practice of intermittent fasting is quite common nowadays, but why not to apply it to the phone usage? So I started at the beginning closing some social networks, then all of...
  12. S

    Failed at NoFap? Try this! 21 Day Strategic Launch NoFap Program

    I name this the 21 Day Strategic Launch NoFap Program I discovered this method works well to jump start your streak. This should immediately put you into a flatline once you complete it. It is not recommended to do this if you do not complete the entire program. It has three parts; Detach 1-7...
  13. W

    24hr fasting

    Hey, so today I decided to take part in my religion's (Jewish) fasting for a full day. It's called Ninth of Av. I do have concerns regarding this because I am not so skinny but still I have been doing alot of sports and especially cardio for the military which is alot of calories burned and hard...
  14. D

    Return of wet dreams and increase in desire

    I've now had wet dreams 2 nights (yesterday and today) in a row. It happens but I don't even feel the moment of ejaculation. This makes me crave that feeling of pleasure and I become sexually aroused. I was able to counter both instances as I was fasting and didn't want to make to break it. My...
  15. Brave Wolf

    What should I eat before working out in the morning?

    I've been working out lately. But the thing is, that I decided that it would be better to work out in the morning, due to lack of time during the day. So I put my alarm at 5:15 AM, made my bed, and I started exercising (calisthenics). It was no surprise, that I felt exhausted very quick, and...
  16. KOD19

    One Good Thing from Fasting

    So like I said in another posted, I did a sun up to sundown fast the past few days. It turned out to be mostly a disaster but I did get one good thing out of it. I was feeling a little delusional on Thursday after work and on my way home decided to stop by this store where I met a young lady a...
  17. D

    I think fasting and ketogenic diet is helping boost my recovery...

    Take this with a pinch of salt since i am not a doctor and i am not 100% sure BUT... I'm one of those desperate cases with a more than 2 years (still lasting) flatline, in the last period i've seen some huge improvements (that i've never seen in 2 years) but the strange thing is that the period...
  18. Quoowahb

    Water-only fast induced flatline.

    I'm on the third day of a water-only fast. My appetite is really low today after a couple of days of hunger cravings. Mental and physical energy for writing, studying, or workout is very strong for me. I wasn't all that tired last night, and I woke feeling rested after only five hours of...
  19. D

    Importance of Discipline

    I've gone through this for the past three years, and only in the past year have I found any sort of discipline, not just in my fight against this addiction but in all forms of life. I started exercising regularly and taking my hobbies like drawing and music more seriously. Although my latest...
  20. D

    Journal: 6 Week Digital Fast

    Not sure if anyone would find this interesting, but I'll post it here just in case. Ideas from Cal Newport, Alastair Roberts and Jordan Peterson have been stewing in my mind, and I'm ready to act. I'm making this as a log of this experiment, both my intentions at the beginning, and the results...
  21. stefanrebirth


    Dead sick, cancer, autoimmune diseases, lawsuits, $100.000 debt, immigration problems, bankruptcy chapter 7. In my darkest hours, I had to make some changes. With my rituals and habits, I was able to transform my life within 2 months. Now I'm debt free, super healthy, created new businesses...
  22. A

    Benefits, succes and changes. A story about a psychedelic journey right into the heart of life.

    Preface Here I am laying down in a couch, wandering between the realms of consciousness shattered around in hyperspace by some crazy substance. It’s clear to me now, I can feel it in my entire body and soul, as if I needed this blast out of the canon again to tell me it’s over. It’s been a long...
  23. R

    Semen leakage and fasting

    Hello, I am a Muslim and I fast every Monday. For the last three weeks, I have noticed that during my fasting days I experience some semen leakage. I do not practice any bad habits. It needs to be mentioned that I eat very moderately when I break my fast. Should I eat any special type of food...
  24. M

    my way of rebooting (fasting)

    hey there NO-Fsociety just signed up to say fasting is a really good way for rebooting my first 37 days of rebooting I was fasting and gotta say it was the best way ive ever tried i mean the hunger and thirst really take ur mind off things FYI im on 67th day of hard mode and it feels good
  25. M


    Fasting have lots of benefits have anybody ever tried it?
  26. S

    33 days is pretty easy

    On day 33. It has had it's struggles. This is what I've realized... Going to church and participating in the sacraments helps A LOT. Staying off the NoFap Forum helps A LOT too. I mean seriously, stop wasting hours on end complaining about how miserable your life is. Accept it and move on...
  27. C

    What is a good goal ?

    If I have been PMOing three-ish times per week for five years what is a good goal? I have been trying to stop for years. I have been talking with a counselor. From age 17.5 to 21 I was clean (but very anxious). During that time I fasted regularly, prayed for hours daily, and was successful in...
  28. RationalBrody

    RationalBrody's Journey of uncovering my Greatest Self

    This will be the story of my evolution, of uncovering my authentic Self & actualizing my greatest Self. Come along for the ride. I will touch upon topics such as: Personal Growth | Self-Improvement | Spiritual enlightment | Meditation Conquering my insecurities , becoming a master over my...
  29. scorchio101

    My first attempt..

    My initial goals: A soft reboot, 2 weeks no PM, which I wish to follow with another 3 weeks of no PMO. Then who knows! So 7 days into a soft reboot of 2 weeks no PM, (I have actually done no PMO for now) and yesterday I felt quite strange. Hard to put my finger on it, but will try. I felt...
  30. Shitwife

    Fasting and rebooting.

    Hi everybody ! I food-fasted for 3 days and had no untimely thoughts, no erection nor erotic dreams. Is there some topic about fasting and reboot ? Is it recommended when starting a reboot ? I do recommend it cause it brings the mind to consider something other than sexual instincts as a...
  31. M

    Three weeks and counting

    Hello everyone. Here is some backgound of my story, in second post I will write how I feel after 22 days of noFap I am very shy person, and also I had, and still have some issues with my mental health. That issues started when I was about 8 yo, I was diagnosed with OCD and Tourettes (motor and...
  32. M

    Time for changes

    Hello brothers :) I am so happy that I have found this site... Its so much easier to share your own story with anonymus, that also fight with same problems. Anyway lets begin. I have to go really deep in past to remember how it all started. But lets start with even before PMO and MO started. I...
  33. AChosenPeople

    Beard Growth on Nofap

    So, tipically I'm one of those dudes that has a baby beard, basically a 5th grade beard at 18 years old. But in the past 40 days of Nofap I saw HUGE BEARD GROWTH IMPROVEMENT. It grows like 4x faster as normal. Testosterone is at sky level. Body fat decreased by about 2-3 % I'd say, combined...
  34. dante khan


    Hello I've been a porn addict for years and it got so bad that I was watching porn and jerking off 5 times a day. It got so bad that I lost my erection and couldn't even remember the last time I had one. The scariest part was when I got testicle pain. I didn't wanna lose my balls or become...
  35. C


    How has fasting benefited you?