hair loss

  1. A

    Increased hair loss on SR?

    I already overcame my addiction years ago; now, my goal is to gain more energy through semen retention (monk mode) beyond addiction. And it works; I get a tremendous amount of energy throughout the day. However, while I do have a high energy buildup on my longer streaks, I also experience severe...
  2. Halibut

    HAIR LOSS Experiment - Does Nofap decrease hair loss?

    INTRO: Hi guys, I am a 27yr old male who has been experiencing significant hair loss for the past 2 years. My dad has a full head of hair, starting to see thinning but he is nearly 60. On my mum side, her dad passed away in his late 40's still with hair and her grandad held onto his hair. I...
  3. zeke27

    21 yrs old, becoming more and more simple as years pass by

    That's right guys, I just wanted to get this off my chest and tell you how I'm feeling. Y'all are welcome to share and comment anything you want on the matter, please be as honest as possible. I'm 21 years old, never had a girlfriend, never kissed one, they don't seem interested on me. To be...
  4. T

    Balding, now I am officially fucked

    I'm about the ugliest person to ever step foot on God's green Earth, I am short and have a rather feminine face. I could work with this because of my hair, which is the best part about myself. Now, because whatever fate exists hates my fucking guts, I'm losing it. I'll never accomplish my...
  5. D

    Does Nofap make you look younger

    Does it?
  6. Testify

    Sky Rocket T

    Hello everyone, i'm new here. I'll try to briefly tell my story and why i am here. Please, read the whole story to the end before drawing any conclusion. I've always been a creative guy, an artist, but even an insecure guy, insecure about the way i looked. Despite people telling me i looked...
  7. D

    Does anyone got hair loss problems due to M?

    Hey I guess this might be off-topic, before I turned 22, my hair was mostly full at front and the hairline wasn't cleared, but now they are visible in the sunshine, and my frontal hair is receding more than before. I'm not sure whether I'm too conscious about it or it's actually getting bad. So...
  8. H

    20 with no libido

    Hey everyone just wanted some advice if possible. I started PMO back in around 7th grade or when I was 12. I’m 20 now and a lot has changed. I had absolutely no problems before I turned 16 or 17. That’s exactly when I started edging to porn though. I would do it once or twice a week for an hour...
  9. Ball3r

    50+ Days Benefits, Advice, and Concerns

    Background: I'm 23, suffered from PIED for roughly 1 year and before discovering NoFap this year I was PMOing almost daily since I was about 12. This week I achieved 50+ days of no PMO and am still going strong. I've learned and gained a lot throughout my NoFap journey so far and don't plan on...
  10. N

    first post

    Hi, I am Vicky, age 25. This is my first post. I have been masturbating since I was 13 years of age and have been "enjoying the sensation" fairly regularly. I have masturbated almost every day of the past dozen years, sometimes more than once(max 3). I am not addicted to porn as such. I do...
  11. H

    Porn Addiction or Medical Issue?

    Hello, I’ve been having withdrawal/flatline symptoms even while on PMO. I am 19 years old turning 20 next month. I started PMO around the time I was 12 and started edging around 16 which is when I started seeing problems. I’ve noticed symptoms such as depression, anxiety, social awkwardness...
  12. Eyonhardt

    Hair Shedding.

    Hello fellow fapstronauts. firstly sorry for my bad english. Today I was on my 170 days no PMO, its my first streak and never relapse. on first 2 month on my streak, i was feeling great with many positive thought, motivation, less anxiety, new good habit. i got a problem after entering month 5...
  13. A

    I can't believe how much damage I've caused to myself

    Please help me out, I'm desperate. I just turned 18 the past month, I'm sure you guys have been through pretty much the same things I have (isolation, depression, etc) because of masturbation. I kinda have gotten over some things, but there are some other things that still affect me. Just so...
  14. Zillion

    supplements of minoxidil are healthy? - prevention of hair loss for men

    I dont have any issues with hair fall right now, but I used to hear that we can postpond natural hair far process to 2-3 decades. usually men tends to lose hair at age of 30-45, but we can postpond hair fall for quite some time with help of minoxidil. so as a beginner, where should i start...
  15. K

    Porn addiction

    I am new to this forum it has been almost most 8 years since i have been additcted to masturbation and i am depressed when i read books i cannot retain it in my brain and i am unable to concentrate on studies and failed in so many exams and due to which i developed anxiety and i get wet dreams...
  16. Hank Pym

    Lots of my friends around my age started baldness

    I'm 20 year old and my 10% of friends(age 19-23) have started baldness. Is it normal at that age or is it pmo effects?
  17. C

    32 years old, I think I am addicted to porn or to fap in generally.

    Few months ago I managed to have nofap for almost 3 weeks. something crazy happen, my curly hair became smooth as hell, never seen it before almost no hair loss.. I did my workouts, healthy food etc and I looked so damn good. many girls tried to hit me and I felt great. I surrendered to the...
  18. Reborn16

    A note on hair growth

    I'd like to briefly share my experience and thoughts on hair loss, and hair growth through my time with NoFap. I started losing my hair in my early 20s, at a time when I was PMOing nearly daily. Now in my late 20s, it has almost completely stopped thinning, and in most areas has started...
  19. B

    I'll Stop Because I'm Balding at 18

    So this is my reason to stop. I don't think I'm balding because of hereditary causes. I've read that using porn can slow hair growth and really Im starting to have the hairline of a 60 year old guy even though I just turned 18. I'll use this site to control myself and stop this terrible habit...
  20. G

    A hair loss sufferer

    Hello everyone, I read/heard from various sources on the internet (YouTube, hair loss forums etc) that abstaining from orgasm can help regrow hair. So here I am as a newbie. I must admit, from what I have seen so far there is little to no concrete proof (photos, or other hard evidence) to back...
  21. D

    Dealing with Baldness - Fear of getting bald?

    Dealing with Baldness Today's post is about dealing with baldness. Some fapstronauts are into nofap because of the stories about hair regrowth, at the time of writing I'm at day 143 of NOPMO and I have not seen any regrowth. (Sorry if this crushed your hope) What did I do? I decided to accept...
  22. M

    My Rebooting Progress and Hair Regrowth

    Hello dear friends, I am a 22 year old working in a software firm. When I return home, I usually watch porn and fap. As a result, I am very depressed and my physical appearance and confidence are getting shattered. As a result of excessive masturbation, I am experiencing heavy hair fall...
  23. O

    NoFap and Hair Loss

    Hi Guys, there have been a few posts on nofap and hair loss on here. I just want give you a round of my experience from day 1-55. Here it is: · Day 1-6, no change · Day 6-42, testosterone/hair tingling · Day 42-55 (present), testosterone change/less hair tingling. From...
  24. MrMojoRisin

    Hair Loss

    Hey guys, got a question for all of y'all. Will NoFap help restore a thinning hairline? I am 21 and just noticing my hairline changing slightly. I have heard that because of hormones being so out of whack it can effect your hair. Is this true? Is there hope in saving my hair, or am I doomed?
  25. H

    Hair Regrowth!!! Photos included

    Already posted these in another thread but thought I would dedicate a thread just to this. Look at the difference between April and September. Roughly 5 months of abstinence. I have slipped up a few times. Anyway, My libido is firing again and I am healthier and more energetic than I have ever...
  26. B

    120 Days Hardmode -- Dandruff, hairloss and my dilemma

    Hey guys, This year I finished around 120 days of NoFap Hardmode (I stopped counting after I passed the 90 days). I felt great and then I made the decision to stop. Why? I was pretty damn sure, that my hair loss increased. Since around 2 years I am suffering slow, but steady hair loss. My...