
  1. T

    Flatlining on the 4th day?

    On the third day, i ended up waking up with morning, and being able to easily get an erection. When i went to sleep on the 3rd day, i purposely sleep on my stomach with my penis pointing downward so it wouldn't get squished while i was sleeping. When i woke up on the 4th day (this morning), i...
  2. T

    Flatlining on the 4th day?

    On the third day, i ended up waking up with morning, and being able to easily get an erection. When i went to sleep on the 3rd day, i purposely sleep on my stomach with my penis pointing upward so it wouldn't get squished while i was sleeping. When i woke up on the 4th day (this morning), i had...
  3. D

    Day 60 for the first time!

    Hello everyone, this is going to be a really long post with all my experiences so far so please sit tight. Introduction: So to begin, call me Captain. I had many intimate experiences with my girlfriends but I never had sex nor BJ/HJs. When I was 19 I had sex for the first time and I couldn't...
  4. kowalski

    Seemingly invincible addiction

    Hello fellow I am 17, and have been a slave to PMO addiction since I was 7 or 8. I used to masturbate everyday for more than 3 years, more than once a day. It has brought me much destruction. I feel that it stops me from giving my best and it makes me cringe. I decided to rewire my brain 4...
  5. K

    My Road to Recovery

    Hello everyone! I just signed up to become a fapstronaut and am beginning my road to recovery from my porn and masturbation addiction. I am currently 18 years old and have struggled with a masturbation addiction for years. I've tried to quit multiple times but I always end up returning to old...
  6. Brae609

    Hey guys, just my intro

    Hey guys, i guess i should just start telling you about myself, i'm fifteen and have been going at it since i was 13 and am just trying to break a bad habit before it consumes me. I am a Christian (i am very new to it and am not a fake). I just hope this'll help me out with accountability and...
  7. JamesCullen16

    5 days in and feeling way too horny

    so I know this already from the past that I get extremely horny when I don't wank for a few days (I'm already an extremely horny guy) And it makes the temptation to Masturbate so much more worse. I want to restrain myself until I get back to school in September when I'll get to see my girlfriend...
  8. D

    PMO as a means of escape and how stopping becomes a challenge (Would appreciate any input)

    Hello! You can call me Captain. PMO has always been a mode of release for me. Whether I was sad, upset, happy or bored. (You get the gist of it) To cut things short, I have PIED. I've never been able to successfully have vaginal intercourse. have been the only thing that worked, and even...
  9. pricelesswish

    New and fighting the addiction

    Hi everyone! I'm 18 y/o f and I registered here about a week ago. I realized my porn addiction was getting the way of my life and interfering with too many of my goals, relationships, academics and even my hobbies. I discovered porn when I was 10, disgusted by it I never went back - till I...
  10. S

    I really need to stop Masturbating. Some advice?

    Hi, I'm someone who is studying at high school and I won't tell you my name. Because what I'm right about to tell you might be a bit embarrassing, especially if It's on the internet. I live in Mexico, and closer to being 16. My life really sucks right now, not in the `Everything's horrible´way...
  11. Joyoflife

    Premature Grey Hair

    Hey guys, I'm a 19 year old guy who, aside from the usual consequences of PMO, is relatively healthy. However, in the past few months friends have been casually pointing out to me that I have a fair number (hard to judge exactly as can't see them in the mirror) of individual grey hairs on the...
  12. D

    I'm 16 and Trying Out NoFap.

    I'm depressed, sad, and I want to get laid. I actually started this about 3 days ago, so I guess this is my 3rd day. If I'm being honest, I want to be able to talk to super hot girls who I feel nervous and small around. I want to have sex with them. But I also want to not only care about sex...
  13. J

    Desperate Teen

    Hey NoFap users....I started on this site yesterday. I'm 17 and have been a porn addict since I was 12. I have to use sites 3-4 times a day usually, and even though I was completely calm signing up for this site, I had to fight physical battles with myself just knowing I couldn't use them any...
  14. T

    18 y/o dealing with PIED

    **New poster and am unsure about what counts as triggers, so please be wary. Also, semi-long post** Where do I start? I just created this account to talk to like-minded people and gather support, because I am in a bad place. My girlfriend is beginning to blame herself for my PIED symptoms and...
  15. F

    The Fappenonimous

    Hi! I'm Fappenonimous. I want to leave the masturbation; so I decided to, after meeting this place, join here. I'm a teen, with almost 16 years old, I'm virgin yet, and I don't like see that my sexual and love life are almost shit. I have got big plans to my life, but the masturbation is a...
  16. SelfControlIsTheGoal

    A side effect of NoFap

    I will continue with abstaining from PM, but I have noticed something over the many months and my long streaks. It seems like I'm on a razors edge in my mood, all the testosterone flowing through my veins making me irritable with a feeling of physical strength radiating from my core. Sometimes...
  17. D

    Stopped watching porn, but frequent O's with partner, is that bad?

    My no PMO streak is continuously rising, but is it bad to continuously orgasm with a partner? Would it be harmful to the reboot?
  18. SelfControlIsTheGoal

    Long streak came to an end

    My GF was talking dirty so I M and came to her. BUT! on the bright side, I've completely kicked the P. I briefly looked at some photos a week ago and I nearly got sick to my stomach , I cant believe I previously looked at it most days. Now I just need to stop M. My record set was 58 day's and...
  19. A

    Ffs why is it so easy to come across P and p subs

    My journey has been an uphill struggle to say the least and I've put multiple safety nets in place to avoid P and yet still video sharing sites aren't blocked so I too easily Google subjects even school work and I find myself watching P no MO tho and having to force myself to close the tab and...
  20. A

    Help! Tips on stopping 'involuntary' porn watching?

    I've been doing NoFap for two months now, my current and longest streak is 16 days now although I prefer the ratio of 7:60 (7 resets in 60 ish days) and generally I have been feeling much better, recently though I've started to find myself watching porn agin and stopping myself when I realised...
  21. D

    Looking for a change

    Hey, not really sure exactly what to type so... I'm in the middle of struggling with masturbation and porn and I need to stop, like, permanently. I'm Christian so personally I believe masturbation is wrong as is porn. I feel guilty when I do it and I know it's wrong, I know lust is a sin, but I...
  22. Asht0n

    Hi everyone :)

    Hey, I'm Ashton and I'm a porn addict... It probably sounds blunt for a 13-year-old to say, but it's, unfortunately, the truth. I guess I should explain my story a bit. I don't remember the exact age I started watching porn but I think it was as early as age 8 or 9. As soon as I started...
  23. overthis

    Feel free to message me if you need to! (17)

    While I am new and just starting out with NoFap, I am a fairly happy person, given my situation. I always want to help others and cannot stand to see other people go through things that make them: sad, depressed, anxious, or just generally unhappy; but also things that I've been though that I...
  24. overthis

    Well... I'm here now (17/m)

    I'm a musician and writer and have been struggling with porn addiction for as long as I can remember and I've seriously had enough. I decided to try and reboot with out any support in December and ,all things considered I did pretty okay; I could almost instantly talk to girls with more...
  25. SelfControlIsTheGoal

    Limiting my phone use

    The phone is the tool i use for P, I'm going to try to cut down on it. When I get home I'm plugin it and only unplugging it to specifically talk to someone or leaving my house. My most resent relapse (which just happened) was trigger by instagram and a screenshot of porn in the browse tap. I...
  26. SelfControlIsTheGoal

    Just relapsed at day 9, It's infuriating.

    It was all my fault. instead of doing push-ups or just doing something else on the internet to distract myself from how horny I was, I went to the bathroom with my phone and couldn't resist myself. I was so determined. I pride myself on being strong-willed and disciplined, but this is the most...
  27. Captain Average

    Why do I keep failing?

    Hello NoFap! So, once again I'm back. It's been promise after promise and I still relapse. I don't understand why it's so hard. I reached 10 days and then relapsed because of an accidental trigger. I feel so weak and so pathetic.. I can't believe it. I'm here because I really want to cut porn...
  28. Captain Average

    Please hear me out, need advice. Any comment is much appreciated!

    Hey everyone, Captain here. Found out I have PIED after going to a hooker for the first time. I fapped to porn since I was 17 but had no problems getting hard with my ex-girlfriends but we never went beyond 2nd base. I felt like the lack of emotional connection was a huge factor too. But...