The START 2021 STRONGER Challenge [CLOSED]

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Deleted Account, Sep 3, 2020.

  1. This is my goodbye, the fifth strike occurred today.

    Big thanks to @BrohkenCompass for running the challenge as well as he does.

    Keep going, don't look back, I wish you all success.
    BrohkenCompass likes this.
  2. Checking in today, Day 34. Last few days have been both easy and dangerous, exams meant that i had a lot to do, so was busy, but it also meant that my daily schedule went out the window, so sometimes the things got dangerous.
    My country will start a new corona lockdown from monday, hopefully my university library will stay open as i absolutely do not want to stay at home. I'll find that out in a day or two.
  3. To all the participants in this challenge, keep fighting against this addiction. Discomfort and urges mean that your brain is changing. Also be careful about situations where you might get PMO urges, and stay away from such situations.

    Remeber ' There are good days and bad days, on the bad days, remind yourself why you want to give up the addiction, and hold fast to your conviction '
  4. Day 37:
    On the matter of improvement:
    "Focus on the progress not the gap."

    On the matter of desire:
    " Don't give up what you want most for what you want now."

    Those two quotes have really sustained me.
  5. 100%.
  6. tonyk1982

    tonyk1982 Fapstronaut

    Day 45 - I read a post somewhere here about "taking a peek" and how it didn't have the same effect as it used to. I've been feeling pretty strong lately so as an experiment I had a look at a P site. Whatever grasp these images used to have on my brain, at least today in this moment, is substantially gone. It was almost like I was looking at a blank screen. The imagery was of no interest to me. I clicked on a couple of pics and nothing, no response from me in any way. I closed the site and went about my day. Now, I have to be very vigilant that this peek didn't crack open a door to acting out that I'll come back to at some point in the near future. But I followed up this experiment with my daily affirmation reading to reinforce my good habits and I guess the "re-wiring" of my brain that might be happening. Something positive is happening because I would have not responded (eg. no response) in this way to these images four months ago before I started nofap. In a way this experiment was a very positively reinforcing action - there was absolutely no attraction to viewing P, so I don't feel any need to go back. I ain't missing anything. So friends, success is possible. Stay on your path to improvement. Every moment, every hour, every day of staying clean creates more possibilities for you to become free of the PMO addiction and to become a better man. Be Strong All.

    @BrohkenCompass - I'll leave it up to you to decide if this is a strike, since you are the Challenge Leader.
    Schia, Teutão and BrohkenCompass like this.
  7. To me this is a journey of self discovery and self improvement. If your opinion is that you conducted an experiment for reinforcement of your goals and for reassurance that you're on the right path then that's for you to decide. Would you give me the strike if the roles were reversed?

    I still have army friends that send titty pics on messenger. If I catch a glimpse I definitely don't count that as looking at P and or a relapse.

    The only guy that matters is the guy in the mirror. Stay strong and stay aware of drifting thoughts. Like you said...the box has been cracked open.
    Steppingintotheunkown likes this.
  8. tonyk1982

    tonyk1982 Fapstronaut

    I would not give you a strike. But I for sure need to be on high alert now.
    BrohkenCompass likes this.
  9. There ya go. Agreed.
  10. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

  11. Hey @Ghost in the Shell, I want to make something very clear.

    What you've done has been impressive.

    I know that hitting 5 strikes probably doesn't feel good. It is what it is.

    But the fact that you've been in the group, put effort forth, and have been a team player, that is all admirable.

    Even in your post here admitting your 5th strike, you end the post encouraging us and wishing us well! That's a big deal.

    I don't know if you plan on leaving the group or staying, but thank you for being awesome.
  12. gcamt123

    gcamt123 Fapstronaut

    Checking in guys!! Half way through the challenge!!

    @BrohkenCompass Can we add meditation to the challenge as mandatory??? I think nofap will be much better if done along with meditation!
    Teutão, BrohkenCompass and JoeinMD like this.
  13. Steppingintotheunkown

    Steppingintotheunkown Fapstronaut

  14. I relapsed unfornately but I feel better and better and I will never give up.
    These journey though me to never ever surrender and becoming the best version of myself.

    Let´s go brothers and sisters :)

    Day 0 Check in
  15. Brahmacharya_UK

    Brahmacharya_UK Fapstronaut

    Keeping on keeping on just for today. Day 70. Yesterday I was in a strange place, and feeling a bit mentally on edge. Thoughts of "P" were trying to break through my mind. P nearly destroyed me - I will not give it another opportunity to do so.
  16. tonyk1982

    tonyk1982 Fapstronaut

    Day 45 - feeling calm. Focused on proper tasks without any distractions of P. What a nice feeling. We all know our triggers and stressors that can appear over the weekend, so let's be aware of that and be ready to deal with those issues if they come up. Stay strong.
  17. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    48 days - Right there with you!!!

  18. theforgotten1423

    theforgotten1423 Fapstronaut

    Everything going good. Reached another weekend already!!!! Hope you are doing good too
    Jefe Rojo and BrohkenCompass like this.
  19. Updated the Standings. Sorry to hear that man.

    Sorry to hear that @Ghost in the Shell . The fact is that you can still keep on streaking hard and end up with quite a fantastic run. Up to you to hang around and continue encouraging the group and feeding your own support needs.

    Really great post IAN. We are all here and fighting together. Win, lose, or draw - tomorrow is going to keep on coming and it's the attitude and willingness to fight that makes us better than we once were.

    Not planning on it. I had once opened up a hyper accountability and activity challenge. It went nowhere. You're welcome to report daily how meditation helps you, and see if anyone chooses to follow. I for one AM a sunscriber to the Calm app and use it pretty regularly, albeit not enough.

    @Samurai_God you've been a great companion through this all. I hope you stick around and keep aiming for your best year ever come January.