The START 2021 STRONGER Challenge [CLOSED]

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Deleted Account, Sep 3, 2020.

  1. Steppingintotheunkown

    Steppingintotheunkown Fapstronaut

    I relapsed this morning. Gutted.
    BrohkenCompass and 1punchman like this.
  2. Possibly just pound out a 15 minute interval training circuit at home or the gym? Go hard on some calisthenics and get that heart pumping.
    Jefe Rojo and 1punchman like this.
  3. Dang. We're sorry to hear that. I hope you can get up quickly, assess that situation, and remove as many obstacles as possible to keep it from being a multi event / multi day thing.

    Be aware. Be committed. Be smart.

    Don't be afraid to tell your story in your journal or here. I find that talking/typing through it has some good opportunity for me to calm down, see the problem more clearly and refocus on my target.

    Wishing you Strength.

    gegenavenger, Jefe Rojo and 1punchman like this.
  4. Deep breath. Read my previous reply and I saw you hit the like button already.

    Relapse IS a part of recovering. Learn something from it and you're better tomorrow than today to handle this.
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  5. Brahmacharya_UK

    Brahmacharya_UK Fapstronaut

    I know that this urge will seem all powerful and all consuming.... But trust me on this, the more you exercise control over it, the less Power it will have over you.

    You must show it who is the boss.

    This too will pass. On this journey you will have Good days , Bad days and every where in between.

    I'm supposed to be working a 12 step program around this stuff, and I very resistant to start this process, But that's my addiction trying to run the show.

    Understand that there are two components in this process, you and the addiction. As long as the you is at least trying to control over the addiction, and not letting it be the other way round.

    Stay strong, we need you in the upper echelons for the combined recovery of the group, and you need the streak to help you with your studies.

    some distraction and brain fog is going to be normal. It will pass!

    Last edited: Oct 9, 2020
  6. Removing these members who now have deleted accounts:

  7. The urges have increased, all the women on the street are attractive to me.
    All of this is annoying to me, I feel that more than attraction I am thinking desperately, I am also seeing women only as something sexual.

    All this could be the consequence of all the porn consumption. I need to detox my mind but I don't know how.
  8. TheManInTheArena

    TheManInTheArena Fapstronaut

    Day 10 today.

    Got an affirmation from a friend that spoke of the importance of listening to truth being told to me about myself that makes me uncomfortable. This is the the way to change, and new experiences.

    Happy Friday,
    Teutão and BrohkenCompass like this.
  9. I think time and patience will help you on that front. Stay patient, give your brain the time it needs to heal(rewire), and stick to your plan on this forum. Over time things will get better, you cant make the process go any faster, so dont stress it.
  10. Checking in for another day.
    Teutão and BrohkenCompass like this.
  11. Dragydof

    Dragydof Fapstronaut

    Ah never tried this. Let's give it a go. Thanks!
    BrohkenCompass likes this.
  12. The self rewarding system works for some people, try it. I will also try implementing something similar.
    BrohkenCompass likes this.
  13. As we near Friday night, and the weekend remind yourself firmly of what you want (and don't want) in your life this weekend. Do not let free time, boredom, etc to be an excuse for those urges to best you. Fight...
    Teutão, gegenavenger and tonyk1982 like this.
  14. Steppingintotheunkown

    Steppingintotheunkown Fapstronaut

    It's a pathetic story but here goes. I was able to disable my blocker on my device, I went straight to my specific chatroom drug of choice, I relapsed straight away. I didn't even get so far into starting a conversation with someone. The next few hours after that I binged in the chatroom, then viewed porn for about 2 minutes, then I felt utterly repulsed and very low. I went out, brought a cheap preowned phone which has child settings, gave it to a family member and they have the passcodes and account set up in their name, they control everything, I can only go on specific sites and apps which they have allowed. Iv never done anything like that before, Iv always had control over my internet blockers because Iv been to ashamed to admit to people I need help. But I have to let someone else now stop me from accessing this stuff. After 6 years I now finally admit that I need someone to set passcodes for me on my devices. Iv learnt a huge lesson today.
  15. Steppingintotheunkown

    Steppingintotheunkown Fapstronaut

    Something caused me to feel stressed the night before and I was to much in my head instead of letting go and just breathing and praying. I woke up feeling stressed and immediately I went about trying to disable my blocker on my phone like some kind of mad man. Me feeling stressed has caused me to relapse a lot over the years. But you know something? Iv never given journaling a fair chance. I'm going to begin incorporating journaling into my morning routine. I think I may have learnt another lesson. If I had just journaled this morning and put my thoughts onto paper I probably wouldn't have relapsed
  16. Dragydof

    Dragydof Fapstronaut

    Chaser effect got me.

    I have learned to cope with sadness and anger, those wont cause me to relapse anymore. I haven't learned to deal with stress however, so got to figure that out. Today I relapsed as well.

    The bad thing is. I'm not feeling bad about relapsing, just about having to tell you guys. I feel ashamed for relapsing two days in a row. Not because I feel bad about the relapse but more because of what you guys would think of it. I want to be honest tho so I have to tell you.
    BrohkenCompass likes this.
  17. I think admitting to the addiction has a big part to play in the recovery process @Steppingintotheunkown . You have done the right thing, all i can say is that stay strong and keep fighting it, its a long process and everyone has to make multiple attemps in order to succeed. Keep Fighting. We all are here for you as well.
  18. Steppingintotheunkown

    Steppingintotheunkown Fapstronaut

    I will never give up. Thanks bro
  19. TripleHHH

    TripleHHH Fapstronaut

    Checking in.

    Never felt stronger doing NoFap then right now, feel like the urges can't control me anymore.
    I want to share the things that really help me, maybe it will be useful for someone..

    I started of getting as much knowledge about how my brain operates when watching porn. When I understood this it was instantly easier for me to take control.

    I always have my goal in mind whenever I have an urge, which is to cure PIED. I think about the fact that my goal is more important than giving in to this urge, after all, my goal is life changing.

    Being occupied with something else when you have spare time at home is great, something that can really keep your mind busy. I'm learning Russian, which feels great because I actually spend my time on learning something instead wasting it on watching porn. Talking about time... I think this is one of the best benefits of NoFap so far actually, I have so much extra time since I'm not masturbation anymore.

    I go to the gym 5 days a week, and even tried meditation, although I'm not really into meditating yet.

    I have been watching videos from this guy on YouTube, really helped me a lot as well...