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day 870 Alhamdulillah .
keeping it short .
eliminate all the triggers
Mental triggers( stop enjoying sexual thoughts its the most difficult one but do not think dirty. stop the thought with in 5 seconds if you leave it to grow than its a problem)

Visual triggers(its my day 870 of no instagram no facebook no whatsapp as social media is full of naked hot women and its also my day 870 of not having downloaded movies as they are full of sex scenes more arousing than porn itself and yeah i watch youtube sometimes but i dont go scrolling in it if i want to watch a video i google it and then from the videos section in google i click the link to youtube and after watching that video i go back . dont get lost in the youtube rabbit hole) If you live in a place where you can watch women naked like on beach etc do not go there . I live in pakistan so its not a problem for me we dont have that here .

Oral triggers(stop talking dirty with girls on the phone or when sitting with your friends or when reading the Quora dont read the nasty anonymous stories they are all lies for getting upvotes like how my dad raped me and how my uncle raped me and how i felt violated but had created an emotional bond with my rapist and how it felt bad and good at the same time . stop reading them . they are porn written on quora)

physical triggers (stop rubbing it against the pillow or blanket or by squeezing your thighs)

By eliminating the triggers you can maintain a streak

Do not I repeat do not set a lifetime goal .
have challenging but a achievable goal
I’ve gone longer than current in my past

yes eliminate all triggers!
In my experience on my best moment For the first 21 days before
Fasted complete fast from foods
Just Tea & water
After 21 days Begin incorporating green juices (not store or brand make them your own) after the fast slowly though & try to get to day 40! If you can do 40 days on water more power to you!

during those 21 days I would read scripture daily and remove all social media & dedicate an hour a day to walking.

cold showers, clean eating, no social media, occasional water only fasts, & daily workouts & sign up for a class or do an activity to stimulate the mind reading or games etc

these helped me before in earlier years, I swayed from the path & am looking to become stronger,
I’ve began to implement reward systems
day 870 Alhamdulillah .
keeping it short .
eliminate all the triggers
Mental triggers( stop enjoying sexual thoughts its the most difficult one but do not think dirty. stop the thought with in 5 seconds if you leave it to grow than its a problem)

Visual triggers(its my day 870 of no instagram no facebook no whatsapp as social media is full of naked hot women and its also my day 870 of not having downloaded movies as they are full of sex scenes more arousing than porn itself and yeah i watch youtube sometimes but i dont go scrolling in it if i want to watch a video i google it and then from the videos section in google i click the link to youtube and after watching that video i go back . dont get lost in the youtube rabbit hole) If you live in a place where you can watch women naked like on beach etc do not go there . I live in pakistan so its not a problem for me we dont have that here .

Oral triggers(stop talking dirty with girls on the phone or when sitting with your friends or when reading the Quora dont read the nasty anonymous stories they are all lies for getting upvotes like how my dad raped me and how my uncle raped me and how i felt violated but had created an emotional bond with my rapist and how it felt bad and good at the same time . stop reading them . they are porn written on quora)

physical triggers (stop rubbing it against the pillow or blanket or by squeezing your thighs)

By eliminating the triggers you can maintain a streak

Do not I repeat do not set a lifetime goal .
have challenging but a achievable goal
I started doing exactly what you said few days ago plus eliminating music and musical tracks.

They're effective. They're working for me. I even stopped eating chocolate and anything with sugar.
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I’ve gone longer than current in my past

yes eliminate all triggers!
In my experience on my best moment For the first 21 days before
Fasted complete fast from foods
Just Tea & water
After 21 days Begin incorporating green juices (not store or brand make them your own) after the fast slowly though & try to get to day 40! If you can do 40 days on water more power to you!

during those 21 days I would read scripture daily and remove all social media & dedicate an hour a day to walking.

cold showers, clean eating, no social media, occasional water only fasts, & daily workouts & sign up for a class or do an activity to stimulate the mind reading or games etc

these helped me before in earlier years, I swayed from the path & am looking to become stronger,
I’ve began to implement reward systems
I started fasting few days ago. My cravings decreased. I enjoyed life more.

But didn't do cold showers since like October or November of 2020. I'll try.

As for stimulating the mind, I'm reading something about personality and they're helping me become confident and assertive.

I stopped workouts like a month ago. I even stopped walking for like 1-2 hours. I'll try to do them.

I'll implement a reward system.
333 days no PMO, semen retention

Cold showers and don't see girls on
screens or on the streets. Sense control is key.
Now that you mentioned it, when I was on a long streak, I didn't look at girls in public or on the screen.

I once watched an anime when I was on a long streak and it was kinda explicit. I felt so uncomfortable I had to mute the sound and look elsewhere. Anime is like 24-25 minutes long. On average, if I skip the opening and ending, I watched like 14-17 minutes of the episode if I skip the explicit parts.
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52 days in here, some quick tips:

1. Keep your door open as much as possible
2. Delete social media if you don't use it to network or meet new people
3.If you get an urge, realize it, accept it and do nothing (you will calm down after a bit)
4.Take cold showers they kill urges and make you feel like an animal
5.Keep your room clean
6.Workout and use your time and energy on something rather than the pmo you would usually do
7.Don't peak ever; you can look in real life if you see someone attractive but don't stare like a creep lol
8.Remeber why your doing it (was it because of ED, PE, low confidence, bad anxiety etc)
9.Remeber that healing takes time, you won't really see the benefits until about a month in
10. IMO, after the 3 week mark urges are a lot easier to deal with. Some days are harder than others but on the whole its not as bad.
11.Its not just about fapping, use this to become disciplined in other areas of your life as well (relates to eating healthy, working out, doing things that step you out of your comfort zone)
52 days in here, some quick tips:

1. Keep your door open as much as possible
2. Delete social media if you don't use it to network or meet new people
3.If you get an urge, realize it, accept it and do nothing (you will calm down after a bit)
4.Take cold showers they kill urges and make you feel like an animal
5.Keep your room clean
6.Workout and use your time and energy on something rather than the pmo you would usually do
7.Don't peak ever; you can look in real life if you see someone attractive but don't stare like a creep lol
8.Remeber why your doing it (was it because of ED, PE, low confidence, bad anxiety etc)
9.Remeber that healing takes time, you won't really see the benefits until about a month in
10. IMO, after the 3 week mark urges are a lot easier to deal with. Some days are harder than others but on the whole its not as bad.
11.Its not just about fapping, use this to become disciplined in other areas of your life as well (relates to eating healthy, working out, doing things that step you out of your comfort zone)
You're advice is similar to the above. I guess Nofappers have things in common:

No staring at women
Cold showers
Deleting social media

And you said something vital for those who are on Day 1: healing takes time. From your experience, you'll manage the urges after 21 days. And the benefits came around Day 30-31.

And you said we must remember why we started Nofap. This is also important for people who spiral quickly.

3.If you get an urge, realize it, accept it and do nothing (you will calm down after a bit)
I think few people know this. You rephrase it better than me.
What day are you on?

And what do you mean by "force and willpower?"
Well if you want my honest opinion, I think that "willpower" is not a very useful or accurate concept. We can't just decide how much we want to do something, or how motivated we are at any given time. There has to be a genuine desire to quit our addictive behavior, just like there has to be a cause for us to become addicted in the first place. And I don't just mean wanting to quit - we all want to quit. What I mean is that we have to get ourselves to a place where we no longer feel, on a deep level, that our addictive behavior benefits us any more. Unfortunately, that is a long and difficult process.

I believe that quitting addictions often involves a process of self-discovery. Rather than giving ourselves commands, or resolutions, or motivational speeches, I think we need to look objectively inward at who we are and why. Most of the time (this is just a guess), it seems that we are dealing with way more than just addiction. There are "Loneliness" and "Self-Improvement" sections on this forum for a reason.
Got to 182 days no porn. Stumbled first week of March but I’ve been so busy with stuff completely unrelated to recovery that I haven’t even checked how long it’s been until just this moment.

And that’s Key. Go put your mind to something else completely unrelated to nofap that tests you, that fucken terrifies you and step by step accomplish stuff related to it, showing yourself that you can do it. Appreciating the ups / downs of that thing. Then do the same thing for something else.
Go put your mind to something else completely nofap unrelated/sex related that tests you, that fucken terrifies you and step by step accomplish stuff related to it, showing yourself that you can do it.
You bring up a really good point here. Fear is a very powerful emotion, and overcoming it can often make us feel so confident that changing our poor habits becomes an easier task. For example, when I joined the USMC I suffered from severe social anxiety, and ever since then I have been able to convince myself to participate in social activities which I would have refused in the past.
Yes exactly. And fear can come from anything really. Go learn to dance, join a bootcamp, a high interval workout program, buy a house, move out of your parents, join a coding course for free, pay for a coding course and do it, go flirt with women with a mask on, embrace complete solitude and face your past, take on boxing, the list go on and on and on. And I know we have covid, but virtual equivalents to a lot of these things are popping up, it’s just a matter of looking.

In summary: Your goals with NoFap must be a side mission. Not the main Quest.
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61 days no PMO
I think we all need to develop healthy habits in our lives. I use to:
- run at least three times a week or when I am bored
- meditate 10 minutes daily to clear my mind of dirty thougths
- read daily in order to avoid thinking about porn and to redirect my mind to the story of the book

I also stopped scrolling down facebook's news feed or stalking profiles of girls and I completely stopped using instagram because there are a lot of triggers.
Well if you want my honest opinion, I think that "willpower" is not a very useful or accurate concept. We can't just decide how much we want to do something, or how motivated we are at any given time. There has to be a genuine desire to quit our addictive behavior, just like there has to be a cause for us to become addicted in the first place. And I don't just mean wanting to quit - we all want to quit. What I mean is that we have to get ourselves to a place where we no longer feel, on a deep level, that our addictive behavior benefits us any more. Unfortunately, that is a long and difficult process.

I believe that quitting addictions often involves a process of self-discovery. Rather than giving ourselves commands, or resolutions, or motivational speeches, I think we need to look objectively inward at who we are and why. Most of the time (this is just a guess), it seems that we are dealing with way more than just addiction. There are "Loneliness" and "Self-Improvement" sections on this forum for a reason.
Making our emotions decide that pmo is wrong for us?
Got to 182 days no porn. Stumbled first week of March but I’ve been so busy with stuff completely unrelated to recovery that I haven’t even checked how long it’s been until just this moment.

And that’s Key. Go put your mind to something else completely unrelated to nofap that tests you, that fucken terrifies you and step by step accomplish stuff related to it, showing yourself that you can do it. Appreciating the ups / downs of that thing. Then do the same thing for something else.
Yup. Right now, I'm focusing on something other than pron whenever I get urges. I feel liberated.