52 days in here, some quick tips:
1. Keep your door open as much as possible
2. Delete social media if you don't use it to network or meet new people
3.If you get an urge, realize it, accept it and do nothing (you will calm down after a bit)
4.Take cold showers they kill urges and make you feel like an animal
5.Keep your room clean
6.Workout and use your time and energy on something rather than the pmo you would usually do
7.Don't peak ever; you can look in real life if you see someone attractive but don't stare like a creep lol
8.Remeber why your doing it (was it because of ED, PE, low confidence, bad anxiety etc)
9.Remeber that healing takes time, you won't really see the benefits until about a month in
10. IMO, after the 3 week mark urges are a lot easier to deal with. Some days are harder than others but on the whole its not as bad.
11.Its not just about fapping, use this to become disciplined in other areas of your life as well (relates to eating healthy, working out, doing things that step you out of your comfort zone)