So I did MO after 90+ on pmo. Lost track of the actual number but I was around 100 days pmo free. I got curios after seeing something called “healthy masturbation” and also the sexual tensions have just been really getting to me after I started nofap which is why I am here now.
I can’t lie “healthy masturbation” feels good and I don’t feel bad about relapsing this time as I went around 100 day pmo. I know people can masturbate in moderation and after trying it I can safely say it’s not for me. I MO’d without P and tried focusing on myself and my body during the experience for those who don’t know what “healthy masturbation” is. I know not all my progress is gone just because I MO’d one time after 100 days which is mostly why I feel good and am not beating myself up.
my original goal was to be on pmo for like a month and for that I can say I crushed it. I feel really good about the things I was able to achieve during this time. Like having better eye contact especially with women, almost getting a girlfriend, and being more active. I would 100% say get on nofap it is a great thing to do. Even if you just MO in moderation without P. If you only do it once a month or whatever you schedule is why do it at all?
- Even though I was 100 days pmo clean I feel like I didn’t get to feel full experience because I didn’t replace my free time and boredom with more good habits with stuff like studying or reading. Although I definitely did study and read more after being on no pmo. So if your bored or just find yourself with free time do something productive.
- don’t beat yourself up over relapsing. Trust me I had a lot more other streaks before this one and everytime I would just beat myself up after I relapsed. But after being on my longest streak trust me you don’t instantly lose all the benefits after MO’ing once after a long streak.
- don’t take “healthy masturbation” as an excuse to M. I’ve tried it and I would only say it’s only sorta worth to do it if you wait like 90 days between each M session. There aren’t even that many studies that show that this way of diddling is even that good it’s just better that your not M’ing with P
- also for “healthy masturbating” people will often keep on relapsing after they’ve tried it and will eventually pull them back into their old habits. DONT FALL VICTIM TO THIS!!!
I can’t lie “healthy masturbation” feels good and I don’t feel bad about relapsing this time as I went around 100 day pmo. I know people can masturbate in moderation and after trying it I can safely say it’s not for me. I MO’d without P and tried focusing on myself and my body during the experience for those who don’t know what “healthy masturbation” is. I know not all my progress is gone just because I MO’d one time after 100 days which is mostly why I feel good and am not beating myself up.
my original goal was to be on pmo for like a month and for that I can say I crushed it. I feel really good about the things I was able to achieve during this time. Like having better eye contact especially with women, almost getting a girlfriend, and being more active. I would 100% say get on nofap it is a great thing to do. Even if you just MO in moderation without P. If you only do it once a month or whatever you schedule is why do it at all?
- Even though I was 100 days pmo clean I feel like I didn’t get to feel full experience because I didn’t replace my free time and boredom with more good habits with stuff like studying or reading. Although I definitely did study and read more after being on no pmo. So if your bored or just find yourself with free time do something productive.
- don’t beat yourself up over relapsing. Trust me I had a lot more other streaks before this one and everytime I would just beat myself up after I relapsed. But after being on my longest streak trust me you don’t instantly lose all the benefits after MO’ing once after a long streak.
- don’t take “healthy masturbation” as an excuse to M. I’ve tried it and I would only say it’s only sorta worth to do it if you wait like 90 days between each M session. There aren’t even that many studies that show that this way of diddling is even that good it’s just better that your not M’ing with P
- also for “healthy masturbating” people will often keep on relapsing after they’ve tried it and will eventually pull them back into their old habits. DONT FALL VICTIM TO THIS!!!