Making a Better Marriage

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by mrtumnus, Jul 22, 2019.

  1. petros1982

    petros1982 Fapstronaut

    mrtumnus likes this.
  2. Day 43

    A very busy, very exhausting yesterday. Lots of running around, and finally got home just in time for the kids' bedtime. Then I was too tired to do much except scroll through my phone.

    Bible study is tonight. I feel much more prepared than I have in the past, thanks to my new Bible reading morning routine.

    Not much else to report. Things are still going strong, although I did have some struggle yesterday keeping my eyes from wandering at lunch. Not much to tempt me, just a pretty lady sitting across from our table. But enough that my eyes were automatically drawn and had to actively fight to stop myself. I hope someday that I'll be able to overcome this part of my addiction, so that I can actually see females, rather than objectify them.

    School starts tomorrow. I'm hoping it will hit less like a hammer and more like a gradual wading into a pool. I'm still committed to posting here and writing in my private journal, so hopefully these practices will help even when the going gets tough(er).

    I feel: Trepidation, but not fear. Contentment

    EDIT: I did forget to mention one realization I had yesterday. I often feel anxious about having other people over to our house. I used to think it was just selfishness; not wanting to entertain because I am an 'introvert' and want my time to myself. While it may be that, I think it's also a fear of man as well. My house has lots of work that I (feel that I) have not kept up with as well I could/should have. I especially felt this way with some family in town that owns a house-building business. This is another avenue I need to explore, as it is another way for me to spiral down into feelings of shame and inadequacy.
  3. Day 44

    Nice day for the pool yesterday. Got to visit with some family in town and the kids had a blast playing with each other. Sad to see them go; will be nearly a year until we see them again.

    I've really enjoyed praying with my wife before bed, and she's said she appreciates it too. It helps us both to reflect, reorient, and connect, especially after the busy days. I haven't been quite consistent about it, but I'd like to make it more of a priority, as I have with our family devotion time.

    I had some vague dreams about P last night, I think. I can't remember anything, just a brief feeling of shame and fear over using it.

    Didn't get to do my devotions this morning, as I ran out of time getting kids ready for school. I could have done it if I had been a little more thoughtful about planning the morning.

    Onward and upward! Tomorrow will be halfway through my stated challenge. Afterward, I'm still narrowing down what I would like to work on.

    I feel: Tired, but ready to work. Excited for my kids & wife.
    Acky31, Deleted Account and Tao Jones like this.
  4. Day 45

    Halfway to 90 days! Feels kind of arbitrary, since I really want to quit PM forever. But for now it is an achievable goal that I can celebrate when it arrives. And regardless of the goal on the horizon, it will always be one day at a time.

    I found out last week my PT will be moving on. Which stinks, because he's awesome. I could stick with him, but that would be significantly more out of the way, and probably cost more (I get a company discount right now). Anyhow, overall mobility is good, just still have some chronic pain that won't go away.

    Work was just okay yesterday. I was highly distracted and procrastinating. It's so annoying how the relatively simple and easy task of gathering information and requirements is one of my biggest hangups in starting a new project. Once I get through that and get to the actual system design and implementation, it starts to get fun and I get engaged. If I think about it, it's probably a pride issue. It comes from early on in the classroom - not wanting to ask questions for fear of being wrong or looking stupid. As the Chinese proverb says, "He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever." Also, anxiety over bothering people or being annoying.

    Had a nice dinner and evening time with the family before going to counseling. The session was good; again it was much more of my counselor 'lecturing' than us discussing me, really. But, to some extent, that's what I need. I need someone to speak external truth into my life and bring me out of the many ways I have deluded myself about what life is about and what my needs are. The subject was the different levels of relapse (mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical) and accountability. I have some accountability in my life, mostly comprising of one online group. However, that only gives me help if I ask for it. I don't have anyone, other than my wife, in my life who regularly reaches out to me to see if I'm doing OK. I do have one IRL friend that would probably fit the bill for this, but we aren't in regular contact at the moment. Something to think about. I don't want to rely on my current streak and attitude to carry my recovery in the long-term.

    My SO verbalized her appreciation for my efforts over the past month, as well as particular some notes and flowers I recently got her. It's an improvement for me, as when I was in my addiction-mindset, I would have (either overtly or subconsciously) expected her to put-out as a response. My struggle continues, however, because I feel that at some level, I DO still expect a response from her, eventually. Maybe after years of treating her better. Maybe that will be the case, but it still shouldn't be my motivation.

    "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself."
    Eph 5:25-28​

    Something I've always been daunted by is the spiritual leadership husbands and fathers are called to. My response to it has been to essentially ignore the call and soothe myself with P. I'm realizing now, though, that leadership is impossible without first knowing the reality of where you and those you are leading are. I finally feel like I'm facing that hard fact, and now leadership doesn't feel quite so difficult. It will still be a challenge, especially with children.

    Anyways, long post, and enough for now.

    I feel: Competent and loved
  5. So wait...are you actually suggesting here that in some part of the world, this is....a "simple and easy task"???? Mind blown.
    This may end up being a bit controversial, but I'll inject my 2 cents. I've had such a difficult time with the accountability issue. It's been an ongoing source of discouragement whenever I've listened to podcasts and read articles stating that this is a basic essential to recovery and that recovery can't be achieved without it. To some extent I believe that, but not all of us are so lucky to have an AP. I don't have friends IRL I could turn to for accountability. I believe SOs should never be APs for many reasons (not that they can't help hold us accountable, but that's different than having a trusted AP that isn't emotionally invested and in danger of getting hurt). That leaves strangers from 12-step programs, which is not as reliable as one would think, but I can't speak from experience with that one. For me, my therapist has been the ultimate AP and why she's still necessary for my recovery.

    So in one sense, sure - we need APs, but at the end of the day, an AP isn't going to stop me from engaging my compulsion if I'm determined to do so. There's the familiar trope I've seen in movies of the alcoholic calling his/her AP while sitting at the bar with a shot glass of alcohol within reach. The AP talks this person down from the ledge and is a ringing endorsement for the value in those relationships. Except...when the AP is in the bathroom and their phone is in another room on vibrate. Then what? That's why I can't subscribe to relying only on APs just like I will never rely on porn blockers. The will, the motivation, the desire to make the right choice all have to be present in a moment to moment basis. The habits and changes we make to our lives will help grow those things and will strengthen with recovery. The need for an AP and the type of AP is different for everyone and depends on the addict and his/her particular situation.
  6. The main help that my team of APs provide to me is two-fold: 1) I know that I am not ever in this alone, and 2) I have a group of men that I do not want to disappoint. Almost of my APs currently are online. (I only have one IRL friend who I meet with and discuss PA issues with.) And I have APs all over the world, so there is always someone to reach out to, day or night. They cannot prevent me from wandering off the path, but my commitment is to check in with them every day and be honest with them about where I am at. This has been of immense help to me this past year. Maybe it's not for everyone, but I can't imagine my recovery journey without the supportive community of my AP team.
    hope4healing and Deleted Account like this.
  7. This is tremendous - and to be clear - I would never recommend against APs. As I said I do think accountability essential to an extent, and I know how valuable it is (just like reading what you wrote had me thinking how amazing that is for you to have that). I've not done this alone - NoFap has been invaluable as has been my therapist, but apart from that I've had to figure this out without having such a strong support system (and a large part of that is my particular situation). Truth be told my journey is nowhere near complete (will it ever be?). Perhaps in a few years of sobriety I can definitively say what is and isn't possible.
    Tao Jones likes this.
  8. Haha, yeah. Now that I read that, I kind of wonder what I was thinking. I guess it was more about the refusal to get started on gathering information, because I know how difficult it can be. Conducting an initial search or asking the first question is, in fact, easy. But yes, complete requirement capture is rarely 'easy'.

    Point taken. I agree with you that APs are another aid in recovery. Furthermore, they are human themselves and will let you down. It is ultimately up to God and each of us how well we perform in our recovery. However, I'm thinking a little beyond just the role of AP. I want a brother in the Lord that will not only keep me accountable to my recovery goals, but also in my spiritual growth. I'm thinking of a David and Jonathan sort of relationship - "closer than a brother". Maybe it's a pipe dream, and perhaps not 'necessary'. It is a little scary to think about - especially already having a somewhat established life with wife, kids, house, church, job, etc. At the very least, I think stronger male friendships could benefit all of us.
  9. Amen. I want that as well, and I wonder if I will ever get to the point where I can have that kind of relationship/friendship, but it would involve overcoming my social anxiety. I've considered going to Celebrate Recovery meetings in the hopes of meeting men who are working at recovery and are spiritually minded, but I haven't taken that step yet. It's always there as an option for me though.
    mrtumnus and Tao Jones like this.
  10. I've often had the thought that there are men in the church all around me that desire this type of relationship deep down, but we're all too afraid to pursue them, for one reason or another.
    hope4healing and Deleted Account like this.
  11. This is what I love about 12-step groups. Everyone is there because they have admitted they are broken. Pride goes out the window for the most part. In recovery, you are starting off where most never even get to -- a place of openness and vulnerability, where your worst junk is on display for all to see. (This is the experience for those truly desiring to recover, at any rate.) In this environment, real love can develop and true friendship is almost inevitable. This is, I believe, what the church was originally intended to be.

    After seeing how "real" my CR meetings were, it was very difficult to go back to the falseness and pride so clearly evident in a typical worship service, where everyone is putting on a pious face and trying to be "good" for an hour or two. The hypocrisy of it is so strong I can almost smell the stench of it as I type. Ugh!

    Go where the Truth resides, wherever that might be. I found real brothers (and sisters) in CR meetings, and I found them and began to grow together with them at my very first meeting. After a lifetime of church attendance, I found the same thing there only very rarely and after much time and energy were invested. I am wiser now about where to invest my limited resources!
    Deleted Account and mrtumnus like this.
  12. Day 46

    I'll make this quick, as I'm pretty busy here at work.

    Ran again solo yesterday. It's rather relaxing. But I do miss the encouragement/competition of having someone with me.

    I was distracted and procrastinating at work again yesterday. Although some things came up that demanded my attention, which was both annoying and welcome at the same time, as it forced me to be engaged.

    I cooked dinner again yesterday. It was OK, I got a little frustrated with the family making cookies at the same time (I can't imagine trying to do that while my wife was cooking!). But it was nbd. Turned out well, would tweak a few ways next time.

    Had some great conversation and intimacy with SO last night. I mentioned that I've been realizing more how much I was not only privileged, but also expected all that I had to come to me (i.e., felt it was deserved). Education, job, wife, sex, family, house, etc. When any of these feels jeopardized, I want to regain control somehow. P was one way I soothed this anxiety.

    I feel closer than ever to my wife. I told her I feel like I'm on our honeymoon again (emotionally). I know she doesn't feel the same way, due to the betrayal of course, and she said as much. But she's glad for me/us.

    I feel: Slightly overwhelmed, but loved and content
  13. Day 49

    Had a nice, relaxing night on Friday - played some retro video games with SO.

    Saturday was full of yard & house work. I felt great by the end of the day, except for my achy body. I played some video games with old LAN party buddies later in the evening. It's always nice to feel like I can justify a little indulgence like that after a day full of work.

    Sunday was restful - got a nap and a long walk with the kids in, although probably too long for them. One forgot socks with their shoes, and ended up with blisters :(. Maybe they'll learn for next time...

    Some reflection: I still want sex from my SO, nearly all the time. I want her to give it to me. I don't resent her when I don't get it, but I do kind of "wait" on her when I'm done doing the things I need/want to. She commented finally on Sunday night that it was a turn-off for her. Hard to hear, but deep down I knew it to be true (and it makes sense!). It's a trait that I've passed on to my eldest, as he will often just kind of wait/mope around when he's waiting for something he wants (video games, usually). It's revolting to see in him, so I'm sure it looks similar to my SO (although, hopefully not so much "moping" as patiently waiting). I'm confident that I've let go of resentment over unmet expectation, now I need to let go of expectation itself.

    This week will be busy. Full swing of school and lots going on at work. SO's birthday is this week, so we'll be celebrating that. Got a sitter for Fri night, for a quick date night. Looking forward to it!

    I feel: Surprised at how OK I am not having had sex over the weekend. Otherwise, physically achy and somewhat overwhelmed. But content.
    Deleted Account and Tao Jones like this.
  14. You are walking the path. Really good stuff. "Godliness with contentment is great gain." You are learning the Truth of the Scripture. :)
    Deleted Account and mrtumnus like this.
  15. Had to look that one up:
    1 Timothy 6:6-9:
    But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.​

    Great passage! I'll have to ponder if this can apply as an analogy to a desire to be 'sexually rich'. It seems to fit. As it would with many good desires we have that we tend to twist to our own ends.
    hope4healing and Tao Jones like this.
  16. Link468

    Link468 Fapstronaut

    Great reflection, @mrtumnus. I know it is not easy to process through all of that, but it is so important for healthy intimacy. I never realized before how much I felt entitled to sex. I was never outwardly vocal about it, but in my core I felt like it was owed to me. Rebooting has given me a chance to step back and take a better look at myself.

    I hope that this journey will be a true blessing to both of you. I know it takes time for healing to take place, but the beauty is that hope is there. Change can happen, and I find so much encouragement from that. Congrats on 50 Days! I’m not on NoFap a whole lot these days, but I just want you to know that I appreciate your willingness to share your story. Take care, my friend.
    mrtumnus likes this.
  17. Day 50

    Ooh, look, a shiny round number.

    SO's birthday today. I woke up early to go on a run, and did that in addition to writing her a birthday card and preparing a smoothie for her breakfast. Some light rain during the run, which I actually appreciate since it cools me off; I overheat easily. I turned it into a prayer run, spoken out-loud. I don't do that enough - it feels weird at first, but is really cool because you involve more of your senses in it. It seems more real that way, perhaps (not that non-verbal prayer isn't!).

    Had a decent day yesterday. I was out late practicing music, and after I got home we kind of both collapsed in bed. I ended up watching YT on my phone while she fell asleep. No temptation or anything, but I did just let my brain kind of turn to mush, just scrolling and watching. I think it's fine to do every once in a while, but I definitely don't want to make it a habit. I think the worst thing about it is that it inhibits intimacy and communicates apathy to my SO.

    This morning, I woke up from a sexual dream. This one was a little different than my P ones, as it was an act I was involved in. Unsettling, attracting, exciting, tantalizing. I'm sure my brain is compensating for the lack of stimulation it has grown accustomed to. Some day perhaps they will subside (but maybe not completely).

    I hope my SO has a nice birthday today. I don't do much for her, but she usually appreciates it. We are going out to dinner with our kids and some friends & family tonight. Date night is planned for Friday already.

    I feel: Excited for dinner, somewhat unsatisfied sexually (was it the dream? or was the dream because of it?)
    Acky31, Deleted Account and Tao Jones like this.
  18. Day 51

    Work yesterday was a bummer. I ended up missing something in a software release, and now have to do it again, which means all the testing and validation has to be redone. I hate causing other people extra work.

    Dinner last night was nice. The kids were, well, kids, so it wasn't as relaxing as going out with just adults. But it was nice to have them there with our friends' kid.

    My SO whacked her head last night on the way out the door. She was bleeding, but we went to dinner anyways. Well, it was still going a little after we got back, and by that point all the urgent care centers were closed. It still didn't seem like it warranted a trip to the ER, so I ran out to pick up some liquid bandage to throw on it. Needless to say, by the time I got back and we got it sorted, we were about done. I journaled and then we both passed out.

    Didn't sleep well last night. I felt slightly nauseated, not sure if it was the food or eating/drinking too much. Did my workout routine this morning anyways, but still felt crappy, so I skipped breakfast. I feel better now, a bit hungry, but I think it should be fine by lunch.

    Have double-therapy tonight. Not sure what I want to bring up with my counselor. Probably the fact that I still need to shake any expectations of intimacy that I might still be holding onto. We've discussed it before, but it's going to be a difficult bit of muck to scrape out, as it's been there probably longer than P. At some level, I'm afraid that if I stop trying and pressuring her for sex, I will never get any. Also, it is the primary way that I feel loved and validated as a man. But these are both things that I feel called to sacrifice. My self-worth and satisfaction need to be grounded elsewhere - nothing this world can provide.

    My SO expressed some concern for me this morning that I haven't been as energetic or ??somethingshesaidIcan'tremember?? lately. I told her I'm still doing OK, just felt sick today and didn't sleep well. I think that's the truth. In the past, I would have given that as an excuse to cover up my complete dissatisfaction with just about everything and P use. But I do feel OK today, emotionally anyways. Maybe a little disconnected from her, but I think it's because of how busy we've been the last few days/week. We have a date night planned for Friday, so I'm definitely looking forward to that.

    I feel: Tired and hungry. 2/4 for HALT, but I'm doing OK with it. Got my coffee anyways :)
    Bobske, Deleted Account and Tao Jones like this.
  19. This is not true for all men. Far from it! This may be true for you as an individual, but it is not a trait of mere maleness. This may be one other way your oversexed brain has conditioned you to view yourself, and it may not even be true!

    Sounds like you are doing great. I am cheering you on!
  20. Agreed; I am stating my current condition and the way I often feel. This is a condition I would like to let go of. Certainly, the sex act will always make us feel good and in a proper place, as it is a thing we were created to do. But I needn't feel like something is missing when it's not part of my life for some period.

    Glad to have your support, friend. You are a great help to me.
    FreeSam and Tao Jones like this.